Кто изобрел радар?

Из истории изобретений российского физика Г.В.ПотапенКо в Америке


доктор геолого-минералогических наук Ванкувер, Канада

Кто изобрел радар? Странный вопрос... «Большая советская энциклопедия» и «Википедия» дают на него вполне определенный ответ: в январе 1934 г. по заданию Главного артиллерийского управления Красной Армии пеленгование самолетов с помощью радиоволн было осуществлено установками с использованием дециметровых радиоволн (50—60 см) под руководством

© Каминский Ф.В., 2014

Ю.К.Коровина [1]. Основную идею создания радиолокационных установок предложил в 1934 г. П.К.Ощепков [2], она получила одобрение высшего военного командования, и уже в 1936 г. советская сантиметровая радиолокационная станция «Буря» засекала самолет с расстояния 10 км. В дальнейшем исследования развивались в Ленинградском электрофизическом и Ленинградском физико-технологическом институтах. Одновременно велись работы в Московской лаборатории Управления проти-

IWiinJ .tub- 23, 1£ИЛ



шхтао uu№U*OC мгггп

üwwiy Mnpflita, Р.мчЛли, 4j0iii*dr.* мor Î, ш*, drillt x«. тд-М

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Date of Application and filing Compktc SpecJ/JccCiw; Feb. 27, IШ Na (049/48-

ApplScathm imxSt in United States of America on M«y 2,1939. Comptât Spécification PubUihtxl: Oct. /7, (ünder Rifie 17a of iht fctentt Rubs 1939-19*7, the Proviso to Sectton 91 (4) of tk Potente and Designs Acts. 1907 to 1946 became optratirc on feb. 2711943,)

Index at acceptance : -Class 4U(vü), AE4p2, DR4(ffll : pis).

COMPLETE SPECIFICATION Improvements in or relating to Radio Distance Measuring Apparatus

I. Genxady Potapbnko, a citizen of the Halted States ol America, of 1718 Oakdale Street, Pasadena, 4r Calilornia, United States of America, do hereby declare the 5 nature, of this invention and in what manner the same »to be perfotmed, to be partieutMty described ami a-scertamed in wid by the following statement:—

My invention relates to an electric distance 10 meter for measuring the distance between the measuring apparatus and a surfacc capable of reflecting electromagnetic radiation of suitable frequency. The invention has a particularly valuable application to the 15 problem of determining, while in an aircraft, the height of the aircraft above the surface of the earth.

An object of the invention is to provide an apparatus for measuring the distance between 20 the measuring apparatus and a surface capable of reflecting electromagnetic radiation of suitable frequency.

Another object is to provide an apparatus for measuring elevation above the surface of 25 the earth.

Another object is to provide an apparatus which measures an electrical quantity In tbc time interval between the sending of a pulse of electromagnetic radiation and its return 30 from a reflecting surface.

Another object of the invention is to provide apparatus for measuring the distance to a sarfaoe. in which an electrical measuring instrument is started by an electric pulse 35 coinciding with a transmitted pulse of radio waves and is stopped by an dcctric pulse coinciding with a reflected pulse of radio waves.

Another object is to provide an apparatus ■<0 for measuring one of two clcctric pulses only during that portion thereof what the other of sud pulses is of substantially zero amplitude.

A further object is to provide an apparatus 4$ lor producing and measuring an electric current proportional to the time interval between arrival of two electric pulses and »»dependent of the maximum amplitude of

[Fn» 3/']

the pulses.

Still another object of the invention is to 50 provide an electric distance meter which is accurate and dependable and requires a minimum of attention to operate it.

TJiese and other apparent objects T attain in a manner which wil be clear from a con- 55 sideration of the following description taken in connection with the accompanying draw-

ï a diagrammatic illustration of

ing, in which:

Fig. 1 is a < one form of my electric distance n

Fig. 2 illustrates the relations existing between two electric pulses existing in the circuit of Fig. 1 for one particular condition ;

Fi^. 3 illustrates the resultant ot the pulses of F)g. 2 and that portion thereof which is 65 measured;

Fig. 4shows an alternative form of a portion of the circuit of Fig. 1.

In the practice of my invention, pulses of electromagnetic radiation are transmitted 70 to the surface, the distance of which is to be determined, and the pulses of efcetro-ntagnetic radiation arc received after having been reflected from the surface. A measurement of an electric current or potential 75 difference derived from the source of transmitted radiation, or from a separate source, if made in the interval between transmitted and received pulses by initiating the measurement by one pulse and counteracting with the second pulse the action of the first pulse. Suite electromagnetic radiation travels with the _ substantially constant velocity of approximately 3 X 10* meters per second, the duration ot the measurement 8S is an accurate measure of the distance travelled by the cicctromagnctic radiation.

anGally t' from the source of radiation to the 11 surface. 90

The method and apparatus of my invention should be distinguish«! from those previously employed for the measurement of distance by тпеапз of radio waves. Other methods such as those described in British Patents 95 No. 497147 and 51109» or in O.S. Patent

Патенты Г.В.Потапенко на радар, выданные в 1939 г. в США (слева) и в Великобритании.

вовоздушной обороны, возглавляемой Ощепковым. При этом известно, что отеч

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