научная статья по теме MAGIC LOBSTER Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «MAGIC LOBSTER»

А22 - 2; А23 - 3; А24 - 4; А25 - 3; А26 - 1; А27 - 2; А28 - 4; А29 -2. Вариант 2

B4 risky; B5 understanding; B6 knowledge; B7 supporters; B8 awareness; B9 pressure; B10 have taken; B11 driver; B12 invented; B13 picks up; B14 are taken; B15 exactly; B16 were introduced; B17 faster.

А22 - 2; А23 - 4; А24 -3; А25 - 1; А26 - 3; А27 - 4; А28 - 1; А29 -3.

Е.В. Малыгина

Сведения об авторе: Малыгина Елена Валерьевна, старший преподаватель, МГПУ.

E-mail: 4cat@mail.ru

Ключевые слова: подготовка к ЕГЭ, лексика, грамматика.

The Magic Lobster

Read the text carefully. Then read sentences 1 -8 and decide if they are true, false or not stated.

Jeremy lived not far from the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. There was nothing in the world he liked better than to go for a walk on the beach. He watched ships in the distance and dreamed about sailing.

One day, after a particularly excellent walk, Jeremy came home and was delighted to see that his mother had bought lobsters for dinner. They were on the kitchen table, still alive. Jeremy inspected them. He was seriously hungry and wanted to reserve the biggest one for himself. One of the lobsters was bigger than the others. Jeremy picked it up and looked into its little eyes.

"Hey boss!" the lobster whispered. "Get me out of here and you'll never regret


Jeremy startled and nearly dropped the lobster. He was amazed that the lobster could speak and wanted to save him. The boy went over to his mother.

"Mama, this is the nicest lobster I've ever seen. Can I keep him as a pet?"

Jeremy's mother gave him a strange look. "Jeremy, you love lobster. I got them especially for you. ...But, if that's what you really want, it's all right with me."

"Thanks, mom." Jeremy hurried out of the kitchen and up to his room.

When they were upstairs the lobster said, "Thank you and this is your lucky day because I am a magic lobster. I can make any wish come true! Tell me what you wish for?"

The boy was excited! "What I've really always wanted is a sailboat".

"No problem. When you go to sleep tonight dream of that sailboat. I'll have it waiting for you just off the beach in the morning."

Jeremy dreamt of the boat all night long. Early in the morning he raced out onto the beach but what he saw there were some plastic bottles on the sand.

When he got home from school, Jeremy sat down to have a talk with the lobster. The lobster said, "Uh, to tell you the truth, you forgot to feed me last night. I couldn't get you a whole sailboat on an empty stomach."

"OK, OK," Jeremy answered. He went to the supermarket and got all the food for the lobster dinner: fish, seaweed and even a nice hamburger. Then he watched the lobster eat it.

"Ah, delicious...." the lobster muttered. "Listen, why don't we start out with something smaller than a sailboat? I haven't done magic for a while."

"All right. How about a violin? I want to learn to play it but violins are expensive and my parents can't buy me one."

"OK! Dream about it all night and it'll be here when you awake."

Jeremy woke up excited the next day but he couldn't find the violin anywhere.

"Hey, where is it?" he asked.

"Oh... listen, I tried real hard, honest. But I couldn't work my magic because I need some magic clothes. You know, a silk hat and a suit."

Jeremy put on his jacket, took the lobster and headed for the beach. The lobster began to shake in terror.

"Hey, what're you gonna do?"

"I'm throwing you back where you belong. You're a big liar." Jeremy threw the magic lobster as far as he could. It waved its claws in the air, made a splash and was gone.

1. Jeremy enjoyed spending time on the beach.

2. Jeremy examined the lobsters to choose one as a pet.

3. Jeremy's mother cooked lobsters very well.

4. Jeremy hurried to the beach to clean it from plastic bottles.

5. The lobster liked the food that Jeremy got for him.

6. Jeremy's parents were rich people.

7. The lobster looked great in a hat and a suit.

8. Jeremy realized that the lobster had cheated him.

Answer the following questions.

1) Was it right to throw the lobster back into the ocean? Why?

2) What is the main idea of the text?

3) How do you deal with liars?

Keys: 1) T, 2) F, 3) NS, 4) F, 5) T, 6) F, 7) NS, 8) T.

А.М. Щичко

Сведения об авторе: Щичко Алексей Михайлович, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ 1279, Москва. E-mail: alexey.schichko@mail.ru Ключевые слова: magic lobster, Jeremy.


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