научная статья по теме New foreign-language publications on the Cossacks in the Russian Index of Scientific Quotation of 2013-2014: statistical analysis and bibliometrics Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «New foreign-language publications on the Cossacks in the Russian Index of Scientific Quotation of 2013-2014: statistical analysis and bibliometrics»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.3-11 UDC 930(47)"2013-2014"


Yurchenko I.Yu.

Aim of the article: it is for the first time the main trends in studying the topical issues of the modern historiography of the Cossacks are considered, on the basis of the analysis of the articles in academic periodicals from the Scientific E-Library of the Russian Index of Scientific Quotation funds over the last year.

Method: the statistical analysis of the total amount and the publishing dynamics of the articles devoted to the problems of the Russian Cossack-sand written in foreign languages over the years of 2013 and 2014. The analysis of the main bibliometrical publishing figures relaled to the Cossacks. The comparative analysis of the number, dynamics, and subject of the foreign-language articles devoted to the Cossacks.

Results: there have been adduced the statistical data concerning the scholarly publications in journals, and the results of their analysis. A conclusion was made about the increase of the number of topical works devoted to the Cossacks. Then, there have been considered the foreign-language articles from the pre-reviewed periodicals from Russian Index of Scientific Quotation. Altogether there were 46 titles under analysis (out of482 articles written on the subject). The author's earlier hypothesis of this increase in number of the articles on the Cossacks in the second decade of 21 century having expotential nature has been partially proved.

The sphere of applying the results: historiographical analysis, bib-liometrics, scientific statistics, general history of science, the methods of statystical analysis of the subjects of topical scientific research.

Keywords: Cossack; Cossacks; modern historiography; articles in journals; academic periodicals, Russian Index of Scientific Quotation (RISQ); Sientific E-Library (SEL); SCIENCE INDEX; statistics; bibliometrical analysis.


Юрченко И.Ю.

В статье впервые на основе анализа статей в научных журналах, отложившихся в фондах Научной электронной библиотеки Российского индекса научного цитирования за прошедший год, рассматриваются основные направления изучения актуальных проблем новейшей российской историографии казачества.

Метод: статистический анализ общего числа и динамики публикации статей по проблемам казачества в России за 2013-2014 гг. на иностранных языках. Анализ основных библиометрических показателей публикаций по казачьей тематике. Сравнительный анализ числа, динамики и тематики статей по казачеству на русском и иностранных языках.

Результаты: приведена статистика научных публикаций в журналах, а также результаты ее анализа. Сделан вывод о росте числа актуальных исследований феномена казачества в последние годы. Рассмотрены статьи в рецензируемых журналах из Российского индекса научного цитирования, изданные на иностранных языках. Всего приведены результаты анализа 46 наименований из общего чис-

ла 482 статей в научных журналах по рассматриваемой проблеме. Была частично проверена выдвинутая ранее автором гипотеза об экспоненциальном росте числа научных статей по казачьей тематике во втором десятилетии 21 века.

Область применения результатов: историографический анализ, библиометрия, научная статистика, общая история науки, методы статистического анализа тематики актуальных научных исследований.

Ключевые слова: Cossack; Cossacks; казачество; новейшая историография; статьи в журналах; РИНЦ; НЭБ; SCIENCE INDEX; статистика; библиометрический анализ.

Over the last two decades there has been a stable trend for increasing the amount and widening the thematical range of the scholarly researches devoted to Cossacks. As it has been mentioned earlier, in the author's special monograph, the total number of these researches over the last three decades is 2475 [1, p. 7], with the number of the theses defended in connection to the subject being 397 [2, p. 72]. The number of articles published in the leading pre-reviewed journals included into the Russian Index of Scientific Quotation is growing especially fast in recent years. From 2001 to 2010 their number was increasing in the following tempo [3]: 2001 and 2002 had 3 articles per year; 2003 - 6; 2004 - 5; 2005 - 15; 2006 - 34; 2007 - 24; 2008 - 65; 2009 - 82; 2010 - 84; which is, in total, 321 articles written about Cossacks over the decade [4, p 160]. The further research conducted in 2011 showed that there were 105 publications, and in 2012, according to incomplete data - 35 [1, p. 97]. On the basis of all data, which were processed with the help of mathematical methods of statistical analysis, there has been constructed a model of publishing activity development in the given cluster. The model was substantiated and the results of the research published in a number of the author's articles [3; 4; 6 - 12 and others] and monographs [1; 2; 5]. Despite the obvious "fall" of the figures indicating the number of articles in 2011-2012, the statistical prognosis as per the model constructed on the basis of the data analysis of the three de-

cades (with the general figures over the 20th century, decade by decade, being taken into account) demonstrated the trend for the growth of the figures, and the author has even verbalized a supposition that this growth has an expotential character. All this allowed to suppose there has appeared a new research area, wholly devoted to studying the Cossacks as a unique phenomenon. The author has recently conducted a new research on the basis of more accurate data (as nowadays by far not all publications get to libraries in time and are being indexed). It gave new, fuller results. In 2010, there were 95 titles; in 2011 -153; in 2013 - 422; and, finally, 74 over the inncomplete five months of 2014. Therefore, the hypothesis the author had previously brought forward seems to have been proved, at least in the cluster of scholarly articles.


In the present article we will consider the situation in such a specific area as publications in foreign languages.

Materials and methods of research

The original material (the articles in digitalized academic periodicals) is kept in Scientific E-Library (SEL) of the Russian Index of Scientific Quotation (RISQ) [13]. The period under analysis was the years 2013 and 2014. In total, as on June, 1, there were found 46 publications in foreign languages. It should be immediately underlined that these fall into two big groups: the articles written in Ukrainian (and some other Slavonic languages like Polish or Belarusian) and the articles written in English. Of the total amount of 46 titles, 9 were in Slavonic languages and 2 are Russian reviews of the books written in English [14; 15]. The other 35 titles are written in English, usually by Russian or Ukrainian authors and published in Russian or Ukrainian journals included into the SCIENCE INDEX system of the RISQ.

Research results and their interpretation

General statistics on the selected subset can be represented in a following way. The total amount of the articles is 46; the total amount of authors - 56;

the average amount of publications per an author - 0,82. 2013 saw 29 articles, and there has been 17 more since the beginning of 2014. At the same time the average number of quotations is amounted to null, which is hardly surprising in view of that it was quite recent articles that were under analysis.

As to their subject, the articles are distributed into the following groups: 19 titles in the sphere of historical studies; 3 - in social studies; 2 - in political studies; 1 in literature and 1 in pedagogy. Distribution by keywords gave the following picture: «Cossacks» and «the Cossacks» are mentioned in 27 articles in total; «Culture» - in 10; «Ethnicity» and «State» - in 9 articles each; «Class» and «History» - in 8 each; «Traditions» - in 6; «Russia» - in 5; «Tradition» - in 3. All the other keywords can be come across in less than three articles.

The most articles in foreign languages were published in such journals as «НауковшрацiiсторичноroфакулкгетуЗапорiзькоroнацiональноroунiв ерситету» (6 articles); «Сборники конференций НИЦ Социосфера» (5); «Вюник Нацюнально! академи KepiBHm ка^в культури i мистецтв» (4); «In the World of Scientific Discoveries, Series A» (3); «История и историки в контексте времени» (3). Thejournals «Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Серия: Гуманитарные науки»; «Достижения вузовской науки»; «Культура. Духовность. Общество»; «Молодийвчений»; «Наука и современность» each published two articles. All the other journals published per one article devoted to the Cossacks over the period in question.

Among the authors registered in the SCIENCE INDEX of the RISQ system - and the system detected 13 such authors - the distribution was as follows: Ivan Yur'evich Yurchenko wrote 3 articles [4; 11; 12]; Igor Yur'evich Erokhin - 2 articles [16; 17]; while Mikhail Georgievich Tarasov - 2 [18; 19]; while Nikolay Fedorovich Bugay [20], Violetta Sergeevna Molchanova [21], Ekaterina Sergeevna Norkina [22], Vladimir Dmitrievich Puzanov [23], Oleg Valer'evich Ratushnyak [24], Alexander Pavlovich Skorik [25], Sergey Georgievich Sulyak [26], Irina Mikhaylovna Fedina [25], Georgy Ivanovich Finin [27], and Alexander Arvelovich Cherkasov [21] wrote one article each. The fact that most Ukrainian authors did not register in RISQ should be taken into consideration, because it results in them being not seen by the system. The dis-

tribution by the number of co-authors gave the following results: there are 38 articles by single authors, 7 by two co-authors and 1 published by five co-authors. On the face of it, thereby, the SCIENCE INDEX system demonstrates that the most articles were written by the author of the present

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