В настоящее время социальные изменения настолько быстры и значительны, что никто уже не сомневается: сегодняшним юношам и девушкам предстоит жить в условиях, которых не было и не могло быть в жизни их родителей. Поэтому, прежде всего, надо учить их самостоятельно мыслить и действовать, формировать навыки самостоятельной работы. В своей профессиональной деятельности будущие специалисты должны научиться использовать иностранный язык.

В течение трех лет в конце каждого цикла учебного материала, объединенного по ситуативно-тематическому принципу, я провожу урок практического применения знаний, умений и навыков в форме деловой или ролевой игры, например: «Создание семьи», «Пресс-конференция участников международного конгресса», «В гостинице», «В гостях у зарубежных друзей», «Семинар», «Приезд иностранной делегации», «Заключение контракта на куплю-продажу», «Маркетинг», «Прием на работу» и др.

Заранее знакомлю студентов с планом деловой игры, где указываются все ситуации общения. Затем мы определяем возможные роли. Каждый студент получает индивидуальное домашнее задание - подготовить какую-либо роль и принять участие во всех планируемых ситуациях.

Учащийся обдумывает свою роль: возраст, семью, черты характера, стиль поведения.

Затем начинается самостоятельная работа. Студент решает, какую дополнительную литературу использовать, где можно проявить свою индивидуальность, юмор. Думает о том, как он будет выглядеть на фоне других студентов.

Естественно, что каждый студент привносит свой личностный элемент в разра-

ботку ситуации. Наибольшие трудности представляет собой подготовка к первой деловой игре. Затем задача становится проще, напряженность уходит.

Отмечу особенности подготовки к деловой игре.

- Деловая игра стимулирует активизацию мышления и способствует созданию оптимальной информационной обстановки, направляя поиск на отбор нужной информации.

- При подготовке к деловым играм организуется систематическое повторение материала.

- К урокам в форме деловой игры студенты готовятся хорошо, так как не хотят подводить своих партнеров, мобилизуются резервы коллектива. Учитывая возрастающий интерес молодых людей к внешнеэкономической деятельности и связанному с ней языковому материалу, в качестве примера предлагаю методическую разработку ролевой игры "A Visit of the Foreign Delegation to the Design Office".

Возможные роли определяются в зависимости от количества студентов в группе.

- Сотрудники российской проектной организации: президент, финансист, инженер, менеджер по персоналу, географ.

- Иностранная делегация: руководитель делегации, менеджер по персоналу, финансист, инженер.

- Сотрудники различных организаций: менеджер и администратор гостиницы, экскурсовод, театральный критик, продавец-консультант.

I. Введение в ситуацию.

Teacher (T): The theme of our lesson is "A visit of the foreign delegation to the design office". The employees of the design office: President, Financier, Engineer, and Personnel Manager have a press-conference to answer the questions potential customers may have.

а) Пресс-конференция.

President: Nowadays many countries are interested in building plants and complexes to process their own raw materials. Our design office can do survey, design and construction work. To throw light upon the activity of our design office and to tell our potential customers about the services our office provides, we have invited foreign rep-


resentatives working in our country and journalists from specialized magazines to our press-conference. Ask your questions, ladies and gentlemen.

Возможные вопросы: When was your office set up? Is it engaged in foreign trade? What projects have you done? What kinds of work does your office do? Is it difficult to run such a big organization? What terms of delivery do you prefer? Do your customers often ask you to speed up the delivery? What do you usually discuss with the customers? Where do you train the customers' specialists? Where do you insure your equipment?

б) Письмо из Ливана. (Текст письма предварительно размножен, и его читают все учащиеся.)

President: We have received a letter from our potential customers from Lebanon. Here it is.

Dear Sirs,

Our representative has attended your pressconference in Moscow and we would like to tell you about our problems.

Metal construction in our country is growing steadily, but we can't afford to import iron ore or steel products, as there is not enough hard currency. The USA has offered its help, but the interest rate is usually too high and they try to impose their terms and conditions as to how to use the capital they provide as help.

However, a national goal is to have an independent and self-reliant economy, and the construction of a steel plant in the area is one of the means to do it. Russia always offers more favourable terms and conditions and trains the customer's national specialists. Russian designers can work out drawings of non-standard equipment and carry out geological and geodetic investigations.

Unfortunately the plant will pollute air, water and soil. Nowadays the demand for "clean" enterprises grows with every year, and the need for purifying installations is urgent.

But such installations make the total construction cost much higher. There is the alternative of locating the plant in the desert area, but it would involve a lot of other problems: road construction, delivery of iron ore to the plant, water and power supply. Besides, the proposed construction site can't be located near ancient ruins which are protected by the state.

After the evaluation the iron-ore deposits, it was concluded that the composition of iron doesn't comprise more than 30%. This means that local iron ore should be concentrated with a mixture of ore and coke.

We would like to inform you that our delegation is coming to Moscow to discuss the possibility of establishing business relations with your company.

Yours faithfully,

President of Lebanon Metal Works Ltd.

Проверка понимания прочитанного: What are they going to construct? Why didn't they take American help? What kinds of work do they want us to do?

в) Географическая справка о Ливане. (Может быть подготовлена с использованием «Большой Советской Энциклопедии».)

T: Our Geographer has prepared the geographical background.

г) Программа пребывания делегации в Москве.

President: While we are preparing to receive the customer's delegation, we have to draw up a tentative programme of the points we are going to discuss and a cultural programme. The delegation will spend 4 days in Moscow Our specialists have prepared the program.

Программа пребывания делегации в Москве представлена на плакате, подготовленном учащимися заранее, после предварительного обсуждения хода деловой игры.

1st day: - Meeting the delegation at the airport.

- Making arrangements about rooms at the hotel.

- Discussing some business points at

the office.

- Sightseeing tour.

2nd day: - Discussing terms of delivery, delivery dates and guarantee period.

- A visit to the Bolshoi Theatre.

3rd day: - Discussing the training of specialists.

- Shopping.

4th day: - Discussing terms of payment and insurance and signing the contract.

- Departure of the delegation.

II. Визит иностранной делегации.

T: Let's acquaint ourselves with the members of the delegation. They are Mr. Ali, Vice-President; Mr. Smith, Personnel Manager; Mrs. Abu, Financier, and Miss Brown, Engineer.

When people go on a trip to another country, they read something about the country they are going to or speak to people who have been there. What do you know about Russia? Is Russia the biggest country in the world? What mountains divide Russia into two parts? Russia is a rich country. What is it rich


in? What is the longest Russian river? What is the symbol of Russia? What can you say about Russian people?

а) В аэропорту.

T: We are at the airport now. Our engineer is here to meet the delegation.

- Good morning. Are you Mr. Ali, the head of the delegation? I'm an engineer from the design office. I'm here to meet you.

- Good morning. It's very nice of you. Let me introduce my colleagues to you. This is Mr. Smith. This is Mrs. Abu. This is Miss Brown.

- Glad to meet you. Now we are going to the hotel to make arrangements about the rooms.

Студенты, играющие роли ливанцев, рассказывают о себе, «своих» семьях, интересах.

б) В гостинице.

T: We are at the hotel now. This is a manager of our hotel. What can you say about your hotel?

Manager: Our hotel is modern and well equipped. There are single rooms, double-rooms and suites at our hotel. There is a private bathroom, a refrigerator and a colour TV-set in each room. The price for the rooms is reasonable. There is a snack-bar and a coffee-stall on every floor of the hotel. We have a lot of facilities. There is a barber's, a hairdresser's, a shoe-repair shop, a foreign currency bank, a laundry and a restaurant. All of them are on the ground floor of the hotel.

Breakfast is from 8 until 10 o'clock, lunch is from 11 until 15.30, dinner is from 18 until 20 downstairs at the restaurant. Dear guests, please make arrangements about the room.

Образец диалога между администратором гостиницы и представителем иностранной делегации:

- Good morning. Can you spare me a minute?

- Good morning. What can I do for you?

- I believe you have a vacant room for me from today for 4 days.

- We can offer you a single room with a private bathroom.

- How much does it cost?

- 30 dollars a night.

- Oh, that's a reasonable price. What facilities are there in the hotel?

- There is a barber's, a hairdresser's, a shoe-repair shop, a foreign currency bank, a laundry and a restaurant. All of them are on the ground floor of the hotel.

- By the way, what time is breakfast?

- Breakfast is from 8 until 10 o'clock, lunch is from 11 until 15.30, dinner is from 18 until 20 downstairs at the restaurant.

- Can I h

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