научная статья по теме KARLSON'S BIRTHDAY Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «KARLSON'S BIRTHDAY»

bis ein Vöglein in den Himmel tut schweben.

Ihr sollt sie in Glück und Ruhm Verbringen,

bis sich der Hahn auf dem Kirchturm in den Himmel tut schwingen. Hat euch unser Spruch gefallen, so wird es gleich drauf knallen. Tut es euch nicht verdrießen, so wollen wir das alte Jahr beschließen.


1. Э.Н. Большакова. Deutsche Feste und Bräuche (учебное пособие для изучающих немецкий язык). - Антология, С-Петербург, 2005. - 192с.

2. Иностранные языки в школе, № 6, 2000 г. с. 57 - 60.

3. Д.Г. Мальцева. Германия: страна и язык. Немецко-русский лингвострано-ведческий словарь. - Москва, 2001.

4. С.И.Соуляк. Weihnachten in Deutschland (Рождество в Германии. Легенды, сказки, рассказы, стихи, инсценировки). - СПб: Питер Пресс, 1996. - 224 с.

5. http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Silvester

6. http://www.kirchenweb.at

7. http://www.weihnachtswelt.grenzwis-sen.de

8. http://www.liederlexikon.de

Д.К. Бартош, С.А. Лазарева

Сведения об авторах:

Бартош Дана Казимировна, канд. пед. наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой немецкого языка и современных технологий обучения, МГПУ, г. Москва. E-mail: bartosch@inbox.ru

Лазарева Светлана Александровна, ст. преподаватель кафедры немецкого языка и современных технологий обучения, МГПУ, г. Москва.

E-mail: esperanca os@mail.ru



Characters: Kid, Karlson, Children, Cheburashka, Shapoklyak, Crocodile Gena, the Three Little Pigs, Baba-Yaga, Hare, Wolf, Karabas-Barabas, Fox Alice, Cat Basillio, Dunno, Trills, Cinderella, Fairy, Malvina, Pinocchio, Snow White and seven Dwarfs.

Scene 1

(Звучит мелодия песни «Крокодил Гена» Малыш обращается к зрителям.)

Kid: Hello, children! Do you know me? I am Malish. In English I am Kid. You know I have a friend - Karlson, who lives on the roof. Today is his birthday. I want him to be cheerful and happy. I want to surprise him, to invite a lot of guests to his birthday party. You know many of them. They are from cartoon films and books. Will you help me to invite them here?

Children: Certainly. With pleasure, Kid.

Kid: All right. When I say: Crible, cruble, booms, repeat these words after me. (Подает детям знак повторить слова.)

Children: Crible, cruble, booms.

Слышится шум за стеной, прилетает Карлсон.

Kid: Well, here you are. This is my dear Karlson himself. He is the best Karlson in the world.

Karlson: Hello, Kid. I am very glad to see you.

Kid: And I am glad to see you, Karlson, too. I have missed you very much. I am happy to see you again.

Karlson: Did you remember that it's my birthday today?

Kid: Of course, I did. (Обращается к детям): As far as I remember, he has a birthday twice a year. Isn't that so, Karlson?

Ключевые слова: Karlson, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, Baba-Yaga, Karabas-Barabas, Cinderella, Pinocchio

Karlson: Yes, it is, but I can have as many birthdays as I like, can't I?

Kid: Of course, you can. Now sit down, Karlson, and have a rest. We are going to have a birthday party for you. A lot of guests will arrive in a few minutes.

Karlson: Guests? Then I must look handsome.

(Подходит к зеркалу, причесывается, надевает на шею большой яркий бант, пританцовывает и тихонько поет.)

Scene 2

Kid (обращается к детям, подает знак повторять за ним): Crible, cruble, booms!

Children: Crible, cruble, booms!

Медленно из глубины зала под музыку песни В. Шаинского «Голубой вагон» идут Крокодил Гена, Чебурашка и Шапокляк.

Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Shapoklyak (вместе): Dear Karlson, we are glad to see you.

Karlson: So am I.

Shapoklyak, Cheburashka (вместе): Here is our musical present for you, Karlson.

You have a date to celebrate, This comes but once a year. And so today we'd like to say From all of us to you: Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you! Karlson: Thank you, funny Cheburashka and charming Shapoklyak. What a nice start to my birthday party! Crocodile Gena, what about your song? Will you sing for me?

Gena: Oh, if you like it, I'll sing it for you with pleasure.

бПоявляется на метле Баба Яга. Baba-Yaga (обращаясь к Карлсону): Are you the biggest eater in the world? Karlson: Certainly I am. Baba-Yaga: I know you like sweets. Though I am not a wizard, I am Baba-Yaga, though I have no helicopter, I shall fly and bring you and your friends a lot of cakes in a few minutes. Wait for me, Karlson! Happy birthday to you!

Scene 3 Kid: Crible, cruble, booms! Children: Crible, cruble, booms! (Повторяют заклинание.)

A blue train


4 4 « а ,-Ф- ш -• U- —•

Slow- ly the mi - nutes go

far a - way,

and you wo't




meet them a - ny more.

Though "the past was bet-ter", one can o - ften

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bet - ter life is fu -ture, not be - fore.

Fas - ter a -

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^ J " J 4 —• i _Ш_ Lf-^^

long the way goes a blue train a - head. Up to ho - ri - zon spreads

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=H a' t а -• Л —в -1 • -Ф- 4 -•

rail-way like a cloth.

We know for sure a day will be hap

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py a - gain. Soon it will come of course, fast goes o - ur train. ^^ Внеклассная работа



You have a date to ce - le-brate, which comes but once a year. And


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so to-day we'd like to say from all of us to you: F F B^ C7

"Hap - py



birth - day! Hap - py birth - day! Hap - py I birth- day

Crocodile Gena's Song




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та 17 ^ 4—• ' * —Ф —« ЦН ' « —• • hi 4— « 1 » ' *

Let pe - des - tri - ans hur - ry down the streets full of rain pools, let them

V- *— ■ V-

та й ^—• • h. j— « —• ' « —s —• -• 1 «

awk - wad - ly pick out their way.

All the same they'll not find it-how can

m •

I be so hap-py on a gloo - my and dull, rain - y day?

I am

— "i— 1 ^ - -i—

—• -ф— • M « -• -ф— -« —• —1 -Ф—* —


my gar - mosh - ka,

for all pass-ers

by to hear.

It's a

pi - ty

we've a birth-day

on - ly once



К сцене на велосипеде подъезжает заяц и садится в первом ряду со зрителями. Hare: I shall wait for the Wolf here. Вбегает запыхавшийся волк. Голова и лапа у него забинтованы.

Wolf: Where is the Hare? Ha-re! Hare (из зала): I am here. Wolf: Tell us where you have been, dear Hare? How are you? Are you feeling bad or good? Hare: I am all right. What about you? Wolf (показывая на бинты): So-so, not very good.

3 ИЯШ №8

Hare: Don't get upset. You are to be merry today. We are at Karlson's birthday party. Here is a present for him.

Wolf: Happy birthday... (Волк держит хлопушку, собираясь вручить ее Карлсону. Заяц дергает за веревочку, и хлопушка «взрывается». Заяц убегает. Волк сконфужен.) Ha-re! I shall teach you a lesson.

Wolf (успокоившись, примирительно приглашает зайца на танец): Well, Hare, let's have a dance.

Hare: No, dear Wolf, not now. Kid: Crible, cruble, booms! Children: Crible, cruble, booms! К сцене под музыку вприпрыжку подбегают три поросенка. Вручают разноцветные шары Карлсону и, встав в кружок, танцуют и поют. The Three Pigs: We are happy brother pigs, Brother pigs, brother pigs, We are merry piggy wigs, Tra-la-la-la-la...

(Обращаясь к Карлсону) Dear Karlson, we are the merriest brother pigs. We wish you to be the merriest Karlson in the world.

Karlson: I shall be, for sure! Be my guests, my little friends, sit down, please.

Scene 4

Дети произносят заклинание и появляются Карабас-Барабас, Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио.

Fox Alice: Hallo, Karlson! We are your friends too. We are glad to see you. Happy


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•)-* • -"—• —• о rn -• -1—

With a smile a gloo - my day is bright.

and a rain-bow in the

г г r

sky at once ap - pe - ars.

Share your smile and eve - ry- thing's all


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and it will re-turn to you and will be ne - ar.


Then for su - re clouds in sky will be mer - ry, dan - cing

high, a grass - hop - per'll take at once a ti - ny fid - dle.

У k ^ч-

СФ ^ Г i===i r * * л ш л —• -• -•

From blue streams all ri - vers start, give a smile from all your

heart! Give a smile from all your heart, just from the mid - dle!


—?— —j— Ч^1 « «1 J é -• -• -•

From blue streams all ri - vers start, give a smile from all your



heart! Give a smile from all your heart, just from the mid - dle! ^^ Внеклассная работа

birthday, our dear friend! (Лиса Алиса и Кот Базилио поют песню «Улыбка» для именинника.) Take our present, please. It's a magic sweet for you.

Karlson: Thank you, my funny friends. Come in, please.

Kid and Children (вместе): Crible, cruble, booms!

Появляются Незнайка и Гусля, останавливаются у пианино.

Dunno: It's a pity, but I can't sing very well, Trills. Do teach me to sing, please.

Trills: With pleasure, Dunno. I'll teach you to sing the song about a cuckoo. It's a very easy song.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me, Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree; Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's such an easy song, Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's such an easy song, Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's hard to get it wrong, Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's hard to get it wrong.

Dunno: Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me.

Trills: Stop, Dunno. Sing it like this ... Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from me, Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree.

Dunno: Oh, I see now. Let's sing this song for Karlson now.

Подходят к Карлсону и поют вместе. Dunno and Trills (вместе): Cuckoo, cuckoo, don't try to hide from


Cuckoo, cuckoo, I see you in the tree. Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's such an easy song, Cuckoo, cuckoo, it's hard to get it


Karlson: Thank you for the song, Dunno and Trills. You are welcome.

Dunno: Here is a jar of jam for you, Karlson.

Karlson: Oh, I am the best jam-eater in the world. Thanks, everyone.

Dunno and Trills (вместе): Don't mention it, Karlson.

Scene 5

Kid and children (вместе): Crible, cruble, booms!

Появляется Золушка, за н

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