Modification of international business innovative development concept in case of it's subject's economic security forming

O.V. Ilienko,

д-р экон. наук, проф., Национальный авиационный университет (03680, Украина, г. Киев, пр. Космонавта Комарова 1; e-mail: elena_nayka@mail.ru)

Аннотация. В статье исследованы направления развития понятий «экономическая безопасность», «экономическая безопасность предпринимательства» и «международная экономическая безопасность» в условиях развития стран с трансформационной экономикой. Предложен системно-ситуационный подход к управлению категории «международная предпринимательская безопасность» с целью большей конкретизации направлений обеспечения международной экономической безопасности.

Abstract. The scientific analysis of the article is the innovative processes in world economy system as a factor to study, estimate and improve the effectiveness of international business subject's economic security. The main point of the article is to propose the functional model of providing international business subjects security as a main participants of global economics through country's innovative development during world's globalization.

Ключевые слова: международный бизнес, экономическая безопасность, предпринимательская безопасность.

Keywords: international business, economic secu

The structure of world economy system has been basically changed to high-tech economics and services due to the economics globalization and development crisis in world's economy.International organizations only worsen the situation through resources management on world's IT markets. Though due to the theory of international marketing the business competitive ability (especially in international sphere of both private and state business) isn't constant. It demands constant attention (both from national and international business) to keep it real, improve business quality and speed of reaction to market changes. That's why those countries which have basically changed their economics to the usage of modern technologies, especially in services sphere (which directly depends on production sector) today have the highest competitive ability. The international business policy to develop the usage of high-tech in forming modern business processes and the activity of its subject is scientifically proved and bases on the theory of modern technology establishment.The dependence of competitive ability to world's high-tech innovation level which is key factor to state innovation index is obvious today. That's why the national economic integration can't be executed without country's technological base and technological development management system.

The fundamental character and difference of theories shows the research importance and scientific necessity [1; 2; 3; 4].Nowadaysexists the need of implementation of these theories in effective method development which should regulate the strategies of technological international business and business processes development. The concept of this development is not accidently chosen and it should be mentioned. The nature of the concept of

Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, Vol. 7, Nom. 7

ity, business subjects security.

every development which is firstly based on forming the "function" category which in this matter is used to indicate all of the simple actions of subjects of global innovation business development process due to formation, implementation and monitoring of these strategies with world's globalization consideration, that's primary to explain the necessity of this concept. According to the stated the main point of the concept is the definition of world's economy and it's structural organization assignment antecedence. Due to that the innovative structure of the county and other international business subjects is defined by globalization conditions and total functions of it's activity.

World's economy develops fast and rapid despite the crisis. It does not withstand but stimulate new demands which supports the formation of world's economy and it's subjects new functions. During today's innovation in world's economy in international business we may observe the processes of differentiation, global and national innovative system, subsystems and element's integration which is useful for global renovation, when old functions and gadgets step back and new take their place. Consequently functions change between global innovation subjects which now is used in international business leads to material functional and structural changes in international business organization. Therefore this changes are valuable point in formation of methods, concepts, mechanisms and instruments of mentioned strategies realization.

International business innovation strategy may be considered as all activities of different but common in their sphere subjects of international business. These activities have the aim of gaining concrete advantages in choosing goal achievement mechanisms, defying development priorities and

O. V. Ilienko Modification of international business innovative development concept in case of it's subject's economic security forming

forming innovative activities organization and management on global markets. Innovation became the key point of world's economy development. Corporations see modern technologies as an effective way to increase their profit and conquer new market segments. States see them as a method to speed up the national economic development through increasing competitive ability on global markets. In this case state functions in international business innovation are connected with mentioned strategic goals but the global aim lies not only in this sphere.

Global economic practice indicates the state strategy as a system of goal establishment intentions which is developed through state structures and citizens cooperation and should have temporary character for effective achievement of inner objectives and it have to be based on available or future resources [5, c. 135].Consequently the analysis of state functions should show such points as: which are the states functions on different stages of it's development and the way of their execution; what should be the main objective of authority politics and activities; which methods have to be used to achieve strategic performance targets.

In case of lack of states function's fulfillment mechanism or impossibility of proper main function's performancethe state is unable to conduct the chosen strategies of international business innovation. Using these functions the state implements it's objectives what leads to function's increasing potential, the possibility to use them further. At the same time state functions emerge and develop in accordance with those objectives which should be fulfilled in concrete economic conditions. In that case state functions are closely related and connected with state influenced social relations.Therefore every state should establish it's level of governmental influence to national economy development strategy considering global innovation tendencies.

From our point we can define the international business innovations strategy as a synthesis of forms and methods of regulation of international business subject's which provide the integration of different integration stages through the usage of basic elements (such as intellect, information and resources) with the main goal of gaining concrete international advantages. Hence the effective method to fight the difference between innovation strategies types of countries participating in world economy is to develop one theoretical model which should be invariant in both managing and managed systems. The need of international business strategic management in all of it's aspects shows the necessity of such model. Through it the harmonization of international business subject's connections which lies in field on realization of tactical and strategic objectives of innovation policy should become possible.

The functional model proposed lies in assuring international economic security for worldwide

business subjects through country's technological development in today's globalized era. (pic.1) The model is built due to typical functions of international business subjects and due to different types of innovation management as a part of international competitive ability management.Today's situation makes the question extremely relevant while innovative activities of international business include the growing economic and functional risks and dangers. Yet the functions of such model are not measured only be scientific school which demands only to define the managed and the managing systems.

They are aimed to make it more comfortable to use it in up-to-date situations to study and analyze the conditions and factors causing those functions. Also their objective is to react rapidly to such situations in the process of international business competitive ability management (and as a primary goal - the management of national economics competitive ability while it has great influence on other subjects of this county's business).

The usage of functionalconcept in developing and implementing the innovative strategy in international business is based on the fact that each county has its aim of participating in international business (tab. 1)

Consequently the proposed management system gives wide concept for formation a mechanism of economic innovation model implementation: innovative development of international market subjects provides innovative development for enterprises, corporations, separate branches, regions and countries and so it braces total international business: mega-level (world economy), macro-level (national economy), mesa-level (branches) and microlevel (separate business, small and medium enterprises)

The mechanism mentioned should be based on state, regions and business cooperation for effective investment potential usag

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