научная статья по теме РОЖДЕСТВЕНСКИЙ УТРЕННИК MERRY CHRISTMAS Языкознание




Предлагаемый сценарий рождественского утренника на английском языке предназначен для учащихся II-VI классов. Подготовка к празднику занимает немало времени. Разучиваются новогодние стихи, песни, заранее готовятся подарки и складываются в специальный мешок, с которым позднее на празднике появится Дед Мороз (Santa Claus).

Цель мероприятия:

- привить интерес учащимся к изучению иностранного языка;

- в игровой форме проверить умения учащихся применять полученные знания английского языка (лексику, разговорные выражения, устойчивые формы и т.д.);

- развивать творческую активность учащихся.

Все гости рассаживаются в зале. Праздник начинается с инсценировки «Красная Шапочка» в несколько измененном изложении.


A play


Little Red Riding Hood




Santa Claus Scene 1.

Red Hood: My name is Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning!

Mother: Little Red Hood! Where are you?

Red Hood: I'm here, mother. What's the matter?

Mother: Do you know which holiday is coming up? Merry Christmas! Take a cake, some apples and a present for your Granny.

Red Hood: All right, mother.

Mother: Don't speak to anybody on the way. Don't stop in the wood. And don't pick flowers, berries or mushrooms there. Red Hood: O.K., Mum. Good bye! Mother: Good bye, darling! See you soon!

Scene 2. In the wood.

Red Hood: How nice it is in the wood! There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms there. I'll pick some flowers for my Granny.

(Появляется волк)

Wolf: I'm big and grey. I live in the wood. I want to eat you, Little Red Riding Hood!

Good morning, Red Wood Eaten Food,... oh...Little Red Riding Hood!

Red Hood: Good morning, Mr. Wolf! Merry Christmas!

Wolf: Where are you going? Red Hood: I'm going to my Granny. Come with me.

Wolf: Where does she live? Red Hood: She lives in a little house near the river. It's not far from here. Come with me, please. Wolf: But does she live alone? Red Hood: Yes, but why don't you want to go with me?

Wolf: I'm busy, I'm preparing for a Christmas party. I want to make a big cake. Red Hood: What a pity! Goodbye! Wolf: See you.

Scene 3. Near the granny's house.

Grandmother: Who is there? Wolf: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. Grandmather: Come in, darling. (Врывается волк, пытается схватить бабушку. Она его бьет веником. Бабушка убегает. Волк одевает платье, косынку и ложится в постель.) Red Hood: Clap, clap, clap Rap, rap, rap I'm knocking at the door, Tap, tap, tap. Wolf: Who is there?

Red Hood: It's me, Little Red Riding Hood. Wolf: Come in, my dear! Red Hood: Good morning, Granny! Wolf: Good morning!

Red Hood: Merry Christmas! Why are you lying in bed? Are you ill?! Wolf: No, I'm tired. Red Hood: Why?


Wolf: I've made many dishes for Christmas, but I haven't made a cake.

Red Hood: Don't worry, my dear! I met a Wolf, he is making a cake now. Let's invite him to the Christmas party!

Wolf: (снимает одежду бабушки) Oh, yes, yes, yes. I'm happy, I'm glad. You are so kind! Red Hood: Oh, where is my Granny? (Входит бабушка и Санта Клаус) Grandmother: We are here, dear. I met Santa Claus in the wood . Red Hood: Merry Christmas! Wolf: Merry Christmas! I'm sorry. I will be very good in the New Year.

(хором) Merry Christmas, dear children! Children: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, happy day, We all dance and sing and say Merry Christmas, happy day! (Поют песню "We wish you a Merry Christmas")

Santa Claus: Dear boys and girls! I've brought presents for you. May I look at the "Good boys and girls list" Ho-ho-ho, wow, very good!

(Зачитывает список учащихся, успешно изучающих английский язык в этом году) Santa Claus: That list makes me very happy. But I think all the other boys and girls are beeng good today. They've prepared poems, songs and puzzles for me. I'll give you presents. Who wants to read poems in English?

Дети читают стихи. Santa Claus: Let's play

Игра «Вот так!»

- How do you walk? - Like this!

(все ответы сопровождаются соответствующими движениями)

- How do you run? - Like this!

- How do you sleep? - Like this!

- How do you eat? - Like this!

- How do you drink? - Like this!

- How do you dance? - Like this!

- How do you play? - Like this! (Надуть щеки и разом стукнуть по ним)

- How do you smile? - Like this!

- How do you laugh? - Like this!

- How do you think (swim, climb, go, jump, ...)? Etc.

(движения водящий показывает неверно, пытаясь сбить с толка, задача - слу-

шать внимательно и повторять движения в соответствии с вопросами)

Появляется почтальон.

Postman: Attention, please! There is a package for you. What are these?

Игра «Что в посылке»

- This is a school thing. It can draw and write. It is made of wood. It can be red, white, bl^, orange, pink, brown. What is this? (a pencil) (вручается как приз угадавшему)

- This is a thing you can eat. It could be green, red, yellow. It is very tasty. It is round. (an apple)

- This is something you can read. It is interesting. It is not very thick, it's square. (a book)

- This is a thing you like to play with. It's little and very nice. This is a little present from Santa Claus. (a toy) Etc.

Santa Claus: Thank you very much! I'm very happy! But I have to go to see other children. Please, sing my lovely song "Jingle Bells". I'm saying good bye.

Дети поют песню, во время припева звенят маленькие колокольчики, которые они держат в руках. Санта Клаус незаметно исчезает, но оставляет после себя записку.

Teacher: What's this? This is a letter from Santa Claus.

"Dear boys and girls! Take my presents, please. I hope you can find them. Who is the first? Don't forget that Christmas is a holiday when you may give presents to boys and girls, your parents, teachers and all people you want. Do it, please! Be happy! Be good and obedient pupils! Help your parents! Be kind to your classmates! Merry Christmas!"

Дети отправляются на поиски мешка с подарками. Кто отыщет первым, получает приз. Затем раздаются подарки. Начинается праздничная дискотека. Проводятся конкурсы. Работает Рождественская почта.



A play


December - a funny boy



Animals: hares, foxes, wolves, birds. Snowman

Scene 1.

На полянке зверушки. Все радуются хорошей погоде, пушистому снегу, приветствуют друг друга.

- The sun is shining brightly!

- Fine weather!

- Frosty weather!

- Lovely day, isn't it?

- It's beautiful!

- What do you think of the snow? - It's wonderful! - The white snow!

- Hello, dear! - Hello! - Hi!

- Good afternoon! - How do you do? -Glad to see you!

- How are you? - I'm fine and you? - Me too.

Scene 2.

Вбегает Декабрь - озорной мальчишка. Звери радостно с ним здороваются.

- Hello, my name is December. Pleased to meet you.

- Hello, I'm ... (можно всем представиться)

- Let's make a snowman.

- All right. That's a good idea!

- Wonderful! - Fantastic! - Great!

Scene 3.

Зайцы начинают лепить снеговика. Волчата смотрят на них и начинают помогать. Все работают с удовольствием. Декабрь и птички тоже работают. Лисички хитрят, прячутся за кусты, то в снег упадут, то начинают жаловаться на плохое самочувствие.

- Will you help us to make a snowman?

- Oh, yes, of course.

- Could you help us?

- With pleasure.

- May I help you?

- Thank you very much.

- Will you help us?

- I'm afraid, I can't. I'm cold.

- That's a shame. You must work hard.

- I'm very sorry, but I don't feel well.

- What a pity! Etc.

Scene 4.

Снеговик готов, ему все радуются. У него нос-морковка, глазки-угольки, в руках метла.

- Here's a snowman.

- What a fine snowman!

- It's beautiful!

- Where is the carrot?

- Here it is!

- Where are the coals?

- Here they are. Etc.

Scene 5.

Снеговик оживает. Все его поздравляют с Днем рождения, дарят подарки. Он всех благодарит.

- Happy birthday!

- Happy birthday, dear snowman!

- Thank you!

- Good luck! - Thanks!

- Here is a present for you. - Oh, how nice!


What Am I?

I come with cold and snow, But you like me and know. (winter)


When it is winter-time We go up the street, And we make the snow speak With our little feet -"Crickle, crackle, crickle, Crrreet, crrreet, crrreet!"

Down comes the snow On a winter day. I make a snowman When I go to play.

It's winter, it's winter, Let us skate and ski! It's winter, it's winter, It's great fun for. me!

At the New Year Party

New Year day, happy day, We all dance and sing and say, "Welcome, welcome, New Year Day!"

Around the New Year Tree

Singing, dancing merrily, Round the New Year tree, Merrily (4 раза), Round the New Year tree.



Happy New Year, my friends, Happy New Year, today! Let us dance hand in hand, I will show you the way.

The Runaway Snowman

On a winter's day When clouds hung low, I made a snowman In the snow.

He stayed with me All the next day. The sun came out: He ran away.

The Snowman

Come to the garden And play in the snow, Make a white snowman And help him to grow!

"What a nice snowman!" The children will say. "What a fine game For a cold winter day!"


It's winter now, so bundle up tight! Warm mittens and caps will be just right. Ice on the lake, snow on the ground, Time to ski and skate all around. Winter, spring, summer, fall -I like winter best of all.

When does the wind blow?

When does the wind blow?

When do flowers grow?

Is it best to go a little slow

When streets are covered with ice and snow?

Т.С. Бабенко

г. Улан-Удэ, респ. Бурятия


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