научная статья по теме АВТОРСКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ ТОМОВ 89 И 90 ЗА 2009 Г Физика

Текст научной статьи на тему «АВТОРСКИЙ УКАЗАТЕЛЬ ТОМОВ 89 И 90 ЗА 2009 Г»

Авторский указатель томов 89 и 90 за 2009 г.1)

Akimov A.B. - Surface plasmon polaritons in metallo-dielectric meander-type gratings; Akimov A.B., Vengurlekar A.S., Weiss Т., Gippius N.A., Tikhodeev S.G. 90, 398.

Aktsipetrov O.A. - см. Murzina T.V. 90, 552.

Alba V. - Non-conformal limit of AGT relation for the 1-point torus conformal block; Alba V., Morozov And. 90, 803.

Aleshkin V.Ya. - Terahertz laser based on optically pumped graphene: model and feasibility of realization; Aleshkin V.Ya., Dubinov A.A., Ryzhii V. 89, 70 (63).

Amusia M.Ya. - Distortion and preservation of Giant resonances in Endohedral Atoms A@Ceo; Amusia M.Ya., Baltenkov A.S., Chernysheva L.V.

89, 322 (275).

— см. Shaginyan V.R. 90, 51 (47).

— Effect of electron exchange on atomic ionization in a strong electric field; Amusia M.Ya. 90, 179 (161).

— Photoionization of Onion-type atoms; Amusia M.Ya., Chernysheva L.V., Liverts E.Z. 90, 393.

Araujo-Moreira F.M. - см. Rivera V.A.G.

90, 408.

Artamonov S.A. - см. Shaginyan V.R. 90, 51 (47).

Artyukhin S.L. - см. Dickmann S. 89, 153 (133).

Aurenche P. - Anomalous mass dependence of radiative quark energy loss in a finite-size quark-gluon plasma; Aurenche P., Zakharov B.G. 90, 259 (237).

Ачасов H.H. - К высокостатистическому изучению ао(980)-резонанса в реакции 77 —^ тг°г]; Ачасов H.H., Шестаков Г.Н. 90, 355.

Büchner В. - см. Leksin P.V. 90, 64 (59).

Baltenkov A.S. - см. Amusia M.Ya. 89, 322 (275).

Barber Z.W. - см. Taichenachev A.V. 90, 808.

Bisti V.E. - Charge density excitations in bilayer graphene in high magnetic field; Bisti V.E., Kirova N.N. 90, 130 (120).

Blinov L.M. - Lasers on cholesteric liquid crystals: mode density and lasing threshold; Blinov L.M. 90, 184 (166).

de Boer W.D.A.M. - см. Prokofiev A.A. 90, 856.

Boris A.V. - см. Zverev V.N. 90, 140 (130).

Bulgakov E.N. - Bound states in photonic Fabry-Perot resonator comprised of two nonlinear off-channel defects; Bulgakov E.N., Sadreev A.F. 90, 842.

Buma W.J. - см. Prokofiev A.A. 90, 856.

скобках указаны номера страниц английского издания для вып. 89(1)-90(4)

BunkoV Yu.M. - Magnon BEC in superfluid 3He-A; Bunkov Yu.M., Volovik G.E. 89, 356 (306).

Cardoso C.A. - cm. Rivera V.A.G. 90, 408.

Chen J. - cm. Pavlenko V.N. 89, 291 (249).

Chernysheva L.V. - cm. Amusia M.Ya. 89, 322 (275).

— cm. Amusia M.Ya. 90, 393.

Cichetto L.Jr. - cm. Rivera V.A.G. 90, 408.

Clark J.W. - cm. Khodel V.A. 90, 693.

Cluzeau P. - cm. Dolganov P.V. 90, 424.

Danffldn I.V. - The possibility of Z(4430) resonance structure description in Tt\j)' reaction; Danilkin I.V., Kulikov P.Yu. 89, 454 (390).

Davydov E.A. - cm. Gal'tsov D.V. 89, 121 (102).

Diakonov D.I. - Baryon resonances in the mean field approach and a simple explanation of the 0+ pentaquark; Diakonov D.I. 90, 451.

Dickmann S. - Spin-Wave Relaxation in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet; Dickmann S., Artyukhin S.L. 89, 153 (133).

Dmitruk N.L. - Physical nature of anomalous optical transmission of thin absorptive corrugated films; Dmitruk N.L., Korovin A.V. 89, 75 (68).

Dolganov P.V. - Dimer structures formed in smectic films by inclusions with parallel and antiparallel topological dipole moments; Dolganov P.V., Kats E.I., Dolganov V.K., Cluzeau P. 90, 424.

Dolganov V.K. - cm. Dolganov P.V. 90, 424.

Dubinov A.A. - cm. Aleshkin V.Ya. 89, 70 (63).

Eltsev Yu.F. - Vortex glass scaling in Pb-doped Bi-2223 single crystal; Eltsev Yu.F., Lee S., Nakao K., Tajima S. 90, 584.

Elyutin P.V. - Oscillator heating by the colored noise; Elyutin P.V., MaslovaN.S., Gippius N.A. 90,826.

Eremets M.I. - Evidence of maximum in the melting curve of hydrogen at megabar pressures; Eremets M.I., Trojan I.A. 89, 198 (174).

Fedorov V.V. - cm. Voronin V.V. 90, 7 (5).

Feigel'man M.V. - cm. Tikhonov K.S. 89, 230 (205).

Finkelstein G. - cm. Zhukov A.A. 89, 236 (212).

Fiore R. - The BFKL-Regge factorization and F$, F%, Fi at HERA: physics implications of nodal properties of the BFKL eigenfunctions; Fiore R., Nikolaev N.N., Zoller V.R. 90, 361.

Fomin A.K. - cm. Serebrov A.P. 90, 607.

Fridkin V.M. - cm. Gaynutdinov R.V. 90, 35 (32).

Gaifullin M.B. - cm. Pavlenko V.N. 89, 291 (249).

Gal'tsov D.V. - Curvature-corrected dilatonic black holes and black hole - string transition; Gal'tsov D.V., Davydov E.A. 89, 121 (102).

Gan'shina E.A. - cm. Murzina T.V. 90, 552.

Garifullin I.A. - cm. Leksin P.V. 90, 64 (59).

Gasparov V. A. - Normal-state electrical resistivity and superconducting magnetic penetration depth in Euo.5K0.5Fe2As2 polycrystals; Gasparov V.A., Jeevan H.S., Gegenwart P. 89, 343 (294).

Gaynutdinov R.V. - Polarization switching kinetics of ferroelectric nanostructures of vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene copolymer; Gaynutdinov R.V., Lysova O.A., Yudin S.G., Tolstikhina A.L., Kholkin A.L., Fridkin V.M. 90, 35 (32).

Gegenwart P. - cm. Gasparov V.A. 89, 343 (294).

Gippius N.A. - cm. Maslova N.S. 89, 718 (614).

— cm. Akimov A.B. 90, 398.

— cm. Elyutin P.V. 90, 826.

Gizatulin D.R. - cm. Khlybov E.P. 90, 429.

Gold A. - cm. Khrapai V.S. 90, 389.

— Superconductor-insulator transition in thin metallic films induced by interface-roughness scattering; Gold A. 90, 676.

Gorokhov E.B. - cm. Volodin V.A. 89, 84 (76).

Goupalov S.V. - cm. Poddubny A.N. 90, 756.

Gregorkiewicz T. - cm. Prokofiev A.A. 90, 856.

Gsell S. - cm. Sidorenko A.S. 90, 149 (139).

Horn S. - cm. Sidorenko A.S. 90, 149 (139).

Iordanski S.V. - The vortex instability at the Quantum Hall Conditions; Iordanski S.V. 89, 423 (362).

Ioselevich A.S. - Universality and non-universality in behavior of self-repairing random networks; Ioselevich A.S., Lyubshin D.S. 89, 486 (422).

— "Burning and sticking" model for a porous material: suppression of the topological phase transition due to the backbone reinforcement effect; Ioselevich A.S., Lyubshin D.S. 89, 612 (519).

— Percolation with excluded small clusters and Coulomb blockade in a granular system; Ioselevich A.S., Lyubshin D.S. 90, 746.

Irzhak A. - cm. Pavlenko V.N. 89, 291 (249).

Ivanchenko M.I. - g-breathers in discrete nonlinear schrödinger arrays with weak disorder; Ivanchenko M.I. 89, 170 (150).

Ivanov D.A. - Frequency multi-mode lens for atoms and molecules: Application to nanofabrication; Ivanov D.A., Ivanova T.Yu. 90, 80 (75).

Ivanova T.Yu. - cm. Ivanov D.A. 90, 80 (75).

Jeevan H.S. - cm. Gasparov V.A. 89, 343 (294).

Johne R. - cm. Maslova N.S. 89, 718 (614).

Kataev V. - cm. Leksin P.V. 90, 64 (59).

Katkov V.L. - Energy distributions of field emitted electrons from carbon nanosheets: manifestation of the quantum size effect; Katkov V.L., Osipov V.A. 90, 304 (278).

Kats E.I. - cm. Dolganov P.V. 90, 424.

Kehrle J. - cm. Sidorenko A.S. 90, 149 (139).

Khlybov E.P. - Magnetic and Superconducting Properties of FeAs-based High-Tc Superconductors with Gd; Khlybov E.P., Omelyanovsky O.E., Zaleski A., Sadakov A.V., Gizatulin D.R., Kulikova L.F., Kostuleva I.E., Pudalov V.M. 90, 429.

Khodel V.A. - Contrasting Different Scenarios for the Quantum Critical Point; Khodel V.A., Clark J.W., Zverev M.V. 90, 693.

Kholkin A.L. - cm. Gaynutdinov R.V. 90, 35 (32).

Khrapai V.S. - Calculation of the anisotropic mobility in (110) AlAs quantum wells at zero temperature; Khrapai V.S., Gold A. 90, 389.

Kikoin K.A. - cm. Kiselev M.N. 89, 133 (114).

Kim S.-J. - cm. Pavlenko V.N. 89, 291 (249).

— cm. Latyshev Yu.I. 89, 402 (342).

Kirova N.N. - cm. Bisti V.E. 90, 130 (120).

Kiselev M.N. - Scalar and vector Keldysh models

in the time domain; Kiselev M.N., Kikoin K.A. 89, 133 (114).

Kivel N.A. - Leading Chiral Logarithms for Pion Form Factors to Arbitrary Number of Loops; Kivel N. A., Polyakov M.V., Vladimirov A.A. 89, 631 (529).

Klimov V.V. - Novel approach to a perfect lens; Klimov V.V. 89, 270 (229).

Klingeler R. - cm. Leksin P.V. 90, 64 (59).

Kojima S. - cm. Svanidze A.V. 90, 85 (80).

Kolmychek I.A. - cm. Murzina T.V. 90, 552.

Konczykowski M. - cm. Latyshev Yu.I. 89, 402 (342).

Korobenko A.V. - cm. Zverev V.N. 90, 140 (130).

Korovin A.V. - cm. Dmitruk N.L. 89, 75 (68).

Korshunov S.E. - Two-level systems and mass deficit in quantum solids; Korshunov S.E. 90,167 (156).

Kostuleva I.E. - cm. Khlybov E.P. 90, 429.

Kozub V.I. - cm. Poddubny A.N. 90, 756.

Kuchinskii E.Z. - Multiple Bands - A key to High-temperature superconductivity in iron arsenides?; Kuchinskii E.Z., Sadovskii M.. 89, 176 (156).

Kulikov P.Yu. - cm. Danilkin I.V. 89, 454 (390).

Kulikova L.F. - cm. Khlybov E.P. 90, 429.

Kupriyanov M.Yu. - cm. Sidorenko A.S. 90, 149 (139).

Kuznetsov I.A. - cm. Voronin V.V. 90, 7 (5).

Latyshev Yu.I. - cm. Pavlenko V.N. 89, 291 (249).

— Probing the mechanism of interaction of Josephson vortices and pancake vortex lines

in Bi2Sr2CaCu208+;1! with columnar defects; Latyshev Yu.L, Konczykowski M., Kim S.-J. 89, 402 (342).

Lee S. - cm. Eltsev Yu.F. 90, 584. Leksin P.V. - Observation of the 'inverse' spin valve effect in a Ni/V/Ni trilayer system; Leksin P.V., Salikhov R.I., Garifullin I.A., Vinzelberg H., Kataev V., Klingeler R., Tagirov L.R., Büchner B. 90, 64 (59). Lemke N.D. - cm. Taichenachev A.V. 90, 808. Lensky V. - Manifestly-covariant p3 calculation of nucleón Compton scattering; Lensky V., Pascalutsa V.

89, 127 (108).

Lin C.T. - cm. Zverev V.N. 90, 140 (130). Lin J.F. - cm. JlroßyTHH B.C. 90, 681. Lisdat Ch. - cm. Taichenachev A.V. 90, 808. Liverts E.Z. - cm. Amusia M.Ya. 90, 393. Lu P.-M. - cm. Xia Y. 90, 830. Ludlow A.D. - cm. Taichenachev A.V. 90, 808. Lushnikov S.G. - cm. Svanidze A.V. 90, 85 (80). Lysova O.A. - cm. Gaynutdinov R.V. 90, 35 (32). Lyubshin D.S. - cm. Ioselevich A.S. 89, 486 (422).

— cm. Ioselevich A.S. 89, 612 (519).

— cm. Ioselevich A.S. 90, 746.

Müller C. - cm. Sidorenko A.S. 90, 149 (139). Mantsevich V.N. - Tuning of tunneling current noise spectra singularities by localized states charging; Mantsevich V.N., Maslova N.S. 89, 26 (24).

— Spatial distribution of local density of states in vicinity of impurity on semiconductor surface; Mantsevich V.N.,

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