научная статья по теме Identity and style of activity of the teacher as elements of metaindividual impact on the being trained Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Identity and style of activity of the teacher as elements of metaindividual impact on the being trained»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9-18 UDC 159.9.07


on the being trained

Dolgopolova I.v.

This article summarizes the research of activity style conducted at different ages, professional groups, educational stages, and systematized information about the structure of the style. The importance of developing of the foundations of educational activity of younger schoolchildren through meta-individuality impact on personality and style of the teacher is shown. The results of empirical research conducted on a sample of students and primary school teachers, for which an author's questionnaire of teaching activities style (QTAS) was developed. It was found that primary school teachers demonstrate one of the styles of pedagogical activity - either style with a predominance of self-organization action and democratic features in communication features, or style, in order to stimulate the intellect of students combined with authoritarian tendencies in the interaction with the children. Students of teachers with first style tend to intellectual activity and show high positive communicative activity. And students of teachers with a second style have developed intelligence, cognitive needs, school motivation, high responsibility, accuracy; but at the same time show

of frustration and tension. It is proved that personality characteristics and style of the teachers entail certain changes in the educational activities of their students.

Keywords: activity style; individuality; meta-individuality impact; meta-effects.

индивидуальность и стиль деятельности учителя как элементы метаиндивидуального воздействия на обучающихся

Долгополова И.в.

В статье обобщены исследования стиля деятельности, проведенные на разных возрастах, профессиональных группах, этапах обучения, систематизирована информация о структуре стиля. Показана важность формирования основ учебной деятельности младших школьников через ме-таиндивидуальное воздействие индивидуальности и стиля деятельности педагога. Приведены результаты эмпирического исследования, проведенного на выборке учащихся и учителей начальной школы, для которого был разработан авторский опросник стиля педагогической деятельности (ОСПД). Обнаружено, что учителя начальных классов демонстрируют один из стилей педагогической деятельности - либо стиль с преобладанием самоорганизационных действий и демократическими чертами в общении, либо стиль, направленный на активизацию интеллекта учащихся в сочетании с авторитарными тенденциями во взаимо-

действии с детьми. Учащиеся педагогов с первым стилем стремятся к интеллектуальной активности и демонстрируют высокую позитивную коммуникативную активность. А учащиеся педагогов со вторым стилем обладают развитым интеллектом, познавательной потребностью, школьной мотивацией, высокой ответственностью, аккуратностью; но в то же время демонстрируют фрустри-рованность и напряженность. Доказано, что особенности индивидуальности и стиля деятельности педагога влекут за собой определенные изменения в учебной деятельности их учащихся.

Ключевые слова: стиль деятельности; индивидуальность; метаиндивидуальное воздействие; метаэффекты.

In line with the ideas of a new quality of education and the requirements of federal state educational standards will be such a productive learning system that motivates students to study through the interest, and not through coercion and «the scope of the system».

In the practical implementation of this approach of learning teacher's personality is in the forefront. Only teacher who is interested in the results of his labor can motivate productive learning activities and students.

K. Ushinskiy questioned the need for such a pedagogical system, which «would enliven both teachers and students». Its most important condition he believed «the image of teaching».

This training system makes students float thinking so that «they will listen and think at the same time» [1]. Leo Tolstoy was agree with him in the sense that «for successful learning - he wrote, - need not

coercion, and the excitation of interest» [2]. Ideas of prominent scientists continue to have relevance today.

It is obvious that in the educational process on the student affects not only the system of pedagogical influences of teacher, but the features of his personality and activities.

«The main tool of teacher's labor educator is himself as a person» - is no longer just a postulate, but a reality. With this approach, the acute question of evaluation and performance criteria teaching.

This problem, with high probability, can be successfully solved according to the theory of activity style (hereinafter - AS). That style of activity is an indicator of pedagogical skill of the teacher.

Today the concept of style is often used to describe the uniqueness of the individual person, his personality, activity, and behavior.

That is why the idea of activity style has become popular, especially in the education system, where questions of humanization of the educational process and student-centered approach to pupils are promoted.

AS in the broadest sense - is a stable system of methods and techniques, manifested in different conditions of its existence, says B.A.Vyatkin [3].

In continuation of the ideas of Perm psychological school M.R. Shchukin adds that the full study of activity style is better to build on the basis of allocation of the following main aspects of the activity: the system of internal conditions, the reflection of external conditions and subject to the requirements of the activities and effective procedural parts [4].

This article will show broad outlines of problems of meta-individual impact of teacher, which can be considered in a broad sense as

a significant factor in educational activity of younger students, and in the narrow sense - as a determining factor in the formation of AS of students.

Active development of the theory and empirical research of meta-individuality started in the framework of theory of an integrated personality.

The concept of «meta-individuality» in Perm psychological school was first announced by V.S. Merlin, denoting it as a manifestation of a particular personality in society. According to V.S. Merlin properties of individuality manifested in the interaction with other people and influence them. [5]

Later, his ideas get meaningful development in the works of L.Ya. Dorfman (2006), which is in line with the concept of meta-in-dividuality of the world said that «meta» - means outside personality is his head, body immersion in interpersonal relationships, cultural objects, objects of animate and inanimate nature.

Individuality exists in the world, penetrates it, defines itself, makes the election of people and objects and affects them, makes them change. This is one of the basic systems of relations: from the individual to the world. [6]

Important line of AS study is to identify its dependence on external conditions of activity, namely the process of their integration in the direct implementation activities.

Such conditions include not only specific (including production) conditions and requirements relating to specific actions and tasks, but also common social demands.

Stimulating of activity by these two groups of external conditions was noted by N.P. Erastov (1976) [7], and the need of increased atten-

tion to the study of AS, depending on the conditions and requirements of the activity was noticed by V.A. Tolochek (1992) [8].

Accumulated for over more than five decades information on AS allow to allocate range of factors that can be considered as external conditions, meet certain requirements to activity.

As such, in the study of learning style and production activities can be considered different stages of education and training activities, training in different departments and the specific requirements of the profession (S.Yu. Zhdanova, 1997; O.S. Sambikina, 1998; E.G. Kuz-netsova, 2000) [9, 10, 11].

It should be noted that, traditionally, in the Perm psychological school when discussing the determinants of AS greater emphasis is on internal rather than external conditions.

In this case the term «style» implies that the characteristic of activities primarily refers to the manifestation of the individual characteristics of the subject.

In the analysis of style in the system of pedagogical interaction, this approach is unjustified.

Insufficient attention to the most significant figure in the school in the «teacher-student» system actually eliminates a critical role of teacher in shaping the style of activities of students.

Meanwhile, our research (I.V. Dolgopolova, M.R. Shchukin, 2004 2011gg.) has convincingly shown that the characteristics of the teacher entail certain changes in their students' learning activities. [12]

This once again underlines the importance of studying AS of the teacher as an indicator of the level of his pedagogical skills.

In the presented work was developed and successfully passed the procedure of standardization of special psychodiagnostic instruments -

questionnaire «Features of style of pedagogical activity of primary school teachers» (QTAS).

It allows us to estimate the AS of primary school teachers as an indicator of pedagogical skills and as a factor affecting the development of educational activity style of children. QTAS reflects the style of teaching activities in the traditional sense and takes into account its characteristics as aimed at the personal, intellectual and activity development of the child. AS structure of primary school teachers identified through the use of QTAS is presented in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Structure of style of pedagogical activity of primary school teachers

Style of pedagogical activity of primary school teachers includes 4 components. Two of them - «communicative action» and «action, activating the intelligence of students» characterize the teacher's skills to organize the intell

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