научная статья по теме FUNDAMENTALS OF NOVEL IAHE CONCEPTION OF HYDROGEN CIVILIZATION OF THE FUTURE Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов



Dedicated to the memory of Valery Alexeevich Legasov and Anatoly Nikolaevich Podgorny

V. A. Goltsov12, T. N. Veziroglu13, L. F. Goltsova12

1 International Association for Hydrogen Energy |

P.O. Box 248266, Coral Gables, FL 33124-0622, USA ^

E-mail: veziroglu@miami.edu f

2 Donetsk National Technical University ^

58, Artyom Street, 83000 Donetsk, Ukraine §

Tel.: 38 062 3050235; Fax: 38 062 3041278; E-mail: goltsova@fem.dgtu.donetsk.ua e


Sabri Ulker Sk. 38/4, Cevizlibag, Zeytinburnu, 34015 Istanbul, Turkey E-mail: info@unido-ichet.org

Member of Board of Directors of International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE), a member of Honorary Editorial Board of the "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy" (IJHE), Chairman of Physics Department and Head of the Donetsk State Hydrogen Laboratory of the Donetsk National Technical University.

Over period of several decades he has been elaborating hydrogen-materials problem and general questions of Hydrogen Energy (http:// donntu.edu.ua/hydrogen).

Being a Chairman of triennial IAHE special international conference "Hydrogen Economy and Hydrogen Treatment of Materials" Professor V. A. Goltsov represents IAHE and IJHE long-term goal and activity in East Europe and North Asia - CIS-countries.

Professor Victor A. Goltsov

Leading Scientist of the Donetsk State Hydrogen Laboratory of the Donetsk National Technical University, a member of International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Associate Editor of an informative-scientific, analytical and scientific-technical journal "Bulletin of Hydrogen Economy and Ecology".

She is a specialist in the field of informetric analysis of the world progression of Hydrogen Energy and Hydrogen Economy, and of the development of the World hydrogen movement.

She had been the first scientific analyst worked out and published in IJHE (1990) informational structure of Hydrogen Energy as a novel large-scale scientific problem.

Dr., Eng. Lyudmila F. Goltsova

Professor Turhan Nejat Veziroglu

Founder and President of International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Director of UNIDO-International Center for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (http://www.unido-ichet.org), Editor-in-Chief of the "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy", founder and Honorary Chairman of biennial IAHE World Hydrogen Conferences, a key-leader of the World hydrogen movement.

Being a world-renown scientist in the field of Hydrogen Energy and environmental problems he has been and invited lecturer and/or consultant on energy research and education to many universities and research organizations all over the world.

* Доклад на Первом всемирном конгрессе «Альтернативная энергетика и экология» WCAEE-2006, 21-25 августа 2006 г., Волга, Россия.

* Paper at the First International Congress "Alternative energy and ecology" WCAEE-2006, 21-25 August 2006, Volga, Russia.

It is generalized a novel Hydrogen Civilization (HyCi-) conception of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy. The HyCi-Conception states that at this rigorous, severe historical period the humankind still has a real possibility to save the biosphere and makes living out of humanity be possible and real process. The above objective can be achieved by the only way, the way of advantageous all-planetary work along the direction of ecologically clean vector "Hydrogen energy^Hydrogen economy^Hydrogen civilization". The HyCi-Conception includes three constituent, mutually conditioned parts: industrially-ecological, humanitarian-cultural and geopolitical-internationally legislative ones. For the first time, legislative-economical mechanism of transition to hydrogen civilization is formulated, and the most important possible stages of HyCi-transition are indicated and discussed. A special attention is paid to the future noospheric role of the world scientific-cultural community, to the fundamental importance of purposeful forming "hydrogen-ecological" mass consciousness, to the role and responsibility of international and regional legal and political organizations, national parliaments and governments. The HyCi-Conception has marked reasons and inevitability of generating global and local geopolitical contradictions in the period of the world transition to Hydrogen Economy and then to Hydrogen Civilization. The HyCi-Conception envisages these dangers and has an aim to make provision for the humankind understanding of necessity to solve them just by moving on the international legislative road under the leading role of the UN. In compliance with IAHE HyCi-Conception, the ecologically load-carrying regions, like California in the U.S.A., Ruhr in Germany, Donbass in Ukraine, Moscow, Ural and Kuznetsk regions in Russia, Shenyan region in China, will have to play a leading role in the humankind transition to the hydrogen civilization era.


The human civilization development and historical alternating epochs are usually classified by a leading method (material) of manufacture, determining the achieved level of society development and of technical culture of the humankind (Copper Age, Iron Age, etc.). During the last centuries civilization development generally was determined (and is determined) by the energy carrier used by the humankind. Change of energy carrier is painful and always long historical period. Transition from the firewood to coal lasted about two centuries. From the middle of XX century the natural gas occupied its power niche and continues to gain favour over new positions in industry nowadays.

In the XX century the economics founded on the fossil fuels (first of all, on the oil and natural gas) was completely formatted. Technical advantages of this economics are widely known and irrefutable. Nevertheless, simultaneously with permanent achievements, the economics of oil and gas gradually and inevitably leads the humankind to worldwide ecological catastrophe (greenhouse effect and climate deterioration, ozone holes, acid-rains, etc.), and to the global geopolitical shocks, because of the limited oil stores and non-adequate perception of the world ecological catastrophe jeopardy.

In the first half of 1970s thanks to the enthusiasm of conscientious representatives of world scientific community [1-10] (now they are called as "hydrogen romantics"), the fantastic idea of great French writer Joule Verne was revived. This idea was firstly written in J. Verne's "A Mysterious Island" in the 1875. It consists in the opportunity for future humankind to heat itself with water, dissociating it on the hydrogen and oxygen and then firing hydrogen. Indeed, as it is well known the hydrogen firing does not pollute atmosphere. One can find review of hydrogen energy romantic time in [11-14].

In 1974 the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE) was established [11, 12] with its headquarters in the Clean Energy Research Institute of Miami University (U.S.A.). IAHE began publishing "International Journal of Hydrogen Energy" (IJHE) [15], and started organizing the biennial World Hydrogen Energy Conferences (WHEC) [16,17] to provide a platform for forming Hydrogen Energy community [16, 17].

At the same years in the USSR, owing to active position of Valery Alexeevich Legasov (Fig. 1) [18], Anatoly Nickolaevich Podgorny (Fig. 2) [19] and their scientific adherents (see in [20]), Hydrogen Energy started to be of a very intensive elaboration. A more wide energy-technological version of Hydrogen Energy conception, namely "Nuclear Hydrogen Energy and Technology" was steadily worked out by the Institute of Atomic Energy named by I. V. Kur-chatov and some other scientific and technological organizations (V. A. Legasov — the key leader).

Application of hydrogen as a fuel for car engines and using hydrides for its storage — these important directions of Hydrogen Energy were worked out by the Institute of Mechanical and Engineering Problems (A. N. Podgorny — the key

Fig. 1. Valery Alexeevich Fig. 2. Anatoly Nikolaevich Legasov (1936-1988) Podgorny (1932-1996)

leader). Hydrogen as a fuel in aviation and all other aspects of Hydrogen Energy came into the view of the conceiving hydrogen community of the U.S.S.R. In 1975 at the All-Union Scientific and Technological Seminar "Gases and Metals" (Donetsk, Ukraine, 1975, Chairman V. A. Goltsov) Hydrogen Energy was thoroughly discussed, and for the first time, there was pointed out: "Hydrogen-Materials Problem and Materials Safety make an integral part of Hydrogen Energy conception". Then, there were to be routinely organized AllUnion conferences and seminars (Moscow, Donetsk), All-Union schools for young scientists (Donetsk, Ionava, Tula, etc.), and every such action assembled 250-500 participants (scientists, engineers, and industrial managers). Every year collections of analytical reviews and scientific-technological works [21], edited by V. A. Legasov, came to be published (every book consisted of 250-300 pages). As a result, there was an official acceptance of the conception and the USSR joined the IAHE.

By the decision of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology in 1977 on the base of Donetsk Polytechnic Institute (nowadays Donetsk National Technical University) there was established the Donetsk State Hydrogen Laboratory for steadily developing of the hydrogen-materials problem [22-27] and scientometric analysis of the world Hydrogen Energy development [27-31]. In accordance with the agreement between T. N. Veziroglu and V. A. Legasov the Donetsk State Hydrogen Laboratory and the Institute of Atomic Energy named by I. V. Kurchatov had been preparing for IJHE annual reports about the "hydrogen" works published in the Soviet Union [32]. There was established the partnership for permanent sciento-metric investigation and revealing tendencies of the development of Hydrogen Energy [30, 31] and the world hydrogen movement [33].

The last quarter of

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