научная статья по теме Integrative civil identity within globalization, traditionalism and neotraditionalism trends Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Integrative civil identity within globalization, traditionalism and neotraditionalism trends»



DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.3-13 UDC 316.7



Aksyutin Y.M.

Post-Soviet society appeal to a problem of integrative social and cultural identity is explained by both sequences of social and cultural transformations that leaded to Soviet identity disappearing and specific character of development processes in post-traditional society that inspire changes of group and individual identities accordingly to civicism, democracy and pluralism ideas.

Purpose and methods. In 2013 in Republic Tyva (290 pers.), Republic of Khakassia (520 pers.), and Republic Altay (190 pers.) empirical research was held by formalized interview.

Results. It became clear that under contradictory influence of globalization, traditionalism and neo-traditionalism trends civil identity consisting of stable state identification, wide-spread political culture and civil self-conscious, has rather fragmentary character that blocks civil identity creation in the area.

Keywords: state identity, political culture, self-conscious, civil identity.


Аксютин Ю.М.

Обращение постсоветского российского социума к проблеме обретения интеграционной социокультурной идентичности объясняется как последствиями социокультурных трансформаций, повлекших исчезновение прежней советской интеграционной идентичности, так и общим характером процессов развития посттрадиционного социума, диктующих необходимость изменения групповых и индивидуальных идентичностей в соответствии с идеями гражданственности, демократии и плюрализма.

С целью прояснения вопроса о месте гражданской идентичности в структуре идентичностей жителей регионов постсоветской России, в 2013 г. в республиках Тыва (290 чел.), Хакасия (520 чел.), Алтай (190 чел.) методом формализованного интервьюирования было осуществлено эмпирическое исследование. В результате было установлено, что в условиях противоречивого воздействия трендов глобализации, традиционалима и неотрадиционализма, гражданская идентичность, включающая стабильную государственную идентификацию, развитую политическую культуру и гражданское самосознание, имеет фрагментарный характер, что препятствую-ет становлению гражданского общества в регионе.

Ключевые слова: государственная идентичность, политическая культура, самосознание, гражданская идентичность.

Post-Soviet society appeal to problem of finding its integrative identity which is able to unite society and to prevent its disintegration can be explained by not only consequences of social and cultural transformations that

caused disappearance of former Soviet integrative identity but also by the general specifics of post-traditional society development. Processes of involving into global political and economical structures highlighted a necessity of group and individual identities changes according to civicism, democracy and pluralism ideas [1]. On one hand, fear to disappear in west-like world cause strengthen of traditional identities [2]. This contradiction has quite conflict potential and causes creating cultural communicative area when local identities turn from barriers for civil society creating into a condition for it [3]. This is very relevant for those territories where different ethnical groups communicate face to face daily. Southern Siberia is one of those territories.


It to analyse state and to characterize of civil and state identity nature in post-Soviet Russia areas (on the example of Southern Siberia: Khakassia, Tyva, Altay).

Materials and methods of research

The modern social and humanitarian study, which is based on ideas of B. Anderson [4], P. Berger, T. Lookman [5], E. Ericsson [6] etc, considers civil identity as perception of connection to community of some country citizens (state identification), which can be reached by debt relations between authority and citizen (wide-spread political structure, expressed in constitutional rights perception), and self-authentication with country citizens (state self-conscious).

Mentioned unity of civil identity components cause Southern Siberia inhabitants' civil identity.

In 2013 in Republic Tyva (290 pers.), Republic of Khakassia (520 pers.), and Republic Altay (190 pers.) empirical research was held by formalized interview to make question about civil identity within region inhabitants' identities clear.

Research results and their interpretation

When determine character and nature of respondents' identity, most attention was paid to how they determine term "Russian" which is the basis of

civil identity. During researches of 2012-2013 it was discovered that about % of respondents consider Russians as "those, who are bred on Russian culture and think it their own" (2012 - 30%, 2013 - 23,4%) [7, 8]. 21% in 2012 and 20,8% in 2013 think that the main factor considering "Russian citizenship" is "love to Russia". Great amount of respondents determine Russian identity as Russian citizenship. This criteria is more important when migration pressure increases. Thus, in 2012 18%, and in 2013 24,8% mentioned necessity to have citizenship.

Should mention changed opinions to concept "The Russian citizen". "That one, who considers himself to be the Russian" is the Russian citizen for 11,3% of respondents in 2012 and for 18,1% in 2013. And, finally, 3,3% in 2012 and 2,8% in 2013 think Russian citizenship is speaking native Russian language, and 2,3% in 2012; 1,5% in 2013 is being of Christian church.

It's evidentially that all these answers are rather of social and cultural character then of biological. As we can see from research results, the amount of those who consider Russians are those "who have Russian parents", is 11,3% in 2012 and 7,2% in 2013.

It was important to discover which factors have the major role while forming ethnical and national identity among Southern Siberia inhabitants. The analysis of results demonstrates that 54% in 2012 and 49% in 2013 consider the main reason for national identification is that "my parents (or one of them) are of this nationality". But some respondents (2012 - 44,3%, in 2013 -48,4%) demonstrate self-identification (2012 - 14,3%, 2013 - 11,8%), identification with history and culture (2012 - 16,3%, 2013 - 19,6%), language (2012 - 13,7%, 2013 - 17,0%) of their own nation. In other words, ethnicity reproduction comes into force from parents to children. But traditional mechanisms of identity constructing are constantly moving nowadays. Intention to gain community feeling is caused mostly by social and cultural factors.

As most specialists think, civil identity should be constructed based on civil management regional authorities, with the help of those society identifies itself as a political and social and cultural subject. R. Dahl names four basic criteria of forming and functioning of civil identity - these are 1) taking

active part in current events; 2) taking this participation into account; 3) high degree of familiarity of political and social events; 4) high level of activity while realizing right to participate in political affairs [9, p. 82].

People involvement into current events is one of the most universal indicator of civil society mature [10]. Discovering of respondents' interest to political and social life helps to reveal some preconditions to political involvement because there is right correlation between grade of interest and grade of participation. Besides, participation in activity of social and political unions is one of the most effective linking channel for political socialization.

According to results of the 2013 research, 53,6% of Khakass respondents are interested in politics and situation within the country. However, only 13,6% (in 2012 - 19,7%) take part in non-political social organizations and unions activity. It doesn't matter how old is the respondent. In other words, majority of people are out of social unions activity (except just formal trade-unions).

As for participation in political unions activity, situation is similar. Like in Russia in general, in 2013 only 7,5% of interviewed mentioned their participation in political unions (2012 - 18,3% of respondents). 92,5% of population can be characterized by absence of wide political activity (in 2012 there were 81,3%). Similar answers were given about respondents' membership in political parties and social organizations. Participation in political party was mentioned by 10,3% in 2013 (18, 7% in 2012) of respondents. Only 10,6 % (15,3% in 2012) are members of social organization. It is necessary to mention that while there are about one hundred thousand social units in Russia nowadays [11, p. 7], majority of country population is excluded from basic civil society institutions. Depressing dynamics of interest to citizens' participation in current events decreasing is noticed.

Speaking about inhabitants' perception of necessity to participate in social and political decisions we should notice that only 18,0% in 2013 thought that their opinion has real influence on authorities and decisions they take. 38,0% of interviewed thought of partly influence, while 36,6 % took position "doesn't have any influence".

Khakassia inhabitants also bad-informed about political and social and cultural events (53,2%). Only % of respondents discovered themselves to be quite informed, but every 10th respondent considered to be non-informed.

Less then a half of population ids ready to take measures for solving their problems. Inquiry results demonstrate that only 28,7% of respondents take many efforts to realize their rights for participation in political activities. But, "from time to time" and "on opportunity" participation are typical for 30,5 and 19,2% of respondents accordingly. 18,4 % announced their political out-of-body experience. 3,2% of interviewed didn't give any answer.

These data dem

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