научная статья по теме ПРИМЕРНЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ Языкознание


готовимся к ЭКЗАМЕНАМ

Олимпиада «Учитель школы будущего»

Примерные задания по английскому языку

Приведенные ниже материалы Олимпиады «Учитель школы будущего» по английскому языку представляют собой оригинальные задания на проверку умений в области понимания письменного текста, знаний лексики и грамматики, а также навыков письменной и устной речи обучающихся. Для публикации мы отобрали самые интересные задания прошлых лет.

I. Reading

Read the text. Seven paragraphs have been removed from the text. Choose from paragraphs A-H the one which fits each gap 1-7. There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

Husband and Wife

Detective Inspector Luke Thanet was a happy man. He had an interesting job, no pressing financial worries, two healthy, lively children and, perhaps best of all, a wife who was all that any man could wish for.

1 |

Reaching for his pipe, he tapped it out, inspected it, blew through it, then filled it with loving care. "It's nine o'clock," Joan said. "Do you want the news?" "I don't think so. Do you?" "Not particularly."

2 |

Now she fidgeted, crossed and re-crossed her legs, fiddled with her hair, chewed the tip of her thumb. Eventually, "Book no good?" Thanet enquired. She looked up at once. "Mmm? Oh, it's all right. Very interesting, in fact." "What's the matter then?" She hesitated, gave him a speculative look. He laid down his newspaper. "Come on, love. Tell me."

3 |

"Oh?" he said, warily. She looked at him with something approaching desperation. "It's just that... oh... dear... Look, you know we've said all along that when Ben starts school I'll go back to work? Well, that's only six months away now. So I really ought to start thinking what I want to do. "I see," Thanet said slowly. "There you are. I knew you wouldn't like it". "Darling, don't be silly. It's just that the idea will take a bit of getting used to after all this time, that's all." "Don't pretend", she said. You are dead against it really, aren't you? I can tell."

4 |

Now, in a flash he saw all of that was changing. Uncomfortable adjustments would have to be made, there would be inconvenience, irritation, arguments. Theory and practice, he now realized, were very different matters. All very well, in

"No, oh, I did consider it seriously, at one time. I'm very interested as you know. But ... I don't know, I'd like to feel I was doing something, well, less self-indulgent, more useful. Oh, dear, does that sound horribly priggish?"

6 _

"Not in the least. What sort of thing did you have in mind?" "Well, that's the trouble. I'm just not qualified for anything. That's why I think I ought to start thinking about it now, so that if I have to do a course, or any special training, I can get organized for September." "Yes, I can see that. You haven't got into it, then?" 7 |

Very much later, he told himself, as he drove to work next morning. And preferably not at all.

A Not very inspiring, he thought guiltily, assessing the situation in the light of Joan's projected foray into the world of work. "I mean it, you know. You go ahead, make enquiries, find out the sort of thing you'd enjoy." But the false heartiness in his tone did not deceive and she bit her lip, glanced away from him.

B "Nonsense", he said. "We've always said you would, when the children were old enough." "Oh, I know you've always said you wouldn't mind. But that's very different from not minding when it actually happens," she replied. "Anyway, I thought you'd more or less made up your mind to do an art course".

C She went back to her book. Thanet picked up the newspaper. He hadn't been reading for more than a few minutes, however, when he realized that Joan was unusually restless. Normally, when she was reading, she plunged at once into total absorption. On one occasion, Thanet had counted up to a hundred from the time he asked her a question to the moment when she looked up, eyes unfocused, and said, "What did you say?"

D "I wanted to speak to you about it first. Oh, darling," and she came to kneel before him, took his hands, "you are sure you don't mind?" "No," he lied valiantly, "I knew, of course, that the time would come, sooner or later ..."

E He grinned. "To be honest, yes. But I know what you mean." "Do you?" she said eagerly. "You don't think I'm being stupid?"

F And so it was that on this blustery March evening, blissfully unaware of the nasty little shock that Fate was preparing for him, he stretched his toes out to the fire, settled back into his armchair and reflected that he wouldn't change places with any man in the world.

G And she was right, of course, she was. They had been married for eight years now and for all that time Joan had been the good little wife who stayed at home, ran the house efficiently without fuss, coped with two children and made sure that everything was geared to Thanet's convenience. Unlike the wives of so many of his colleagues, Joan had never complained or nagged over the demands of his job, the irregular hours.

готовимся К ЭКЗАМЕНАМ

H To his surprise, she still didn't respond. "Joan? He was beginning to feel the first faint stirrings of alarm. She shook her head slowly then, a fierce little shake. "Oh, it's all right. There's nothing wrong, not really. It's just that I have a nasty feeling you aren't going to like what I'm trying to pluck up the courage to say."

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

II. Use of English

Task 1. Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in the gaps in all the three sentences.

1. The buses to the village only ... on weekdays, which was not convenient for the villagers without cars.

My aunt ... the company singled-handed after her husband's death.

When I ... into Mark in the street, I hardly recognized him as he had changed a lot since I saw him last.

2. I told the builders that the ceiling ... damp when I touched it.

Mrs. Grace ... it was time for her to retire after working 20 years as a principal.

Tess ... in her bag, hoping her phone was there.

3. It was very stuffy in the carriage and when the train stopped I was happy to get out of it, onto the platform to get some . air.

It's best to put down your lecture notes immediately when the facts are still ... in your mind.

You can use ... or tinned tomatoes for this recipe.

4. I used to think that Frank was ..., honest and trustworthy, but I was wrong.

The museum is only . to the general public for three months each year.

I have some ideas about where to go, but I'm ... to suggestions.

5. Ron did not speak the words, but instead whispered them inside his ....

The ceremony was attended by the . of the government.

As we had the tickets, we did not have to stand in the queue, so we walked straight to the . of it.

Task 2. Read the text. Write in the word that best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Most people look back on school with fond memories, but while they are going

through the experience they can't 1)_for it to 2)_over. One joke that

students are very 3)_of repeating is that 4)_they like best about

school is breaks. And what they 5)_forward 6)_most of all is the end

готовимся к ЭКЗАМЕНАМ

of the term and 7)_on holiday. I think it would be unrealistic to 8)_

much enthusiasm from children for maths 9)_a Monday morning.

Oddly enough, I liked school at the time and remember most of my old teachers

with affection. Moreover, I am quite 10)_on my job and enjoy the company of

noisy children. However, there are some things I want my students to do if we are all

11)_get on well. The first thing I tell 12)_is that I will 13)_accept

bullying or disrespect towards other students. I hope I am 14)_being too strict

or old-fashioned but I do 15)_all members of the class to 16)_respected.

Outside class, I don't feel 17)_marking huge piles of examination scripts.

I simply 18)_stand the idea of 19)_hours writing corrections in red

ink, knowing that most students will not bother even to 20)_at them.

Task 3. Read the text. Decide which answer (A, B or C) fits best according to the text.

The British people love travelling. It is actually very easy for them because there

are hundreds of 1)_with Europe and the rest of the world nowadays

and people 2)_of that.

Travel is said to 3)_the mind. But does it really do this for the

majority of people who go abroad? A typical tourist who goes to another country

4)_a package holiday will probably travel at peak time, when the

airports are crowded. His charter flight may be 5)_a few hours.

When he arrives at his destination, he may well find that the facilities promised in the holiday brochure are not 6)_to his expectations.

Sometimes people arrive at hotels that haven't even been built yet. In the

7)_area there are few chances of meeting 8)_people and tourists

often go home with little or no new 9)_into another 10)_.

So travelling can be both exciting and stressful, enjoyable and frustrating.

1. A) ways B) associations C) links

2. A) take advantage B) take pleasure C) take care

3. A) widen B) broaden C) extend

4. A) for B) because of C) on

5. A) dismissed B) delayed C) cancelled

6. A) up B)over C) near

7. A) overprofitable B) overmercantile C) overcommercialized

8. A) local B) native C) aborigine

9. A) understanding B) perception C) insights

10. A) civilization B) culture C) society

III. Writing

Look at the picture. Write your own version of the story based on the picture. You should write 220-250 words.

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IV. Speaking

Make a monologue on the following: j

All life we're seeking to be happy, but what is ■$ happiness?


1. You are the first to speak.

2. You have 1,5-2 minutes to speak.

3. Express your opinion and give reasons.

4. After you finish, your partner will ask you two questions.

5. Listen to your partner and ask him/ her two questions which have not been covered by his/her monologue.


I. 1. F; 2. C; 3. H; 4. G; 5. B; 6. E;

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