При подготовке к Единому государственному экзамену (ЕГЭ) учащиеся испытывают особые трудности при выполнении заданий по аудированию. Предлагаются следующие задания для тренировки навыков по этому разделу экзамена.

Задание I.

Вы услышите высказывания людей в разных ситуациях. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию высказываний.

1. Woman: What's going on upstairs? Man: I don't know. It sounds like

they're coming through the ceiling. What does the man mean? A/ Someone fell down the stairs. B/ The ceiling is collapsing. C/ There is a lot of noise upstairs. D/ He doesn't like his apartment. (Answer: C)

2. Man: We worked hard for the event to make it a success.

Woman: I've never seen such a crowd. You must be very tired.

What does the woman mean?

A/ She was looking for a lot of people.

B/ She agrees that the event was a success.

C/ She didn't see many people.

D/ She is surprised that the man is tired.

(Answer: B)

3. Man: It's sunny and warm. Stop studying and come to the beach with me.

Woman: Why not? What's the woman probably going to do? A/ Study with the man. B/ Stay home and study. C/ Go to the beach with the man.

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D/ Study at the beach.

(Answer: C)

4. Woman: Joe's in a really bad mood today. What's wrong with him?

Man: His job was taken over by a fellow worker.

What happened to Joe?

A/ He got a pay rise.

B/ He cried.

C/ He got sick at work.

D/ He lost some of his responsibility

(Answer: D)

5. Woman: I'm hungry and it's too late to go out to get anything.

Man: Why don't we order out for pizza?

What will they probably do next?

A/ Wait until tomorrow.

B/ Phone a pizza restaurant to deliver food to them.

C/ Ask a friend to stop by with a pizza.

D/ Go to bed.

(Answer B)

6. Man: Did you watch the football game today? It was fantastic.

Woman: No, I had my hands full with the children.

Why didn't the woman know about the football game?

A/ She hurt her hands.

B/ She was washing clothes.

C/ She doesn't like football.

D/ She was busy taking care of her children.

(Answer: D)

7. Man: Would you like to see a play with me tonight? I have front row seats.

Woman: I'd love to, but I have a test tomorrow and haven't prepared for it yet.

Why didn't the woman accept the invitation?

A/ She had to study.

B/ She doesn't like plays.

C/ She's in love with someone else.

D/ She likes to sit in the back.

(Answer: A)

Задание II.

Вы услышите разговор. Запишите недостающую информацию в виде цифры, сло-


ва или словосочетания.



1. Early man came to the Americas from Asia over the Bering Strait. Thousands of years later, after big animals had become extinct, these people began to settle in an area now known as the U.S. Southwest. One area, in what is now New Mexico, was called Canyon del Muerto. No one knows exactly when the first people arrived in the Canyon del Muerto but a tree-ring dates their arrival at about 306 A.D. These people were primarily farmers rather than hunters, although they still depended to some extent on animals for food. They established homes in the shelter of the many caves in the canyon and farmed the area at the bottom of the canyon. Corn was their main crop. They gathered nuts and sunflower seeds for food.

People came to America from_(Asia).

It was in (306 A.D.)

They liked to__(farm)

They lived in

Their main food was

very much.



2. There are many important resort areas in the state of New Jersey. They include popular ski areas in the northern part of the state, and the river and forest wilderness of the pinelands in the central region, but both areas draw a relatively small number of tourists compared to the coastal resorts which attract millions each year to their beaches of sand, sea and sun. Probably the best known of these resorts are Long Island Beach, which provides activities for the whole family; Atlantic City, whose casinos provide the excitement of nightlife; and Cape May, a small town which has wonderful history and architecture, and which today is home to some of the finest restaurants in the country.

The text is about_(resort areas)

New Jersey is a _(state)

The number of tourists in New Jersey resort areas is_(small)

Cape May is famous for_(history and


Задание III.

Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего (1-5) с утверждениями, данными в списке A-E.

1. The word "Christmas" comes from the words "Christ's Mass" - the celebration of

the birth of Jesus Christ. But although Christmas is a Christian celebration, it is true to say that it is an unusual combination of pagan and Christian festivities.

2. A Christmas tree stands in everybody's living room at Christmas, but in pre-Christian times evergreens were symbols of eternal life.

3. The origin of lighting candles at Christmas goes back to pre-Christian roots. One such root is a Jewish feast when candles were lit.

4. Giving presents and gifts goes back to Roman times when good luck gifts were given to friends on New Year's Day. In Britain, the traditional day to give presents until recently was December 26th.

5. Christmas food has changed. Before the 16th century Christmas dinner was a boar's head followed by roast peacock. It was not until sailors came back from the New World bringing with them a strange-looking bird from Mexico that turkey became the traditional British Christmas dinner.

A. A traditional Christmas food.

B. The origin of the word "Christmas".

C. The symbol of Christmas.

D. A good tradition to please friends.

E. A tradition that came from Jewish feast.

(Answers: 1-B, 2-C, 3-E, 4-D, 5-A)


TOEFL. - New Jesey, Pennsylvania, 1995.

Е.В. Иванова,

учитель английского языка высшей категории, школа №2,

г. Десногорск, Смоленская область.



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