научная статья по теме IN CASE Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «IN CASE»

11 См.: Вайсбурд М.Л. Обучение пониманию иностранной речи на слух. - М., 1965; Занглигeр В.Ф. Формирование фонематического слуха на начальном этапе обучения иностранному языку // Иностр. языки в школе. - 1969. № 2; Златогорская Р.Л. Развитие умения понимать устную речь у учащихся старших классов средней школы // Иностр. языки в школе. - 1959. № 5; Золотницкая С.П. Условия понимания французской связной речи со слуха учащимися шестых классов средней школы // Иностр. языки в школе. - 1959. № 5; Следников Б.П. Языковые трудности речевой информации на немецком языке, предназначенной для понимания на слух в VII-VIII классах средней школы. - В сб.: Вопросы методики преподавания иностранного языка в школе и вузе. - Рязань, 1971.

12 См.: Огородникова И.Ф. Некоторые вопросы понимания иностранной речи на слух. - «Учен. зап. I МГПИИЯ», 1959, т. 22.

13 См.: Гаврилов Л.А. Роль антиципации в понимании диалогической речи // Труды Московского военного института иностранных языков. - 1968. № 4.

14 См.: Апатова Л.И. О некоторых факторах, обусловливающих понимание иноязычной речи на слух. - В сб.: Проблемы активного метода обучения иностранным языкам. - Минск, 1970.

15 Исключение составляет работа В.Ф. Занглигера, который при построении системы упражнений очень удачно различает процессы идентификации и различения раздражителей при восприятии. Основанные на этом различии системы упражнений, однако, относятся лишь к уровню фонем.

16 См.: Кузьмичева И.А. Обучение иностранным языкам в процессе коммуникации // Иностр. языки в школе. - 1971. № 1.

17 См.: Дридзe Т.М. Некоторые семиотические аспекты психосоциологии языка. - М., 1969; Жинкин Н.И. О некоторых вопросах работы мозга человека как семантического устройства. // Информационные материалы АН СССР. Научный совет по комплексной проблеме «Кибернетика», 1968, кн. 7 (20); Клычникова З.И. Распознавание письменной речи. - В сб.: Обучение иностранному языку в высшей школе. - М., 1967, № 3/8; Сатинова В.Ф. О психолингвистических основах обучения аудированию монологической речи. - В сб.: Проблемы активного метода обучения иностранному языку. - Минск, 1970; Соколов А.Н. Внутренняя речь и понимание. - «Учен. зап. ин-та психологии», 1941, т. 2; Osgood Ch.E. Hierarchies of Psycholinguistic Units in Psycholinguistics // A Survey of Theory and Research Problems. - Bloomington, 1965; Miller G.A. The Psycholinguistics. Encounter, v. 23, 1964, No. 1.

18 См.: Леонтьев А.А. Психолингвистические единицы и порождение речевого высказывания. -М., 1969, с. 70.

19 См. сноску 6.

20 См.: Соколов А.Н. Внутренняя речь и мышление. - М., 1968, с. 150-162.

21 См.: Леонтьев А.А. Психолингвистические единицы и порождение речевого высказывания. -М., 1969, с. 118-126.

Е.И. Исенина


It is sometimes assumed by Russian

speakers of English that in case can be

used as an alternative to if, in the same way that в случае если can be used instead of если. This leads to the formation of an English sentences such as the following:

(1) In case you have any questions, please ask me; (2) In case you can't come on Sunday, let me know; (3) In case I manage to get tickets for the ballet, I'll ring you (up); (4) In case they haven't got a small packet, get a large one; (5) Don't hesitate to come and see me, in case you have some difficulties; (6) In case she still has a temperature tomorrow, send for the doctor.

In all the above sentences, if should be used instead of in case. As a practical guide, remember that in situations where if would express the idea, in case is not appropriate.

In case is used when someone performs an action without knowing whether it will prove to have been necessary or now, or in other words anticipating a situation which may not in fact arise. It often has the idea of a precaution. In case corresponds semantically to the Russian на всякий случай, but differs grammatically, since it may serve as a conjunction, whereas на всякий случай may not introduce a clause.

Examples of correct usage:

(7) Take an umbrella in case it rains. (It is not raining now but it may rain later. On the other hand it may not rain, and you may not need the umbrella.)

cf. If it rains = If it is raining when you go out.

(8) I'll give you my telephone number, in case you need to ring me. (I'll give it to you now, although I don't know whether you will need it or not.)

Ключевые слова: In case, if, examples of correct usage.

cf. If you need to ring me = I'll wait until the need arises (in practice very unlikely).

(9) Remind him about the meeting in case he's forgotten. (Without waiting to find out whether he's forgotten or not. Perhaps the reminder will prove to be unnecessary.)

cf. If he's forgotten = Find out first whether he's forgotten. (In practice this would be nearly the same as a reminder.)

(10) I'd better give you the ticket now, in case I don't see you before the concert. (I'll give it to you now, although I may see you again before the concert, in which case it will have been unnecessary.)

cf. If I don't see you before the concert. (Nonsense.)

(11) Take a sandwich with you, in case you feel hungry later on.

(12) Take a book to read, in case you have to wait.

(13) Take some paper and a pen with you, in case they're out and you have to leave a note.

(14) Here's another rouble in case you have to take a taxi.

(15) I'll make a cake this morning, in case David and Sue come to tea.

The example given by A. Hornby*, is not very well, chosen, since if could be used instead of in case, although the meaning would be different.

In case I forget, remind me of my promise.

A slightly different use of in case is that which corresponds to the old-fashioned lest, that is, where an action is performed to avoid some undesirable effect.

(16) Don't go near the water, in case you fall in.

(17) I'll put an apron on, in case I get my dress dirty.

(18) Set the alarm clock in case you oversleep. Just can be added for emphasis.

(19) Remind him about the meeting, just in case he's forgotten.

(20) Here's another rouble, just in case you have to get a taxi.

Here the unlikelihood of the action proving necessary is stressed.

* See: Hornby A.S. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. New Edition. - London, 1974.

Example 19 implies: I don't expect he's forgotten.

Example 20 implies: I don't expect you'll have to get a taxi.

In some cases the verb after in case can be omitted, since it is implied by the context.

(21) It doesn't look like rain, but I'll take an umbrella (just) in case.

(22) I think I'll wake up in time, but call me (just) in case.

Here на всякий случай can be used in Russian.

Order of clauses:

As can be seen from examples 7-20, the clause introduced by in case usually follows the main clause.

"In case" with a noun:

The above remarks apply only to in case used as a conjunction. When it is followed by of and used prepositionally, there is no difficulty, since it corresponds to в случае чего-л., and can be replaced by if introducing a conditional clause, with no change of meaning.


(23) In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. = If there is a fire, ring the alarm bell. (In case there is a fire, ring the alarm bell - is incorrect.)

(24) In case of illness, send for the doctor = If someone is ill, send for the doctor. (In case someone is ill, send for the doctor - is incorrect.)

(25) In case of emergency dial 999.

(26) In case of difficulty, consult the instructions.

In case with of and a noun is equivalent to in the event of.

(27) In the event of a general election, the conference will be postponed.

All the above examples are formal style. In informal situations conditional clauses introduced by if are more usual.

In the case of is used when a particular, individual case is mentioned.

(28) In the case of Smirnova I think we should make an exception.

(29) There is no difficulty in the case of strong verbs.

(Опубликовано в № 3, 1975 г.)

Jane Povey

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