научная статья по теме ENGLISH TEACHER'S CALENDAR. PART 5 Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «ENGLISH TEACHER'S CALENDAR. PART 5»

К среднему роду примыкают и заимствования, оканчивающиеся на -ent:

das Management (die Leitung eines größeren Unternehmens)

das Attachment (der Anhang) Род имен существительных, обозначающих названия крепких напитков, определяется словом мужского рода der Wein: der Brandy, der Scotch, der Whisky.

Однако в современном немецком языке существуют некоторые имена существительные, пришедшие из английского языка уже сравнительно давно, но адаптация которых к категории рода все еще находится в стадии становления:

der, das, die Jogurt (Joghurt - eine Speise aus Milch)

der, die,das Jus (der Saft) das, der Script (das Drehbuch) Обилие англицизмов в словаре современного немецкого языка говорит не только об обогащении его языковой системы, но и о некотором засорении языка. Речь идет о совершенно неоправданном обращении, особенно в среде молодежи, в разговорном языке, в языке современных средств массовой информации - к лексическим единицам чужого языка, что дает повод лингвистам констатировать появление некоего новообразования под названием «Engleutsch».

И.Б. Смирнов,

канд. пед. наук, Заслуженный учитель РФ, г. Гатчина, Ленинградская обл.


Начало см. ИЯШ, № 1 -4, 2008)


The Roman emperor Augustus named the eighth month August in honor of himself.

In the Northern Hemisphere, August is often hot and humid. Lawns need careful attention or they will become overgrown with weeds.

August is fair and carnival time in many towns and villages. Some English and Scottish towns observe August 1 as "harvest home", a summer holiday which celebrates the bountiful produce of the season. Church altars are decorated with vegetables, fruits, and sheaves of yellow and white corn. It's an old Celtic custom, which had its origin hundreds of years ago when the early Britons gave thanks to their pagan gods and goddesses for a plentiful harvest.

Goldenrod blooms in meadows and along roadsides. Apples begin to ripen on the trees. The wheat fields show that harvest time is near. Flowers of late summer and early fall

- marigolds, asters, and chrysanthemums

- bloom in many gardens.

Although there are no major holidays in August, the entire month is a holiday, for August is the last full month of summer vacation. August is the ideal time to enjoy the outdoors. The weather is perfect for camping and hiking trips.

August is a time to explore the world of nature and discover the many wonders of summer's last days. Chipmunks and squirrels scurry about the woods, hunting for nuts. At lakesides frogs and turtles patiently watch for food. Some birds are already gathering for their flights to warmer climates.

French Army in the War of the Spanish Succession.

John Baird (b. 1888) British electrical engineer, who invented an early television system.

14 John Galsworthy (b. 1867) British novelist and dramatist. He's well known for his famous novel series The Forsyte Saga.

"When a Forsyte died - but no Forsyte had as yet died - death being contrary to their principles, they took precautions against it" (The Forsyte Saga)

"There is nothing more tragic in life than the utter impossibility of changing what you have done" (Justice)

"If you don't think about the future, you cannot have one" (Swan Song)

15 Peterloo Massacre, 1819. Violent dispersal of a political meeting held in St. Peter's Fields, Manchester.

Sir Walter Scott (b. 1771) Scottish novelist. He's known for his historical novels Waverly, Rob Roy and others.

"He that climbs a ladder must begin at the first round" (Kenilworth)

"Please return this book; I find that though many of my friends are poor arithmeticians, they are nearly all good bookkeepers" (W. Scott)

Thomas Edward Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia) (b. 1888), British soldier, archeologist, and writer. His exploits, which brought him almost legendary fame, were recounted in his book The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible" (Seven Pillars of Wisdom)

15 Princess Anne of England (b. 1950)

17 Davy Crockett (b. 1786) US hunter, scout, soldier, humorist and political leader, was one of the most famous frontiersmen in American history. US national hero.

18 John Dryden (b. 1631) British poet and critic. He wrote brilliant verse

satires (Absalom and Achitophel) and plays (Marriage a la Mode).

"None but the brave deserves the fair". (Alexander's Feast)

"Learn to write well, or not to write at all". (Essay on Satire)

21 Hawaii, the youngest of the 50 states comprising the USA, achieved statehood in 1959.

23 Edgar Lee Masters (b. 1869) US writer of nearly 50 volumes of poetry, novels, plays, biography, and history. Well-known are his biographies of Lincoln, Walt Whitman and Mark Twain.

25 Leonard Bernstein (b. 1918) US composer, conductor, and pianist. He is best known for his musical comedies, including Wonderful Town and Westside Story.

Bret Harte (b. 1839) was one of the most influential of American short-story writers. His best works include The Luck of Roaring Camp and The Outcasts of Poker Flat.

26 Battle of Grecy, 1346. The first land battle of the Hundred Years' War, in which the English defeated the French.

19 th Amendment to the US Constitution gave women the right to vote, 1920.

27 Theodore Dreiser (b. 1871) US novelist. His best-known novel was The American Tragedy. His other works include Sister Carrie, The Genius and The Financier.

William Saroyan (b. 1908) US short-story writer, dramatist and novelist. His best-known collection is My Name is Aram.

29 John Locke (b. 1632) English philosopher. His greatest work was The Essay concerning Human Understanding.

"All men are liable to error..."

"New opinions are always suspected, and usually opposed, without any other reason but because they are not already common"

(The Essay ...)

30 Ernest Rutherford (b. 1871) English physicist who made fundamental discoveries concerning the nature of radioactivity. He received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1908.

31 John Bunyan (d. 1688) British writer whose major work was The Pilgrim's Progress.

"Sleep is sweet to the labouring man" (Pilgrim's Progress)

Flowers so fragrant, they're flagrant. Picnic, swim and sail before the gale. Warning: bugs are swarming. Beat the heat - a hasty retreat! Last chance of sun. Cold showers are wet blankets. Soggy, foggy.

August brings the sheaves corn, Then the harvest home is borne.


September is the month of the harvest moon. John Keats, the English poet, in his poem "To Autumn," spoke of the "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness" - and September is the start of that season.

The ancient Romans named September after the Latin word for seven. In the old Roman calendar it was the seventh month of the year.

In the Northern Hemisphere, September is the month when apples ripen, crops are harvested, leaves begin to turn brilliant colors, and birds migrate.

September is the time for aurora borealis, or northern lights. Bright streaks play across northern skies, turning night into a weird sort of day.

A few summer flowers still bloom in gardens. Roses make a last brilliant showing. But the autumnal goldenrod and asters take over the fields and meadows.

Now the birds are on the wing - the migrating season has started. Large and small birds take off in huge flocks. The tiny hummingbird, the astronaut of the world, is able to make a 1,000-mile, nonstop flight to the jungles of South America.

In the Northern Hemisphere autumn comes early. By the end of September the

rustling leaves have begun to make a red, yellow, and brown carpet. In the fields the cricket's song is so loud it almost drowns the slow, rhythmic tune of the katydid.

In the Southern Hemisphere, September is the start of the spring season. The Australian lark bursts into song, and the kangaroo and the jackrabbit grow frisky with the awakening of the new season.

Place in year: 9th month.

Number of days: 30.

Flower: Morning glory and aster.

Birthstone: Sapphire.

Zodiac signs: Virgo, the Virgin (August 23-September 22), and Libra, the Scales (September 23 - October 22).

First Monday in September: Labor Day in the United States.

Holidays that may occur in either September or October: Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).

Historical Firsts


3 First official Labor Day celebrated in United States, 1894.

4 First transcontinental television service started with a telecast of the Japanese peace conference, 1951.

25 First American newspaper, "Public Occurrences", began publication in Boston, 1690.

Holidays and Events

By all these lovely tokens September days are here, With summer's best of weather And autumn's best of cheer.

Helen Jackson

1 Partridge Shooting begins.

2 Fire of London, 1666, that started in a baker's shop on Pudding Lane and destroyed four-fifths of the city.


Weather in August

3 Oliver Cromwell (d. 1658), English soldier and statesman; Lord Protector of England.

"It is not fit that you should sit here any longer ... you should now give place to better men" (Speech to the Rump Parliament, 1654)

"My design is to make what haste I can to be gone" (Last Words)

3 Great Britain signed the Treaty of Paris, marking the end of the American Revolution, 1783.

Sailing of the Mayflower (1620), the ship that carried the Pilgrim Fathers to America.

"The Mayflower", under the direction of Captain Christopher Jones, was known as a 'sweet ship', meaning that her previous wine cargoes left a scent which somewhat detracted from the unpleasant atmosphere (of the journey) "

(L. Robinson)

John Dalton (b. 1766) British chemist and originator of the modern atomic theory of matter.

6 Massachusetts Bay Colony was established, 1628.

President McKinley was shot by an assassin, 1901.

Elizabeth I (b. 1553) Queen

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