v . q.





Основная задача преподавания иностранного языка - научить использовать иностранный язык в коммуникативных целях, что требует определенного уровня языковой, речевой и социокультурной компетенции.

Видеокурс "Opportunities in Britain" дает учителю возможность наглядно показать обычаи и привычки британцев, а также, стимулируя умения говорения, сравнить образ жизни людей в нашей стране и стране изучаемого языка. Так, на заключительном уроке по теме "The Pastime" в VIII классе был использован фильм "Leisure and Entertainment", состоящий из нескольких частей: Introduction, Sport, At Home, Outside the Home.

Перед показом фильма, как Warming up в форме Multiple Choice, с учащимися проводится викторина:

1) Which country invented golf ?

a) the UK b) the USA c) Canada

2) Which country invented football?

a) the UK b) the USA c) Canada

3) Which country invented rugby?

a) the UK b) the USA c) Canada

4) Which country invented basketball?

a) the UK b) the USA c) Canada

5) How many squares are there on a chess board?

a) 56 b) 80 c) 64

6) Which Olympic competitors go the fastest?

a) cyclists

b) skiers and skaters

c) runners

7) Where was David Beckham born?

a) Liverpool b) Manchester c) London


8) Where were the first Modem Olympic Games held?

a) Paris b) Athens c) London

9) Where will the next Olympic Games be held?

a) Italy b) China c) Russia

10) In which of the following sports do you use a racquet?

a) cricket b) baseball c) tennis

11) When was the first successful computer game invented?

a) 1972 b) 1980 c) 1988

12) When and where was the first film shown?

a) Paris, 1896

b) London, 1900

c) The USA, 1914

13) At which theatre in London did W. Shakespeare perform?

a) The Royal Theatre

b) The Globe

c) The Odeon

14) Which museum is famous for its library?

a) The National Gallery

b) Madam Tussaud's

c) The British Museum

15) Whose private collection of art became the pride of Russia?

a) The Russian Tsars'

b) Napoleon's

c) P. Tretyakov's

Затем учащиеся называют восемь самых популярных видов деятельности россиян в свободное время. Записываем их на доске.

Просмотр фильма идет по частям. После каждой части проводится беседа, в ходе которой учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.

Part I. Introduction. Просмотрев эту часть, учащиеся записывают самые популярные виды деятельности среди британской молодежи и обсуждают, почему такие виды спорта, как лыжи и коньки, популярны в России и не популярны в Англии.

Part II. Sport. Перед тем как смотреть эту часть, учащимся дается задание записать виды спорта, которые oни увидят во время просмотра. Далее они отвечают на вопросы:

- What is the most popular spectator sport?

- What is the most popular activity?

- What type of cycling do you not do on a road?

Школы (классы) с углубленным изучением ИЯ


- Where was lawn tennis invented?

- What are the most famous tennis competitions?

- Who plays football?

- Which footballer is an inspiration to everyone?

Затем учащиеся рассказывают о наиболее популярных видах спорта в России, выдающихся спортсменах.

Part III. At Home. После просмотра фильма учащиеся дополняют предложения:

1) The___is at the heart

of many popular pastimes.

2 )__can be combined with

listening to music.

3) People listen to about_

hours of radio a week.

4) The most popular activity is

5) People watch about___

hours of TV a week.

6) A major free time activity is

Выполнив это задание, проводим мини-ролевую игру. Часть учащихся - «хозяева», другая часть - «гости из Англии». Задача «хозяев» - увлечь своих «гостей» занятиями, которые им нравятся, а «гости» хотят узнать больше об этих видах досуга. «Хозяева» выбирают карточку с одной из ситуаций и предлагают кому-то из «гостей»:

- You spend your time watching TV. What TV shows are you interested in?

- You are keen on computer games. Your friend enjoys them too. Talk about new games.

- You are interested in music. Talk about your music taste.

- You have an interesting collection of coins (stamps), which was started by your father. Show it to your friend.

-Your family is fond of reading, and you have a large collection of books. What can you say about it?

- Making things is a very exciting and useful hobby. What things can be made at home?

Part IV. Outside the Home. Проверяем понимание этой части, предложив задание "True or false statements":

- In the West End of London, you can go to the theatre.

- Tate Gallery used to be an art gallery.

Школы (классы) с углубленным изучением ИЯ

- Alton Towers are some of the oldest buildings in London.

- In libraries, you can borrow books and DVDs and use computers.

- These days, in many pubs you can play music and eat continental-style food.

- The most popular thing is to hang out with friends, relatives and teachers.

В творческой части урока ученики обсуждают виды досуга вне дома. Например, в Британии это посещение пабов. На обсуждение выношу виды деятельности, которые популярны в России. Они написаны на плакатах, которые я развешиваю на доске.

- Sports and games

- Travelling

- Going to the country

- Shopping

- Going to the forest to gather mushrooms and berries

- Fishing

На дом дается задание написать письмо другу с предложением провести несколько дней вместе в Британии или в России, чтобы лучше узнать интересы друг друга.


Tapescript "Leisure and Entertainment"


How do young people in Britain spend their free time?


It's no surprise that sport is popular, both watching it and playing it. Football is the largest spectator sport - but walking is the most popular activity, walking pets or doing something more adventurous, like hiking in the countryside or hills.

Other popular sports are swimming...

Doing aerobics and yoga.

Going cycling - and not just cycling in towns, but also mountain biking.

Or simply getting around on wheels, with skateboards and rollerblades.

And playing football is popular with all ages. Everyone wants to become the another David Beckham.


At home, computers are the heart of the most popular pastimes, whether playing games, surfing the net or emailing.



v . q.


Of course, if they are in school, then there's always homework to do. But that can be combined with listening to music or the radio. Young people listen to the radio over 16 hours a week.

While texting friends has now become a major free-time activity the most popular activity at home is sitting in front of a TV screen. People watch an average of 25 hours of TV every week.


A recent government survey reveals the most popular activities for young British people outside the home. In reverse order:

- At number 8, going to the theatre. The West End is still important, but there are a lot of smaller fringe venues putting on more experimental plays.

- At number 7, visiting museums and galleries. Tate Modern, which houses twentieth century and contemporary art, used to be a power station. It attracted over 5 million visitors in its first year.

- At number 6, going to a funfair or one of the amazing theme parks such as Alton Towers.

- At number 5, going to the library. These days you can do a lot more at libraries than simply borrow books. They lend out CDs, videos and DVDs of the top films, and they have computer facilities for surfing the net, sending emails and keeping up with news.

- At number 4, going to the cinema.

And now the top three:

- At number 3 going clubbing.

- At number 2, having a meal in a fast food restaurant.

- And, at number 1, going to the pub with friends. Most young people said that was their favourite activity outside the home. Nowadays, many pubs play music and serve continental-style food. In fact, hanging out with friends, wherever it may be, is easily the most popular thing to do outside the home.

Л.С. Челнокова,

школа с углубленным изучением английского языка № 1289, Москва





В литературном вечере, посвященном творчеству известного английского драматурга Д.Б. Шоу, приняли учащиеся старших классов школы.

В процессе подготовки к вечеру были отобраны ведущие, актеры заучивали свои роли и отрабатывали произношение, особое внимание было уделено подбору музыкального сопровождения. В зале были повешены портрет Б. Шоу, список его произведений, фотографии обложек книг.

На уроках и факультативных занятиях ученики знакомились с жизнью и творчеством Б. Шоу.

Compereр Good evening, dear teachers, mothers, fathers, boys and girls.

Let us begin our English party devoted to the outstanding British dramatist George Bernard Shaw.

Compere2: Did you know that G.B. Shaw was born in Dublin, Ireland, on the 26th of July 1856? His family was very poor. Shaw even had to leave school at the age of fifteen. He became a cashier in a Dublin land agency. He hated his job and after he had worked for five years he gave it up and left for London.

Compere3: Shaw tried to make a living by writing. He wrote four novels which were published in magazines but they were not successful. From 1885 to 1898 he wrote a lot as a critic of art, music, literature and drama, and was very popular with readers.

Compere1: In the nineties Shaw began to write for the theatre. He was the creator of modern satire. Shaw wrote over twenty plays.

Внеклассная работа

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