научная статья по теме CHRISTMAS SURPRISES Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «CHRISTMAS SURPRISES»





Santa Claus Elves 1-10 Rudolf-the deer

Scene 1

The room is decorated with Christmas lights, candles, Christmas drawings and pictures, toys and souvenirs.

A Fairy comes in. Christmas music sounds.

Fairy: A good time is coming,

I wish it were here,

The very best time

In the whole of the year;

I'm counting each day

On my fingers and thumbs

The weeks that must pass

Before Santa Claus comes.

Scene 2

The music sounds louder (for example, "Happy New Year" by "Abba" group or the music to the song "Jingle Bells" etc.)

Children with candles in their hands come in. Santa: Merry Christmas, my dear elves. Elves: Merry Christmas, Santa. We have a present for you. Please, listen and guess who is the quickest.

(The children pronounce the tongue twisters for Christmas Eve one by one.)

1. Seven Santas sang silly songs.

2. Santa's sleigh slides on slick snow.

3. Bobby brings bright bells.

4. Running reindeer romp round red wreaths.

5. Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.

6. Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.

7. Two trains travel together to Toyland.

8. Eleven elves licked eleven little licorice lollipops.

9. Santa's sack sags slightly.

10. Ten tiny tin trains toot ten times. Santa: Fantastic! Thank you very much,

my friends!

I guess you all are the quickest. (He takes off his cap and puts it on the sledge.)

Elf 1: (Elf 1 is the smallest.) What a nice cap! My size! (He takes Santa's cap, tries it on. It is too big for him. He hides himself under the Christmas tree.)

Santa: Where is my cap? I can't do without my cap. What shall I do?

(He leaves the room whispering, "What shall I do? What shall I do?")

Elves: What shall we do? What shall we do without Santa?

Elf 2: That's the way out. We'll make a Santa of Christmas paper. And then we'll put the Paper Santa under the Tree. At 12 o'clock at night, the Paper Santa will come alive. Hurry up! There are only ten minutes. (They are making Santa of red and white paper.)


It is better to have Paper Santa made beforehand. The elves only give instructions and pretend to be making Paper Santa on the stage. Pupils will need one sheet of origami red/ white paper or one sheet of red paper and a sheet of white paper. Do not forget scissors, glue and color pencils! Fold your paper very carefully so that your Santa looks neat and tidy.

The children one by one comment on what they are doing.

Elf 1: Body: fold one square in half from the bottom to top, with the colored side on top.

E. 2: Fold it in half from side to side.

E. 3: Open up paper.

E. 4: Fold it in the top and bottom a little.

E. 5: Turn the paper over. Fold in to meet in the middle so your paper looks like this ...

E. 6: Fold the top corners of paper outwards from the middle.

E. 7: Fold the top down to the point. Now the body is finished.

E. 8: Face and hat: take the other square with the colored side on the top. From the bottom point, fold the sides in a little as shown.

E. 9: Fold the top point over once or twice.

E. 10: Turn the paper over. First fold the left-hand side over one-third of the way Then fold over the right-hand side.

E. 1: Fold the top down at an angle as shown.

E. 2: Fold up the bottom to make Santa's chin.

E. 3: Glue the head and the body togeth-



E. 4: Give Santa some cut-out boots and gloves and paint him a jolly face.

(The children put the paper Santa under the Christmas tree. It becomes dark in the room. The clock strikes 12. The children are counting from one to twelve. The Bengal Lights shine in the darkness. Santa appears. The children are happy.)

Elves: Come in, Santa. It is fantastic. We are happy. You are with us again. Santa comes in.

Elf 1: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Santa! Here you are.

He gives Santa his cap back. Santa: That's all right. Do not worry. Forget it.

(He sits down on the chair and puts his cap on. Elf 1 sits next to him. They are friends now. The children recite poems "We wish you a Merry Christmas", "Christmas Message" etc.) We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas, We wish you a merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year. We want some figgy pudding And a cup of good cheer. We won't go until we get some So bring it out here! We wish you a merry Christmas

and a Happy New Year!

Scene 3

Elf 1: Santa, I think we should cook a Christmas pie for the children. Children all over the world like sweet pies.

Santa: No problem. Let's cook it together. We need a lemon, a packet of sugar, flour, baking powder, eggs, condensed milk, chocolate, oranges, sweets, nuts. (The elves put the aprons on and wash their hands. They take the ingredients, knives, forks, napkins and so on. There is a big pan on the cooker. One by one, the elves come up to the pan and throw the ingredients into it.) Elves 110:

- l A lemon

- 2 Great!

- 3 Two eggs.

- 4 Fantastic!

- 5 Baking powder.

- 6 Super!

- 7 Chocolate.

- 8 Fine!

- 9 Flour.

- 10 Perfect!

- 1 Oranges.

- 2 Cool!

- 3 Sweets.

- 4. Fabulous!

- 5 Milk.

- 6 Good!

- 7 Nuts.

- 8 Smashing!

- 9 Sugar.

- 10 Marvelous

All together: Wonderful! (They put the cover on the pan. Santa takes the pan and shakes it.)

Santa: One, two, three.

Elves: One, two, three. (Santa touches the pan with his magic wand, opens the pan and finds a frog there.)

Santa: Wow! Fantastic!

Elves: Fantastic? Wow? (They look at each other greatly surprised. Santa puts the cover back.)

Santa: One, two, three.

Elves: One, two, three.

(Santa touches the pan with his magic wand. He opens the pan. There is a snake. He is very much surprised.)

Santa: Fantastic!

Elves: Fantastic! Super!

Elf 1: Santa! And where is the Christmas pie?

Santa: I don't know. My magic wand doesn't work. Help me, please.

(Elves are round the pan. Santa lights a candle. He comes up to the pan. He touches the cover of the pan with his magic wand and counts.)

Santa: One, two, three.

Elves: One, two, three.

Santa: (opens the cover of the pan) Oh! There is a Christmas pie at last. (We put the Christmas pie into the pan beforehand when it was dark in the room.)

Scene 4

The Fairy comes in.

Fairy: It is Christmas Eve. (Santa is about to start his journey around the earth. He wants to visit children all over the world and to give them presents. It starts to snow. Elves throw white cotton snowballs. Strong wind begins. Santa is very nervous. He is walking back and forth.)

Santa: "Hurry up, Elves! Do not forget to put all the presents into my sleigh. I do not



want any children to be sad at Christmas because I could not fill their stockings with presents on that day. You know we have to be on time. The wind becomes stronger! The deer will lose their way in such a snowstorm.

Fairy: The weather is becoming worse and worse.

Elves: Santa! You should take one more deer. Hey, Santa! You should take Rudolph for sure!

Elf 1: No, Santa! Not Rudolf with his big red nose!

Santa: Rudolf's nose is not only red, it glows. It is almost as bright as the moon. It will light our way.

Fairy: Santa thinks a little bit. Then he goes to the stable.

Scene 5

Rudolf's house: TV, a carpet, a lamp, a cup of tea, an armchair.

Fairy: There is Rudolph - an old, experienced deer. He is sitting on the sofa watching a Christmas Eve Party on TV. They do not invite him to help on Christmas any more. He is a little bit angry with them. He does not feel as old as they imagine. He believes in his fortune and waits for his happy hour. That hour comes.

(Santa comes to the stable. He knocks at the door.)

Santa: Good evening, Rudolf!

Rudolf: Evening, Santa!

Santa: Watching a Christmas Eve Party on TV?

Rudolf: Watching TV.

Santa: Rudolf, with your nose so bright, won't you guide my sleigh tonight?

Rudolf: Hum...Well...Yah...

Rudolf: Now I guide Santa's sleigh every Christmas Eve again. The other reindeer do not make fun of me anymore.

(Song "Jingle Bells" sounds. Christmas lights, candles, bells, snowstorm... The Elves, Santa, Rudolf, the guests are sitting in the sleigh singing "Jingle Bells" and shouting "MERRY CHRISTMAS".)

Rudolf (shouts): Come on! The children of the whole world are waiting for us!

О.А. Теряева,

учитель английского языка, пос. Приморский, Агаповский р-н, Челябинская обл.


Действующие лица праздника - новогодние герои разных народов, каждый из которых представлен в отдельной части: Father Frost, Snowmaid, Santa Claus, Fairy Befana, Papay Noel, Christmas goat Yolupukki, The Sack. Основная идея спектакля связывает их вместе. В сценарий включены стихи и песни разных стран. Использованы "Jingle Bells", "Happy New Year" (ABBA), "Gelato al cioccolato" (Pupo), латино-американская танцевальная композиция "Bamboleo" ("Casa Granda") и русские новогодние песни «С новым годом» (ВИА «Авария», музыка А. Рыжова), «В лесу родилась елочка» (Л. Бекман, слова Р. Кудашевой). Перед распределением ролей ознакомила детей с содержанием сказки, акцент был сделан на традициях других стран. Провела беседу о таких человеческих понятиях, как добро и зло, счастье.

С исполнителями ролей прежде всего отработали произношение и интонацию. Каждый должен был четко представлять себе характер персонажа и его чувства. Работа над спектаклем велась по частям, по мере подготовки текстов ролей, которые дети разучивают самостоятельно. Для того чтобы соединить все части в единое целое, достаточно двух-трех репетиций. Эта пьеса увлекательна и для зрителей, так как они принимали непосредственное участие в действии.


Father Frost Snowmaid Santa Claus Fairy Befana Papay Noel

Christmas goat Yolupukki The Sack


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