Institutional support for implementation of innovation mechanism conclusion of international agreements in the field of transport connection

V.S. Novyk,

аспирант, Национальный Авиационный Университет (03058, Украина, г. Киев, пр. Космонавта Комарова 1, 2 корпус; e-mail: vsn@nau.edu.ua)

Аннотация. В данной статье автором рассматривается совершенствование законов, правил, обычаев, норм внедрения инновационного механизма заключения международных экономических соглашений в области транспортного сообщения. Исследованы ведущий международный опыт построения эффективной институциональной среды. Доказано, что главными силами структурных изменений институциональной среды в Украине должны стать борьба с коррупцией, защита прав собственности и инновационное развитие. Отмечено, что для более эффективного институционального обеспечения нужно создать International Contract Hub (ICH), International Contract Bank (ICB) и принять ряд законодательных документов.

Abstract. In this article the author considers the improvement of laws, rules, customs, norms introduction for implementation of innovation mechanism conclusion of international agreements in the field of transport connection. Research leading international experience in building effective institutional environment. Proved that the main forces of the structural changes in the institutional environment in Ukraine should be the fight against corruption, the protection of property rights and innovation development. Noted that for more effective institutional support we necessary to create International Contract Hub (ICH), International Contract Bank (ICB) and adopt a number of legislative documents.

Ключевые слова: международные экономические соглашения, контракты, заключение международных экономических соглашений, инновации, институциональное обеспечение, институты, институциональная среда, защита прав собственности, трансакционные издержки, международное транспортное сообщение.

Keywords: international economic agreements, contracts, conclusion of international economic agreements, innovation, institutional support, institutions, institutional environment, protection of property rights, transaction costs, international transport connections.

Problem statement. In fact, the global financial crisis emerged because when forming contracts has been a lot of mistakes and institutional environment is out of date for current conditions. The development of institutions that create a favorable environment for the joint solution of complex problems exchange provide economic growth by reducing transaction costs. This allows conclude that we need to improve the institutional environment and processes of formation of international agreements with a view to the world economy overcomes the global financial crisis.

Analysis of recent publications. Problems of theory and practice of the study of institutional changes in the economy were engaged by such scholars as D. Acemoglu, M. Aoki, А.А. Alchian, G. Becker, R. H. Coase, J.R. Commons, V. Dementiev, R. Gibbons, R. Hanna, O. Hart, G.M. Hodgson, E. Helpman, P. Klein, Y. Kuzminov, J.-J. Laffont, M. Levi, P. Mauro, J.F. Nash, D.C. North, E. Ostrom, M. Olson, R.A. Posner, D. Rodrik, S. Shavell, A. Shleifer, G.J. Stigler, J. Tirole, O.E. Williamson [1-8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21-23, 25, 26, 28-34].

Asian countries are the leaders of the institutional changes in the economy, therefore deserve special attention in the study of institutional changes such countries as Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan and China. Considerable attention is the study of economic development of the transport industry is given by economists such as O. Ilyenko, O. Lozhachevska, V. Matveev, N. Rose, V. Shchelkunov. Modern views of innovation policy investigated G.IVI. Grossman, R.R. Nelson, J. Schumpeter, R.M. Solow [13, 20, 27] so on.

The purpose of the publication is to improve institutional support for implementation of innovation mechanism conclusion of international agreements in the field of transport connection. On the basis of goals following tasks were set: 1) Investigate current views improving the institutional environment; 2) Compare institutional support from different countries; 3) Conduct a general analysis of the institutional environment in Ukraine; 4) Develop recommendations for institutional support for implementation of innovation mechanism conclusion of international agreements in the field of transport connection.

Main material. Institutions play very important role in the development of Ukraine's economy and the world economy. Institutions - created by man restrictions that build political, economic and social interaction. D.C. North notes that there are two types of institutions: formal and informal. Informal institutions can be classified as sanctions, taboos, customs, traditions and codes of conduct. Formal institutions include the constitution, laws and property rights. He argues that institutions throughout history have been created so that create order and reduce uncertainty in the process of exchange. Institutions can direct the course of economic development, as in the direction of growth, stagnation and decline. It should be noted that institutions evolve gradually [22, p.97].

Changing the institutional framework for contract activities primarily important in order to:

- firstly, make more efficient formation of international economic agreements by removing institutional barriers to contract activity and thus, as an

Экономика и предпринимательство, № 12 (ч.4), 2013 г.


example to make a favorable environment for foreign business in Ukraine;

- second, reduce transaction costs which arise when inefficient public administration. In the best case, the signing of an international agreement delayed for an indefinite period and in the worst case not concluded generally and increases the cost of the international economic agreements, that those costs, which do not belong to the same international economic agreements;

- thirdly, stimulate innovative development of our economy and business, that works in our country and thus provide easy access to innovation, which should be implemented in the process of formation international economic agreements.

Why Ukraine has 1/13 GDP per capita comparing with Singapore? What is the main reason for such a big difference? After all, Ukraine has a lot of natural resources, black soil and etc. that cannot be said about Singapore. Although Singapore is a very small country, whose territory is only 710 square kilometers of which 1,444 % water surface, population - 5,312,400 people (2012 year), has no minerals, fully imported food and water, energy re-

■ GDP per capita, iri thousands of dollars

Figure 1. GDP per capita in 2012 by country.

Source: Compiled by the author according to World Bank [35]

Table 1

Comparison of the current state of the institutional environment Ukraine, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Korea and Taiwan

Indicators Countries (index from 0 to 7 / overall ranking of 148 countries in the world)

Ukraine China Singapore Hong Kong Malaysia Korea Taiwan

Property rights 3.7 / 107 4.6 / 50 6.3 / 2 6.1 / 5 5.2 / 31 4.5 / 55 5.8 / 17

Intellectual property protection 2.8 / 119 3.9 / 53 6.1 / 2 5.7 / 10 4.8 / 30 4.0 / 48 5.2 / 23

Diversion of public funds 1.9 / 144 3.9 / 44 6.1 / 5 5.8 / 11 4.2 / 42 3.3 / 62 4.4 / 38

Public trust in politicians 2.4 / 93 4.1 / 26 6.2 / 1 4.4 / 17 4.3 / 20 2.2 / 112 4.2 / 25

Irregular payments and bribes 2.8 / 129 4.0 / 68 6.5 / 3 6.1 / 13 4.7 / 44 4.4 / 57 5.1 / 34

Judicial independence 3.1 / 101 4.0 / 57 5.7 / 17 6.3 / 4 4.5 / 44 3.5 / 78 4.5 / 45

Favoritism in decisions of government officials 2.7 / 104 4.0 / 29 5.4 / 1 4.1 / 24 4.0 / 25 3.0 / 79 4.2 / 19

Wastefulness of government spending 2.3 / 127 3.9 / 29 5.9 / 2 4.6 / 12 4.3 / 21 3.0 / 80 3.7 / 38

Burden of government regulation 3.8 / 41 4.3 / 14 5.4 /1 4.9 / 5 4.6 / 8 3.2 / 95 4.3 / 15

Efficiency of legal framework in settling disputes 3.8 / 65 4.2 / 43 6.1 / 1 5.8 / 3 5.1 / 18 3.5 / 84 4.2 / 45

Efficiency of legal framework in challenging regs 3.5 / 66 3.8 / 47 4.9 / 12 5.6 / 2 4.7 / 17 3.0 / 101 3.7 / 52

Transparency of government policymaking 4.1 / 77 4.4 / 46 6.1 / 1 5.9 / 3 5.0 / 20 3.4 / 137 5.4 / 10

Business costs of terrorism 3.9 / 135 5.0 / 98 5.8 / 54 5.7 / 63 5.3 / 85 4.9 / 106 6.1 / 30

Business costs of crime and violence 3.4 / 126 4.8 / 62 6.2 / 6 5.7 / 22 4.6 / 75 4.9 / 60 5.9 / 13

Organized crime 4.1 / 116 4.7 / 88 6.7 / 4 5.8 / 37 5.2 / 63 5.0 / 73 5.9 / 30

Reliability of police services 3.7 / 98 4.4 / 59 6.3 / 5 6.3 / 4 4.9 / 42 4.8 / 47 5.2 / 36

Ethical behavior of firms 3.7 / 98 4.2 / 54 6.3 / 3 5.6 / 16 5.0 / 28 3.8 / 79 5.0 / 30

Strength of auditing and reporting standards 3.8 / 118 4.5 / 80 6.2 / 4 6.1 / 6 5.4 / 27 4.3 / 91 5.6 / 20

Efficacy of corporate boards 4.6 / 67 4.4 / 84 5.7 / 5 5.3 / 17 5.3 / 13 3.9 / 130 5.0 / 30

Protection of minority shareholders' interests 3.5 / 117 4.1 / 75 5.4 / 10 5.7 / 7 5.1 / 21 3.5 / 124 4.9 / 25

Strength of investor protection, 0-10 (best)* 4.0 / 116 50 / 84 9.3 / 2 9.0 / 3 8.7 / 4 6.0 / 4 6.3 / 31

Source: Compiled by the author according to The Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014 [32]

Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, Vol. 7, Nom. 12-4

sources, but managed to build one of the most advanced institutions for the international business, where there is an ideal environment for the conclusion of international agreements. The main component of success is the intellectual potential that was used at full power while the country was able to escape from third world to first.

We have put a great example of that imperfect institutional environment in our country. The main reason for the economic decline of our country is that we have institutions that do not perform their main functions, which must perform and work to themselves, and not on the state's economy, as it is in countr

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