научная статья по теме ЛИНГВОСТРАНОВЕДЧЕСКИЙ КУРС Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «ЛИНГВОСТРАНОВЕДЧЕСКИЙ КУРС»


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Schlüssel zum Test

1. Jean Monnet und Robert Schumann. 2. Der 9. Mai in jedem Jahr. 3. 6 Länder. 4. 25 Staaten. 5. Die Zwölf ist traditionell das Symbol der Vollkommenheit, Vollständigkeit und Einheit. 6. Die Neunte Symphonie Ludwig van Beethovens. 7. Eine der großen Errungenschaften der EU war die Schaffung eines Raums ohne Grenzen, in dem (I) Personen, (2) Güter, (3) Dienstleistungen und (4) Kapital sich frei bewegen können. Diese vierfache Freizügigkeit wird manchmal „die vier Freiheiten" genannt. 8. Die SchengenStaaten sind die Staaten, die das SchengenAbkommen unterschrieben haben. 9. Euro

С.А. Нескина, С.А. Цвиркун,

Пензенская гос. сельскохоз. академия,

г. Пенза

The Brook

Grumbling, stumbling, Fumbling all the day; Fluttering, stuttering, Muttering away; Rustling, hustling, Bustling as it flows, That is how the brook talks, Bubbling as it goes.

Alfred Tennyson


В лингвострановедческом конкурсе "How different the world is!" мы хотели показать, как, используя достаточно традиционную форму, можно наполнить ее различным содержанием, включая материал, изученный на уроках в течение учебного года.

Основой для данного конкурса послужили материалы УМК "The World of English" для X-XI классов (авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегузова и др.). Конкурс проводился между двумя командами учащихся XI класса.

Teacher: Dear friends! You'll have several tasks where for a right answer you'll get one point. At the end of the competition the jury will count all the points. The most active participants showing the best knowledge of the material will be awarded. Good luck to you!

I. The first task.

More than five billion people live in some 200 different countries and territories of the world which are full of interesting places and sights to visit.

Now each team will be given five cards with places of interest in English-speaking countries. Your task is to explain what the chosen place is famous for and what about it attracts you most of all.

Названия следующих известных и интересных мест написаны на карточках:

Big Ben, the Bronx, Broadway, the Capitol, Cannes Film Festival, Florida, Hollywood, the Houses of Parliament, the Land of Cakes, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Serpentine, the Thames, Woodstock. (См. Приложение 1)

II. The second task.

Teacher: You know there are many youth subcultures in the world. They have their own values, beliefs, fashions and favourite music. Your task is to listen to the description of a group and guess the name of the subculture.



(На кассету записывают описания следующих молодежных субкультур: панков, хакеров, хиппи, рокеров, модов, готов, рейверов, скинхедов. Каждой команде по очереди дается прослушать описание группировки только один раз.)

Guess the names of various subcultures:

1. The members of this subculture wear black clothes and a lot of silver jewellery. They look very pale and thin and gather together to read Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires. (They are Goths.)

2. They like to be in a group and create all-night dance parties. They want to try out all sorts of options and they are thought to be rebellious and violent. (They are ravers.)

3. They support a liberal attitude and lifestyle. They always want to change the world for the better. Their behaviour and attitude to life differ from the accepted norm. They are thought to use drugs and listen to rock'n' roll. (They are hippies.)

4. A young person who has brightly coloured hair and dresses in a shocking way to express his or her identity. He or she wears metal chains and rejects everything in the world. (It's a punk.)

5. These young people have pale faces and plenty of make-up. They prefer listening to soul music. Their clothes are: neat white Italian shirts, shorts jackets, tight trousers and short blazers. Scooters are their preferred means of transportation. (They are mods.)

6. This type of young people is associated with something rebellious. They wear leather jackets, army boots and cowboy hats to show off. (They are rockers.)

7. They are young people who have a deep understanding of how computers work. They can do wonders with them. (They are hackers.)

8. Young people of this subculture have very short hair. The majority of them are working class and football fans. They are regarded as violent and aggressive. (They are skinheads.)

Ш. The third task.

Teacher: We are sure that all of you are great music fans. So your task now is to match different music styles with names in the box. Each member of the team can write down only one representative of the music style from the box.

Match different music styles with the suitable names of musicians and music groups from the box:

Music Styles Musicians and groups

1. Rap ____

2. Techno ____

3. Reggae ____

4. Punk rock____

5. Rock'n'roll____

6. Psychedelic rock____

Pink Floyd, the Kraftwerk, Prodigy, Pearl

Jam, the Chemical Brothers, Bob Marley, Public Enemy, Ice Tea, the Clash, Nirvana, the Sex Pistols, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley, Little Richard.

Key: Musicians and groups:

1. Ice Tea, Public Enemy

2. The Kraftwerk, Prodigy, Pearl Jam, The Chemical Brothers

3. Bob Marley

4. The Clash, Nirvana, The Sex Pistols

5. Little Richard, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley

6. Pink Floyd

IV. The fourth task.

Teacher: Knowing idioms means knowing the language. Now you are to act out five idioms in turns and the members of the other team are to name the idiom and tell its meaning.

(Участникам команд предлагается 15 идиом из изученных ими. (См. Приложение 2.) Каждая идиома напечатана на отдельной карточке. Капитаны выбирают наугад 5 карточек.)

V. The fifth task.

Teacher: Each country has its own well-known writers, artists, actors and politicians who made their country famous all over the world. The task is to guess the name of an outstanding person. Each team will tell about three prominent people without naming them. The other team should guess who this person is. For the right answer the team will get one point. (См. Приложение 3.)

VI. The last task.

Teacher: Each country is rich in folksongs that are popular with its people. Your homework for this competition was to learn a famous popular English song and to dramatize it.

Во время подготовки команд к четвертому и пятому заданиям ведущий может провести небольшой конкурс со зрителями в зале.

Например: You will listen to five extracts of different music styles. Say what music styles these extracts belong to.

Звучат отрывки из:


1) Reggae - Bob Marley;

2) Rock' n' roll - Elvis Presley;

3) Techno - Prodigy;

4) Punk rock - Sex Pistols;

5) Psychedelic rock - Pink Floyd. (Музыкальные отрывки записаны на

аудиокассете в приложении к УМК "The World of English" для Х-Х1 классов.) Vn. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов конкурса.

Приложение 1 Sights and Interesting Places

1. Big Ben

I'd like to see Big Ben because it is the name of the bell that strikes the hours inside the great clock of the Houses of Parliament. Big Ben is supposed to be nicknamed after Benjamin Hall who was the Chief Commissioner of Works when the bell was cast in 1856.

2. The Bronx

I'd like to visit the Bronx because it is one of the five boroughs of New York City, and also it is considered to be a poor area of New York, it contains the zoo.

3. Broadway

Broadway is a major avenue in New York running from the top of Manhattan and crossing Times Square at 42nd Street. Broadway is known to be the heart of theatre life. This avenue is famous as "The Great White Way". New York theatres situated outside this area are described as off-Broadway.

4. The Capitol

It is the tallest building in Washington, D.C. and the most famous building in the USA because the Untied States Congress meets here. The Capitol is the place where laws are made. It is surrounded by a beautiful garden with many trees and flowers.

5. Cannes Film Festival

The Cannes Film Festival is an international film festival. It has been held since 1946 every year in April or May. Many guests from different countries come here. They are actors, film producers, directors and so on. The first prize of the festival is "The Big Palm Branch."

6. Florida

Florida attracts me most of all and I'd like to visit it. Florida was one of the first states in

America. Florida was named by Ponce de Leon in 1512 due to the fact that the whole region that he saw was covered with flowers. This state has various nicknames: "The Alligator State", the "Everglade State", the "Mocking-Bird State", the "Orange State".

7. Hollywood

It is a district in the city of Los Angeles in California. Hollywood has been the center of the US film industry since 1911. It is the home of legendary film studios such as: 20th Century Fox, MGM, Columbia Pictures, Disney and Warner Bros. MGM Studios has become a major theme park and tourist attraction.

8. The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament are the group of buildings in London where the House of Commons and the House of Lords meet. The Houses of Parliament in London are also known as the Palace of Westminster, where members of Parliament gather to make the laws of the country.

9. The Land of Cakes

I'd like to visit the country that has the name of the land of cakes. This name was given to Scotland, which is famous for its oatmeal cakes. Scotland is rich in beautiful lakes, which are visited by many tourists.

10. The Serpentine

I'd like to see the Serpentine. It is a lake in Hyde Park in London. This lake is famous for the custom of swimming in it on Christmas Day

11. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

I'd like to see the Metropolitan Museum of Art. This museum is the most important art museum in the USA. It is located in New York City. It has great art collections from all over the world. It's located in Central Park.

12. The Thames

The Thames attracts me most of all because it is the river

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