научная статья по теме Image of the partner in the situation of family conflict Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Image of the partner in the situation of family conflict»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9-16 UDC 159.9.07


Kolkova S.M.

This article presents a basic understanding of the partner in situations of family conflict. For this research we modified a projective method of analysis and interpretation «Test of twen-ty-definitions» by V.L. Sitnikov. The answers were processed by the method of content-analysis. We separated nine groups of characteristics in the structure of ideas about spouse: conventional, physical, emotional, volitional, creative and intellectual, behavioral, activity-related, metaphorical. The results of the research show the specificity of ideas about the partner in conflict situations among men and women, positive and negative images of spouses and the similarities and differences between them. Most of the differences were found in the volitional and physical characteristics. In general, the image of husband for the wife has more negative comments than the image of wife in the statements of husbands. Knowledge of the image of spouses in conflict situations can help them to choose the right strategy of behavior.

Keywords: family relationship; image of the partner in the situation of family conflict; conventional, physical; emotional, volitional, creative and intellectual, behavioral, related to the activity, metaphorical characteristics.


Колкова С.М.

В статье освещены основные представления о партнере в ситуациях семейного конфликта. Для исследования нами была модифицирована проективная методика анализа и интерпретации «Тест двадцати определений» В.Л.Ситникова. Обработка ответов осуществлялась методом контент-анализа. В структуре представлений о супруге были выделены девять групп характеристик: конвенциональные, телесно-физические, эмоционально-личностные, личностно-волевые, интеллектуально-творческие, поведенческие, деятельностные, метафорические. Результаты исследования показывают специфику представлений о партнере в ситуациях семейного конфликта у представителей разных полов, положительные и отрицательные образы супругов, зоны совпадений и различий. Больше всего различий представлено в личностно-волевых и телесно-физических характеристиках. В целом образ мужа для жен несет больше негативных высказываний, чем образ жены в высказываниях мужей. Знание, в каком образе супруги предстают друг перед другом в конфликте, поможет им выработать верную линию поведения.

Ключевые слова: семейные взаимоотношения; представление партнера в ситуациях семейного конфликта; конвенциональные, телесно-физические, эмоционально-

личностные, личностно-волевые, интеллектуально-творческие, поведенческие, деятельностные, метафорические


Family relationships go through the stages of disagreement and conflicts more or less often [1]. Studies show that 80-85% of families have conflicts. The remaining 15-20% states that they have «disputes» about various causes [2].

The emergence of family conflicts is related to the desire of people satisfy their demands without considering the interests of the other spouse or family member [3]. In this research we understand the conflict as mutual negative mental state of two or more people, which is characterized by animosity, aloofness, negativity in the relationship caused by the incompatibility of their views, interests or needs [4]. The experiencing of family conflict has its own characteristics, which are needed to consider to prevent and to resolve conflicts [5].


It to analyse state and to characterize of knowledge of the image of spouses in conflict situations.

Materials and methods of research

Next, we describe the research of images of the partner in the family conflict among men and women. We presume the existence of differences in views of husbands and wives, which exacerbates the passage of conflict in the family. The research involved 40 couples living in Krasnoyarsk city with the length of family life from 1 year to 23 years.

To investigate the perceptions of the partners in family conflict we used a projective technique of analysis and interpretation «Test of twenty definitions» by V.L. Sitnikov [6] based on the «Test of twenty assertions» [7]. This technique is modified to the research of ideas of the partners in family conflicts. The task to family partners, husbands and wives, is to explain the meaning of words «spouse in situations of family conflict» by simple or complex words, definitions of several words. Each definition describes one property of that person.

The answers were processed by the method of content-analysis [8]. We separated nine groups of characteristics in the structure of ideas about spouse [6]:

• Conventional, common characteristics (spouse, unloved).

• Physical and body characteristics (sexy, not good-looking).

• Emotional and personal characteristics (crying, excited).

• Personal volitional characteristics (stubborn, strong-willed, patient).

• Characteristics of intellectual and creative sphere of the person (smart, stupid).

• Characteristics of the individual's behavior as a subject of interaction (imperious, critical, respecting), social characteristics.

• Characteristics of the individual's behavior as a subject of purposeful activity (realizes all of the desires, protects the interests), activity-related characteristics.

• Characteristics of the individual's behavior in activities, which are not related to the interaction (active, serious, humorous), behavioral characteristics.

• Metaphorical characteristics (victim, dried-up man).

Characteristics of each group are assigned its own modality, positive, negative or ambivalent.

Research results and their interpretation

During the analysis of the husbands' statements the total number of responses - 400 out of a possible 400 options - was got. 70 types of statements were distinguished. All these statements were ranked in the categories of analysis based on the estimated frequency of their occurrence. In the case of the same frequency we put those answers which were written before in the first place. The results are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

Ratio of types of husbands' statements by «Test of twenty definitions»

№ Categories Statements Modality Quantity %

Screaming Negative 17 85

Emotional and personal Excited Negative 15 75

1 Crying Negative 13 65

Emotionally unstable Negative 9 45

Hating Negative 7 35

Stubborn Negative 14 70

2 Personal Persistent Positive 6 30

volitional Patient Positive 5 25

Weak-willed Negative 4 20

Reckless Negative 7 35

Intellectual and creative Fool Negative 5 25

3 Stupid Negative 4 20

Judicious Positive 3 15

Smart Positive 1 5

Continuation of table 1

4 Activity-related Energetic defence of her positions Negative 7 35

Trying to resolve the conflict Positive 4 20

Misunderstanding Negative 16 80

Aggressive Negative 15 75

Initiator Negative 13 65

Critical Negative 13 65

Disputant Negative 10 50

Rough Negative 9 45

Manipulator Negative 8 40

Selfish Negative 8 40

Inadequate Negative 8 40

Authoritative Negative 6 30

Jealous Negative 5 25

Disrespect Negative 5 25

5 Social Makes the demands Negative 4 20

Sly Negative 3 15

Tests my feelings Negative 2 10

Brings pain Negative 2 10

Respecting Positive 2 10

Complainant Negative 2 10

Fair Positive 2 10

Not able to listen Negative 2 10

Understanding Positive 2 10

Impudent Negative 1 5

Self-assured Negative 1 5

Talkative Negative 1 5

Humiliating Negative 1 5

Cold Negative 1 5

Continuation of table 1

Touchy Negative 17 85

Insensitive Negative 15 75

Fidgety Negative 15 75

Strained Negative 15 75

Vulnerable Negative 10 50

Enclosed Negative 8 40

Deceitful Negative 8 40

6 Behavioral Demonstratively taciturn Negative 6 30

Calm Positive 4 20

Temperamental Ambivalent 4 20

Not touchy Positive 3 15

Showing care Positive 2 10

Able to concede Positive 2 10

With dignity Positive 2 10

Sincere Positive 1 5

Humorous Positive 1 5

Pacific Positive 1 5

Unloved Negative 6 30

7 Conventional Beloved Positive 4 20

Darling Positive 2 10

8 Physical and Sexy Positive 4 20

bodily With ugly face Negative 2 10

Poor little lamb Negative 3 15

Hag Negative 3 15

9 Metaphorical Victim Negative 2 10

Bunny Positive 2 10

Beauty Positive 1 5

Monster Negative 1 5

The analysis of emotional personal characteristics showed that the significant image of wife in the conflict for husbands is the image of an excited, screaming, crying wife. The less significant image of wife for

husbands is her emotional instability and hate to spouse. It is important to note that the image of wife in conflict for men is in a negative modality by all statements in emotional and personal characteristics.

In the category of personal volitional characteristics statements the significant image of wife is her stubbornness in the conflict. Less significant features are her persistence, patience, infirmity. However, half of statements in this category are negative, while the other half has a positive connotation.

The analysis of intellectual and creative characteristics showed that a greater percentage of men see their wives as reckless fools. All these statements have negative modality. The smaller percentage of men sees their wives as judicious and intelligent women, which means a positive look at wife in the conflict.

In category of activity-related characteristics we can see that the more significant for men is the image of wife who is defending her position in the conflict vigorously, which carries a negative connotation. The less important are attempts to resolve the conflict that shows a positive outlook on wife.

Analysis of the social characteristics showed that the significant image of wife in the conflict is uncomprehending, aggressive, critical spouse as well as the initiator of the conflict. Half of the men

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