научная статья по теме CARL PHILIPP EMANUEL BACH’S 300TH ANNIVERSARY Языкознание

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Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach's 300th


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (8th March 1714 - 14th December, 1788) is one of the most important composers of the 18th century. In his lifetime, he was even more famous than his father Johann Sebastian Bach, and his works were unusually widespread all over Europe. He studied law at the universities of Frankfurt and Leipzig. But his father taught him to play the harpsichord and to compose. At the age of 24 he became a harpsichordist in the Royal Orchestra of Crown Prince Frederick of Prussia. During his 30 years in Prussia he composed several symphonies and keyboard sonatas. Turned down to become his father's successor as cantor in Leipzig, he applied to become Georg Friedrich Telemann's successor as director of music and cantor in Hamburg.

The second surviving son of Johann Sebastian Bach, born four years after his other well-known brother Wilhelm Friedeman, was in his time very famous. He regularly travelled in Europe, lived and worked in different cities in Germany, corresponded with the intellectual elite of his days and was extremely productive. He is recognized to have brought extensive innovations to the prevailing ideas of musical composition and the interpretation of the musical ministry, performing and reworking compositions of contemporaries and predecessors.

Keeping himself away from the fashionable 'gallant' trends, he developed his own early-classical musical style, introducing drastic innovations to the composition theory of his days and becoming the forerunner and chief representative of the period of "Musikalische Empfindsamkeit/musical sentimentalism", a transition period between the Baroque (Berlin School) and the Viennese Classicism of Mozart and Haydn.

He was very prolific, writing a great many symphonies, songs, duo and trio sonatas, quartets, more than 150 piano sonatas and piano concertos, organ works, oratorios, passions and motets, and much more.

300th birthday of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

As a piano teacher and regular performer, Carl Emanuel mastered all the theories and techniques of the keyboard instruments of his time. His book Versuch über die wahre Art das Clavier zu spielen is still perceived as the main source of information for the art of keyboard playing of the 18th century. Mozart a.o. refers to C.P.E. Bach as a source of learning and inspiration.

Works for keyboard form the most central part of the work of Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. Much of it is written for the clavichord, but he also began to write more for the piano.

Источники: http://www.weimar.de http://www.cpebach.de/en http://www.bachlive.co.uk

О.В. Полухина

Сведения о составителе: Полухина Ольга Викторовна, отв. редактор, журнал «Иностранные языки в школе». E-mail: editor@flsmozaika.ru Ключевые слова: Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, symphonies, keyboard sonatas.

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