научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 1 (505), JANUARY 2012 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 1 (505), JANUARY 2012»

Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,


USA * Canada

MONTHLY JOURNAL Editor-in-Chief Edward A. Ivanian

CONTENTS No. 1 (505), January 2012


Sogrin V.V. Equality of Opportunities as a Factor

of the American Civilization. History and the Present...................................... 3

The role of one of the fundamental American values - equality of opportunities - at different stages of a civilization of the USA is analyzed in the article. The perception of equality of opportunities wasn't shared universally: among its treatments two were actually dominant, namely elite-conservative and liberal-democratic. The first insisted on natural-competitive distribution of the opportunities, the second asserted that equality of opportunities would be guaranteed only with an active participation of the state in its preservation. Keywords: equality of opportunities in the USA, elite-conservative model, liberal-democratic model.

Parkansky A.B. U.S.-Vietnam Strategic Partnership: Economic Aspect............. 19

Bilateral economic interaction is considered by Washington and Hanoi as the main route of the development of the American-Vietnamese strategic partnership at the present time. The paper analyses dynamics and structure of trade and investments between the two countries as well as other forms of cooperation. Keywords: South East Asia, Pacific Age, trade, direct investment, military cooperation, economic assistance, territorial claims, U.S.-Vietnamese economic relations, U.S. states-exporters.

Korsakov G.B. Role of Information Weapon

in U.S. Military-Political Strategy ...................................................................... 39

The article is devoted to a study of Information weapon in various U.S. military strategic concepts and different aspects of its application in association with the beginning of use of digital technologies for military purposes. Keywords: information weapon, strategy of information deterrent, ITT, cyberspace, cyberthreats, information security.

Issraelyan Ye.V. Canada's Foreign Policy Agenda

after May 2011 Elections..................................................................................... 61

This article addresses foreign policy-making by S. Harper's majority government. The main task of the process is to adjust Canada to the changing world order which poses both high risks and broad opportunities for the country. The declared principles and measures taken in the first months after elections allow to identify continuity and differences as compared with the course of the previous years. Keywords: Canadian foreign policy, global challenges, emerging markets, Canada's political parties, Afghanistan, operation in Libya.

History of Russian-American Relations

Kremenyuk V.A. U-Turn over Atlantic: A Decisive Moment

in Russian-U.S. Relations .................................................................................... 75

The article describes an important episode in U.S.-Russian relations after the end of the Cold War. During the night of March 23 to 24, 1999 the head of the Russian government Yevgeny Primakov who was leading an official delegation to the USA decided to reverse the flight and return to Moscow. This was his answer to the decision of U.S. President Clinton to bomb Yugoslavia that same night. Keywords: U.S.Russian relations, role of national leaders, commitments and obligations of the great powers, acceptability and unacceptability in international relations, code of conduct, missed opportunities.


Sushentsov A.A. Subjective Basis of the "Bush Doctrine":

the Test by the Iraq Conflict............................................................................... 91

The article contains the results of an empirical study of G.W. Bush's foreign policymaking so far as the Iraq conflict is concerned. The research is based on ideological, organizational and psychological aspects of policy bargain between moderate and radical wings of the White House (2001-2009). Keywords: U.S. foreign policy, political strategy, foreign policy decision-making, political expertise, Iraq conflict.

Books if Brief.......................................................................................................105

Background Material

Grishanov A.A. Role of Interest Groups in Foreign Policy

Decision Making by the U.S. Congress...............................................................107

While analyzing the results of the reset in Russian-American relations and the process of the START-3 Treaty ratification by the U.S. Senate, in particular, special attention is paid by the author to such mechanisms of U.S. political system as interest groups. The article describes role and meaning of this institution in the context of the history of bilateral dialogue and the latest tendencies in its development. Keywords: interest groups, START-3 Treaty, "reset", lobbying, Russian-American relations.

U.S. States

Idaho (Gem State)..................................................................................................121

As the last publication about U.S. states appeared in the magazine more then 20 years ago during the span of which many demographic, political, economic etc. changes have been registered in the majority of them we decided to start publishing (in Russian alphabetical order) some updated information on this subject.

Технический редактор Л.И. Глинкина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.11.2011. Подписано к печати 06.12.2011. Формат бумаги 70x100 1/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 4,1 тыс. Уч.-изд. л. 12,4 Бум. л. 4,0.

_Тираж 380 экз. Заказ 1979_

Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады Журнал издаётся под руководством

_Отделения глобальных проблем и международных отношений РАН_

Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

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Адрес редакции: 121814, ГСП-2 Москва, Хлебный пер., 2/3. в 691-20-56. E-mail: USA-Canada@mail.ru Отпечатано в «Типография "Наука"», 121099, Москва, Шубинский пер., 6.

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