научная статья по теме Regularity and randomness as relative linguistic-philosophical categories: disambiguation in synthesis and language development Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Regularity and randomness as relative linguistic-philosophical categories: disambiguation in synthesis and language development»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.2-17 UDC 81.1


Nekipelova I.M.

The article is devoted to understanding of regularity and randomness processes in language development. The research had been done within the bound of problem-oriented search and presented regularity and randomness as relative linguistic-philosophical categories. Regularity is the result of universal mechanisms and randomness by unique mechanisms in language development. As a result of synthesis of these phenomena language system instability is appeared. It defines a language as open and spontaneous unique non-linear system of human communication. For more accurate descriptions of processes carrying out these language development mechanisms, the author suggests the concept. It isn't based on traditional conceptions about language system segmentation to language levels and striations, that allows to see the structure of language. It is based on an idea about various forms of synchronous exist of language in its totality, that allows to see language as system. Terms «subjective language», «objective language» and «aspective language» are introduced.

Keywords: philosophy of a language, theory of a language, mechanisms of language system development, regularity, randomness.


Некипелова И.М.

Статья посвящена проблеме понимания закономерных и случайных процессов в развитии языка. Исследование выполнено в рамках проблемно-ориентированного поиска и представляет закономерность и случайность как соотносительные лингвофилософские категории. Закономерность вызвана действиями универсальных, а случайность -уникальных механизмов в развитии языка. В результате синтеза этих явлений возникает неустойчивость языковой системы, определяющая язык как уникальную открытую и саморазвивающуюся нелинейную систему человеческого общения. Для более точного описания процессов, реализующих механизмы развития языка, автором предлагается концепция, основанная не столько на традиционных представлениях о членении языковой системы на собственно языковые уровни и страты, позволяющие увидеть структуру языка, сколько на представлении о разных формах одновременного существования языка в их совокупности,

позволяющего увидеть язык как систему. Для этого вводятся понятия субъективный язык, объективный язык и аспективный язык.

Ключевые слова: философия языка, теория языка, механизмы развития языковой системы, закономерность, случайность.


In studying of language system development the topical moment is researching of correlation between regular and randomness processes. They are the motive factors of changes in language and mechanisms of it development. Question about correlation between chaos and order, randomness and regular in the world interests of many scientist since time when philosophic and linguistic world outlook has been appeared. Ancient world scientists have been looked for initial causes, fundamental principles of the world and ordering of chaos and order processes.

However, up to the present moment these questions relevance hasn't lost. On the contrary, with general scientific picture of the world splitting into sets of bounded with each other narrow scientific pictures of the world. Understanding of initial causes and fundamental principles becomes the fundament that not allowed the science to disintegrate into fragments of very narrow and special conceptions about the world. The fragments are dangerous, because describe the world in different ways and present within the bounds of concepts that mismatched and contradict with each other. So, «problems of correlation between order and chaos into nature and society evolution processes ahead to the last few decades are in the focus of the scientists' atten-

tion, working in different fields of natural-science and social-humanist knowledge. The problems have bounded with studying of unstable process, role of randomness and necessity of its development» [1, pp. 143]. Concept of unstable state should be applied by language, because language, within the bound of nowadays science, must be presented as compound, non-linear unfold in time, open system, i.e. as compound adaptive system (Complex Adaptive System [13]).


Regularity and randomness are general science concepts. So, for more clear and full understanding, they should be searched in general science sources. «Regularity and randomness concepts in philosophy are presented through relative philosophy categories - necessity and randomness, reflecting different types of bounds in the objective world and its cognition» [5]. Nature of the law and the case reflects the action of inseparable in human's thinking, impossible in rupture from each other synthesis processes and analysis such processes, phenomena and relations between them, which are formed the picture of the world. Consequently, regularity and randomness processes in nonlinear, including language systems, have various nature, sources and results. That is why they don't meaningless: parallel action of regularity and randomness in language system, its involution impossibility.

For more clear description of processes, realizing mechanisms of language development, we suggest the concept. It isn't based on traditional conceptions about language system segmentation to language levels and striations that allows seeing the structure of language. Terms «subjective language», «objective language» and «aspective language» are introduced.

Realization of regularity processes action in language is made conditional on necessity in uniform communication. That mechanism regulates centripetal processes in language system. They involve nucleus of system forming, that is understandable and used by all native speakers or its majority. As a result koine is formed, then literary form of language. Regularity is caused by universality in biological species Homo sapiens thinking and based on mass functionality of language units. «Necessity is reflection mainly inner, stable, iterative, general relations of reality, the main directs of its development; movement of cognition into depth of object, when opened its essence, law; the method of metamorphosis of possibility to reality, when in certain object has only one possibility, that transforming into reality» [5]. Regularity is an attribute of all languages in such degree right as all members of species Homo sapiens have uniform thinking in realization of all main categories of cognition and assessment of the world. As a result of regularity and necessity action in every language centripetal processes are taken place and, as consequence, general laws of language functioning are formed, objective nucleus and objective periphery of language system are created.

Randomness processes determined launching of polycentrism mechanism in language; in accordance with it language has as many centers as individuals used it. Randomness is made conditional on uniqueness of every member of humanity thinking, needs of verbal self-expression. Randomness is reflection of outer, inessential, unstable, singular bounds of reality; initial point of world cognition; the result of independent causal processes and events crossing; the method of conversion possibility into reality, when the object on conditions has some possibilities, which can converse into reality, but used only

one of them; form of necessity demonstration and addition to it» [5]. Randomness is an attribute of all languages the same in such degree right as thinking of every human, who speaks in some language, is individual. As a result of action of randomness in each language poly-centric processes are realized and, as consequence, formed occasional possibility, created subjective nucleus and subjective periphery of individual language systems.

All the wealth in language, all forms of it's existing in total^ not only expressed formally, but existing only potentially, are aspective language. At the same time, it is formed due to that forms, broken up into them and represented into them in different aspects of human activity.

Regularity and randomness are multidirectional mechanisms. They differently characterize the system and reflect the relationship between the functional units of the system. «Necessity is caused by regular and permanent causes of the process. It expresses something stable, that doesn't change in the structure of the objective world. And it is characterized by strict unambiguity (often inevitability). Randomness appears as a result of remote, irregular, variable reasons. It is characterized by ambiguity, vagueness of its flowing» [5]. However, these mechanisms in the system development are inseparable and interdependent, because «the same set of reasons may cause the necessary processes on some structural level of matter and in one system of connections, and, at the same time, can create randomness on another level or other systems of bounds» [5]. Action of the mechanism of language universalization only or only the mechanism of its individualization will inevitably lead to the destructiveness of the language system. In the first case it will lead to absolutism of system, and, in the second, to disorganize the system.

Of course, dichotomy of synchrony and diachrony of language, identifying by F. de Saussure, have been played an important role in studying of the history of language. It is particularly important position in modern linguistics, that there is no such synchronous state, which is not the result of any diachronic processes. Diachronic studies in linguistics mainly explain why in modern language some language units function. So, connection between the past and the modern states is hard determined, and the value of randomness is leveled. In this

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