научная статья по теме HEAVENLY RESOLUTIONS. A “HAPPY” NEW YEAR Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «HEAVENLY RESOLUTIONS. A “HAPPY” NEW YEAR»

Heavenly Resolutions

by Rod Belt

Theme Christians sometimes talk as if the only thing that matters is conversion or being "born again", but this new-year-resolution drama suggests that actually it's the little triumphs of good over evil that God rejoices in.

Characters: Captain Grinbolt, a middle-ranking angel, very stiff-upper-lip and well spoken like the World War II RAF pilots you see in old films; Thudbang, a young, inexperienced and excitable angel; Charlie and Jack, two young people, bored.

Notes: The four characters could be played by actors of either sex. Charlie and Jack have many pauses in their conversation, during which they should fidget, stand up, sit down, looking around, kick the dirt, scratch their names on a wall or - whatever else bored young people do. While the angels are talking Charlie and Jack should continue to hang out looking bored. How you show that the angels are angels is up to you, but white dresses should be avoided. Perhaps military wear with halos and maybe wings. The overall aim is to make them seem real.

(Charlie andJack enter, looking bored, and say nothing for a while.)

Charlie: It's quiet here innit.

Jack: Yeah.


Jack: Did you watch the film last night?

Charlie: Yeah.

Jack: Rubbish wasn't it.

Charlie: Yeah. Nothing happened.

Jack: No.

Charlie: Boring wasn't it?

Jack: Yeah. Dead boring.


Charlie: You know that game you got for Christmas?

Jack: Mega Armageddon Total Destruction 3?

Charlie: Yeah. Can I borrow it sometime?

Jack: Yeah, course.

Charlie: Is it any good?

Jack: Nah.

Charlie: Oh.


Jack: Did you make a new year resolution?

Charlie: Did you?

Jack: I asked first.

Charlie: No, only kids make resolutions!

Jack: Yeah, kids. And old people.

Charlie: Yeah, old people! (mimics andoldpersons' voice ) I'm making a resolution to be nice to my cat!

Jack: Yeah, old people.

( Captain Grinbolt enters at a brisk pace, looking important. Thudbang follows, but is looking intently at Charlie and Jack.)

Thudbang: Did you hear what he just said?

Grinbolt: That's "Did you hear what he just said, Captain Grinbolt Sir?" You young angels must learn respect!

Thudbang (stops, looking at Charlie): Did you hear what he just said, Captain Grinbolt Sir?

Grinbolt (stops and turns to Thudbang): What are you talking about now, Thudbang?

Thudbang: He said he hadn't made a resolution.

Grinbolt (impatiently): Well what of it?

Thudbang: He's lying!

Grinbolt: Ooh, nasty little word that! How do you know he's lying?

Thudbang: Because I heard him make a resolution. I heard them both make resolutions!

Grinbolt: Really? And what were these resolutions?

Thudbang: Well, the one called Charlie promised to tidy his room regularly...

Grinbolt: No doubt he said that to impress his Mum. They all do it.

Thudbang (impatiently): No, he made the promise in private, to himself!

Grinbolt (interested): Really? And what about the one called 'Jack'?

Thudbang: Oh, his was weird. He resolved to end world hunger by eating fewer chocolates and putting a little money each week in a charity box.

Grinbolt (shocked): And has he done it?

Thudbang: Well, he gave the money last week. Not sure about the chocolate.

Grinbolt: Fantastic! This calls for celebration! Bring me a harp, lyre and tambourine!

Thudbang: That's a bit over the top isn't it? It's not like they've just become Christians or anything!

Grinbolt (exasperated): Thudbang, Thudbang! Do you really think that there is only one decision in a human's life that is important, and everything that goes before or after is pointless?

Thudbang: No, I suppose there might be other important things.

Grinbolt: No, no, no, Thudbang! It's not a matter of big or important gestures. Remember that Our Lord was interested in every feather on a sparrow - or something like that. We're interested in every bar of chocolate a human gives up!

Thudbang: Are we?

A "Happy" New Year

Characters: A glum puppet named Margaret, a happy puppet Terrance.

Terrance: Margaret, why so glum! Here I find you all cozy and surrounded by a mountain of presents!

Margaret: Oh, it's wonderful and all, Terrance. My Mum and Pup truly outdid themselves this year. So many wonderful presents. A doggy-bone for Master Bowser and that dolly I longed for. Even a new laptop computer I paid for me-self. It's been a wonderful Christmas!

Terrance: Then why so down, Margaret?! If anything, you've been doubly blessed by love from your parents and the blessing of Christ's birth. Seems to this old chap that'd you be so happy you'd be dancing a jig in the bleeding street?!

Margaret: You'd think? But I find me-self so cast-down and worried. Filled with a terrible sense of foreboding.

Terrance: What's all this then?!

Margaret: It's the coming year, Terrance. The NEW YEAR! 2015! It could bring so many terrible things.

Terrance: But, Margaret, every new year is a chance for a new beginning.

Margaret: But what if this is the year Jesus comes to take us home?!

Terrance: Then the sinners of the world will suffer, but the Lord will take care of us, dear Margaret. For it is written, "And He who sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new."

Margaret: But I can't help but keep thinking about Satan, about this Evil, Evil THING out there! He is coming!

This MONSTER! He wants nothing more than to destroy us!

Terrance: Please listen close, Margaret!

Margaret: I shall!

Terrance: Fear not! This terrible beast is coming, yes! He is out there now, as we speak! Perhaps listening to this very conversation. But fear not!

Margaret: Why is that, Terrance?

Terrance: He's like a spoiled child with no Mum or Pup! Like you, he's got his new lap-top computer, but he didn't pay for it, he stole it! And he's here to steal souls with lies and collusion. He will take any form necessary to win this battle for our souls. (a little whistle) But we don't worry, do we old chum?

Margaret: No, we don't, old chum.

Terrance: Why is that?

Margaret: Because Jesus is Our Saviour.

Terrance: And a mighty fine chap at that!




Составитель Полухина О.В.

Сведения о составителе: Полухина Ольга Викторовна, редактор журнала «Иностранные языки в школе», Москва.

E-mail: editor@flsmozaika.ru

Ключевые слова: Happy New Year, New Year Resolutions.

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