научная статья по теме Activation of integration processes at higher school of Ukraine Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Activation of integration processes at higher school of Ukraine»

исторические науки historical studies

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.3-3 UDC 94(477):378:37.014.24


Antonyuk T.D.

The matter of research in this article are ways of activation of integration processes at higher school of Ukraine. In modern terms the successful vital functions of higher school are possible only on condition of openness and active cooperation in universal educational space. International cooperation is understood as strategic direction of development of the higher educational establishments further - HEEs). International connections in the field of higher education effectively influence on scientific and educational work of students and teachers, autonomy of HEEs, formation of civil society. Each modern university aims to be competitive at the educational market, and thus creates conditions for an active cooperation with foreign universities that is an important factor of innovative development. The analysis of integration processes ways activation of Ukraine higher education system will assist their use by higher educational establishments for presence strengthening at the world market of educational services.

The aim of the article is revelation of integration processes ways activation in the field of national higher education and examples of their use by Ukraine universities.

At preparation of the article we followed the scientific methods of cognition, and also historical methods. Analysing of integration processes ways

activation in the higher education system was succeeded due to an aggregative method that allowed to collect separate facts from different sources: magazines, published literature, official universities web-sites and concluded in relation to activation of international component of universities vital functions.

Keywords: academic mobility; higher education; integration; international educational space; international cooperation; students; international connections.


Антонюк Т.Д.

Предметом исследования в данной статье являются пути активизации интеграционных процессов в высшей школе Украины. В современных условиях успешная жизнедеятельность высшей школы возможна лишь при условии открытости и активного взаимодействия в мировом образовательном пространстве. Международное сотрудничество понимается как стратегическое направление развития высших учебных заведений. Международные связи в сфере высшего образования плодотворно влияют на научную и учебную работу студентов и преподавателей, автономизацию вузов, формирование гражданского общества. Каждый современный вуз стремится быть конкурентоспособным на рынке образовательных услуг, а потому создает условия для активного сотрудничества с зарубежными университетами, является важным фактором инновационного развития. Анализ путей активизации интеграционных процессов системы высшего образования Украины будет способствовать их использованию высшими учебными заведениями для усиления присутствия на мировом рынке образовательных услуг.

Целью статьи является выявление путей активизации интеграционных процессов в сфере национального высшего образования и примеров их использования вузами Украины.

При подготовке статьи мы руководствовались общенаучными методами познания, а также историческими методами. Проанализировать пути активизации интеграционных процессов в системе высшего образования удалось благодаря агрегативному методу, который позволил собрать разрозненные факты из разных источников: периодических изданий, опубликованной литературы, официальных сайтов университетов и сделать вывод об активизации международной компоненты жизнедеятельности вузов.

Ключевые слова: академическая мобильность; высшее образование; интеграция; международное образовательное пространство; международное сотрудничество; студенты; международные связи.

International activity in the higher education system is determined as one of main priorities and index of that, if that or another university corresponds to the difficult and contradictory challenges of nowadays. Assessment of university international connections position is one of the four main evaluation criteria of HEEs under the world leading universities ratings. Other criteria are quality of scientific researches, estimation of preparation of graduating students and quality of studies. All these estimation criteria are bound in the dialectical field of global education and exposed to mutual influence. The status of international connections is also one of three criteria (as well as the quality of pedagogical potential and quality of studies) of the home universities rating 'Top - 200 Ukraine'. Therefore it is very important to study experience of organization and realization of international cooperation by home universities and to find out the activation ways of this important direction of activity. Discovery of reasons, that prevent to successful development of international cooperation, will become a push to the ways search of their solution and strengthening of integration processes at higher school.


The analysis of universities international cooperation activity allows to discover strength and weakness sides, achievements and problems of its realization. To reveal the successful integration ways of modern higher school of Ukraine as an important factor of its modernization and reformation, claim of positive image of the higher education national system in the world educational space.

Materials and methods of research

The scientific methods of cognition (objectivity, historical method, logical sequence) and also historical methods (problem-thematic, chronologic, analytical, descriptive) have been used in the process of work. Due to the use of aggregative method separate facts were collected from different sources. Optimal use of the published documents, scientific works, publications of periodicals, electronic resources became possible due to the use of methods of search, analysis and synthesis of empiric material.

Research results and their interpretation

Activation of integration processes at higher school depends on many factors that influence on development of higher education and its entering into the world educational space. An important factor that is able to provide claim of national higher school at the market of educational services, be a subject in the world international space is clearly orientated educational politics, that will provide successful adaptation of the Ukrainian legislation to the principles taken for basis by the educational system of Europe. Among factors, that will assist strengthening of presence of the higher education national system at the market of educational services, is the concerted cooperation of all subjects of the higher education system (internal integration), overcoming of science development problems, that exist at modern universities, improvement of foreign citizens education system and teaching of the Ukrainian citizens outside of Ukraine, increase of academic mobility of higher education subjects, decision of problem

of teachers and students' language preparation, wide using of cooperation possibilities with foreign country Embassies in Ukraine, active deployment of the exhibition-presentations of Ukrainian HEEs, development of fundraising activity in higher education system, perfection of international relations tactics, increase of international events effectiveness and others.

In this article we will focus on some of these factors. Main principles that provide organic entering of the national education system into European and world educational space are absolute autonomy of higher educational establishments, their right to dispose of their own funds independently, freedom in determination of academic strategies and approaches. The questions of quality of education, unification and adaptability of the educational programs, the clearness of their maintenance and possibility of their practical realization, confession of documents about education belong to the problems related to standardization of education [3].

The concordance of legislative providing of the higher education native system functioning with international standards opens large possibilities for solution of the integration problems in world educational space. The new stage of higher education reformation is need of bringing of substantial changes to the normatively-legal acts, development and acceptance of a new Law "About Higher Education" [23, c. 108]. The law must envisage reorientation of educational paradigm from process to a result. Organization of each level of higher education must be related to the National frame of qualifications (further - NFQ), compatible with Frame of qualifications of European space of higher education (2005) and European frame of qualifications for studies during the whole life (2008). The new law "About higher education", that will be based on system conception of corresponding changes at higher school in the context of the Bologna Process and the Lisbon strategy, will take into account leading world tendencies of higher education development, will really provide integration of higher education national system into the European and world space [3].

NFQ is an important step in providing of real mobility of students, teachers, scientists within the limits of European space of higher education. It creates terms for comparison and mutual confession according to the Lisbon strategy (1997) of degrees and qualifications that are given at higher school of European countries[14, p. 260-265]. NFQ inputting at higher school will stipulate systems and successive work in direction of radical upgrading and competitiveness of higher education [23, p. 108].

International cooperation in the field of higher education, at presence of corresponding legislatively-normative base, will be able effectively assist to providing of high competit

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