Model of the organizational - administrative mechanism of labor relations in development of small business in Russia

Sergey V. Tinkov

The lecturer of the Moscow financial-legal academy

Skill to be guided in a choice of organizational - legal forms for the proprietor at the stage of creation of a small enterprise is the major precondition of administrative efficiency of labour relations and economic safety of business dealing. It is necessary making successful business - planning.

The decision to choose the optimum organizational - legal form of the future small enterprise - the important problem of the proprietor at an output on the market as the subject of enterprise relations. This problem demands comprehensive investigation of various organizational and administrative factors for their influence on efficiency of labour relations and economic safety of business dealing, on management of work in a small enterprise. The optimum decision of the given problem is capable to provide to the proprietor organizational - administrative efficiency of labour relations on a small enterprise during achievement of an overall objective of business -profit earnings. The mistake at a choice can cause negative consequences of application of the concrete form which can result the created enterprise in liquidation or necessities of reorganization for other more optimum form.

With a view of development of effective procedure of a choice of the optimum organizational -legal form it is necessary to analyse how various factors influence their occurrence. It is important for effectivization of labour relations on a small enter-

prise with low probability of occurrence of brave and disputed situations at operation of business. We assume, that for various organizational - legal forms this influence also will be various.

Under the factor (from an griechisch Factor -doing, making) in the economic literature the reason, a driving power, a resource of any process, the phenomenon determining character or separate features of this process is understood; essential circumstance in any process; a driving power economic, the productions, influencing result industrial, economic activities; a condition, the reason, parameter, a parameter influencing, influence on economic process, result of this process.

With a view of research of influence of the organizational - legal form on labour relations at the enterprises it is offered the following significant for the proprietor and labour collective the organizational - administrative factors rendering direct influence on organizational - administrative efficiency of labour relations:

1. « Participation of the proprietor in management of work at the enterprise ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of participation of the proprietor in management of work and an economic activities at the enterprise which is expressed in an opportunity of the proprietor to take part in the decision of the basic organiza-

tional - administrative, personnel and economic questions of activity.

2. « The Control of the proprietor of job management at the enterprise ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of the control of the proprietor behind management of labour relations at the enterprise and his economic activities, expressed in an opportunity of the proprietor to carry out the control above operating performance of hired managers and the current economic activities of the enterprise under condition of division of functions of the proprietor and the head.

3. « Maintenance to the proprietor of efficiency in management of work at the enterprise ».

The given factor is understood as an opportunity of the proprietor operatively to operate labour relations and economic activities of the enterprise, including hired managers of the enterprise, during his operating performance with a view of maintenance to the proprietor of observance of his economic interests.

4. « The Responsibility of the proprietor on duties of the enterprise ».

The given factor are understood as limits of the responsibility of the proprietor and wage and salary earnerses on duties of the enterprise during realization of economic activities by him. The responsibility of the proprietor can be limited (he does not answer on duties), solidary (he answers at lack of means of other proprietors), appendant (he answers an own holding at lack of means).

5. « Investment appeal of the enterprise ».

Investments are a long-term capital investments for the purpose receptions and escalatings of the income. The given factor is understood as a degree of appeal of the enterprise for wage and salary

earnerses and other enterprises, expressed available at last interest for an investment of an ownership capital in activity of the enterprise for participation in management of work and dividend distribution.

6. « Starting economic potential of the organization of labour relations at the enterprise ».

As the given factor it is understood initial (at the stage of creation) the economic potential of the enterprise based on the minimal size of an authorized capital (складочного the capital, a co-op share fund) for the concrete form of the enterprise, allowing to involve qualified persons, credits, investments to let out securities to execute pecuniary obligations.

7. « Starting potential of business reputation of the enterprise ».

The business reputation is « ... the general usual opinion on qualities, merits and demerits of the organization in sphere of a business revolution which defines the relation to it of an environment and can make above permitted standard profit ». As the given factor it is understood initial (at the stage of creation) potential of business reputation of the enterprise, its proprietors, the workers, the used organizational -legal form.

8. « Expenses of the proprietor for creation of the enterprise and formation of labour collective».

The given factor is understood as a degree carry financial expenses of the proprietor at the stage of creation of the enterprise, expressed in payment of an authorized capital and hiring of the basic workers.

9. « Security of the proprietor from abus-ings and mistakes hired managing the enterprises ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of security of the proprietor from abusings and mistakes elected by him hired managing the enterprises which actions can cause organizational - administrative

Экономика и предпринимательство, январь-март 2008 г.

risks: from reduction of profitableness of economic activities of the enterprise for the proprietor and before loss of business.

10. «« Security of the enterprise from undesirable absorption by the foreign organization ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of security of the enterprise, its proprietor and wage and salary earnerses from actions of the foreign competing organizations on mastering by prevailing participation in management of labour relations at the enterprise and by transformation into the new basic proprietor.

11. « Maintenance of potential reliability of the enterprise for creditors ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of maintenance of reliability and stability in work of the enterprise for the possible creditors, based on starting economic potential of the enterprise, starting potential of business reputation, the responsibility of the proprietor and effective labour relations.

12. « Availability to the proprietor of the full information on labour relations at the enterprise ».

The given factor is understood as a degree of an openness of personnel, financial and other reporting about economic activities of the enterprise for the proprietor, allowing him to have all-round representation about actions of hired managers, about the current personnel and economic condition of the enterprise.

The carried out analysis of influence of organizational - administrative factors on labour relations on small enterprises has shown various features of influence of each factor on various forms. It provides development of scientifically proved organizational -administrative mechanism of labour relations in development of small business and procedure of a choice of the optimum form for effectivization of

labour relations at the enterprises in various spheres of business. It is obviously possible to define results of total influence of organizational - administrative factors on labour relations at the enterprise: the management efficiency work for the proprietor of a small enterprise in the form of economic company and the individual businessman is higher, than in an economic society and production co-operative. It finds reflection in organizational - administrative parameters of work of the enterprises and proves to be true statistical data according to which the share of individual forms in national economy considerably surpasses a share of corporate forms.

Research of influence of the organizational -legal form on labour relations on small enterprises and its economic activities allows to develop scientifically proved organizational - administrative mechanism of labour relations in development of small business.

Development - process of natural change, transition of one condition in another, more perfect.

Under the mechanism (from griechisch mechane - the instrument, the machine) in the economic literature is understood a sequence of conditions, the processes, determining by itself any action, the phenomenon; system, the device, determining itself any action, the phenomenon; the internal device machines, the device of the device, resulting them in action. According to the Soviet encyclopaedic dictionary the economy borrowed concept "mechanism" from the mechanics. In the mechanics components of the mechanism are defined: the entrance part receiving movement; the target part transmitting movement; a part which adjusts movement from an entrance link on a target part.

In the economic literature such concepts, as an

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