научная статья по теме СОДЕРЖАНИЕ НОМЕРА НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «СОДЕРЖАНИЕ НОМЕРА НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ»


USA * Canada

Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,



Editor-in-Chief Edward A. Ivanian


No. 4 (496), April 2011


DavydovA.Yu. U.S.-Russia Trade: Problems and Prospects


After the world economic crisis the U.S.-Russia trade is still stagnating. Its structure does not correspond to their economic potential. There are both legal and economic barriers to normal mutual trade development. Business climate in Russia obviously needs more economic freedom and presently does not attract many American partners. The author analyses the current structure of U.S.-Russia trade and discusses some steps to cope with mutual problems. Keywords: U.S.-Russia economic relations, U.S.-Russia trade, tariff barriers, non-tariff barriers, U.S.-Russia trade prospects, economic freedom.

Troush S.M. U.S.-China Relations: Dynamics and Contradictions....................... 19

This article is dealing with the current issues of the USA-China relations, growing economic interdependence between them, different facets and contradictions of such interdependence. Special attention is given to the «yuan issue». Certain aspects of the Russia's stance relevant to the dynamics of the USA-China relations, such as the global world order, Russia's integration into the Asian-Pacific region, situation in Central Asia are analysed. Keywords: Chinese-American relations, interdependence, world order, war of currencies, "yuan issue", U.S. securities, integration, Asian-Pacific region, Russian Far East, Central Asia.

Khoroshilov E.E. Canadian Economy: Characteristics and Evolution

of Sectoral Structure.......................................................................................... 43

The article deals with the structure of the Canadian economy and sectoral development trends. The author maintains that the structure of Canadian economy confirms the country's well -developed and post -industrial status. It is also noted that the world economic crisis has not influenced noticeably general trends in the evolution of Canadian economy. Keywords: Canadian economy, GDP structure, sectoral structure, economic crisis.

The article is devoted to an analysis of present economic relations between U.S. and African countries. Main attention is drawn to consideration of trade relations and investment cooperation of the two sides. The problems of military support of U.S. economic interests in African countries are also considered. Keywords: Oil deposits, African Growth and Opportunity Act, international trade in raw materials, direct American investment, U.S. economic and military assistance, international terrorism.

Economic Survey

Zimenkov R.I. U.S.-Africa: Trade and Economic Relations

Reader's Deliberation

Sogrin V.V. Democracy and Political Thought:

the Actual Retrospective View ........................................................................ 79

Substantive provisions of the new research of E. Batalov devoted to comprehension of democracy by the American political thought are analyzed. The research is estimated as an extremely actual and useful retrospective view of the study of democracy by the academic community of the USA. Keywords: study of democracy, classical model, revisionist model, democracy in the USA, democracy in Russia.


Deikin A.I. Obama Tries to Save Capitalism.................................................... 93

President Obama and his economic team are trying to return the country on the path of the classical market. Keywords: Financial-economic monitoring, convergence, the contours of the new capitalism.

Book Review

A. Tarsaidze. Czars and Presidents. The Story of a Forgotten Friendship. N.Y. 1958. Published in Russian: Moscow, 2010. 503 p.

(by Edward A. Ivanian) ..................................................................................... 110

This book by a political émigré of Georgian descent published in Russian for the first time in 50 years since its publication in English is devoted to the most fascinating facts of the Russian-American relations starting with the reign of Empress Catherine II up to the revolutionary events of 1917. Keywords: Russian-American relations, Russian Emperors, American Presidents.

Background Material

Ivaniy P.V. Growing Employment at Home....................................................... 114

The number of persons who work at home away from office using computer, notebook, e-mail, phone etc. at least one day a week is growing and has already exceeded 20% of all the U.S. workforce. So the time has come to analyze the main features of this important sector of employment. Keywords: home(based) work, teleemploy-ment, using information and communication technologies at home, economic features of home(based) work.

In Memory of A.I. Cherkasov........................................................................... 126

Технический редактор Л.И. Глинкина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.02.2011. Подписано к печати 06.03.2011. Формат бумаги 70x100 1/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 4,1 тыс. Уч.-изд. л. 12,4 Бум. л. 4,0.

Тираж 390 экз. Заказ 1165 Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады

_Журнал издаётся под руководством Отделения общественных наук РАН_

Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

_117997, Москва, Профсоюзная, 90_

Адрес редакции: 121814, ГСП-2 Москва, Хлебный пер., 2/3. в 691-20-56. E-mail: USA-Canada@mail.ru Отпечатано в «Типография "Наука"», 121099, Москва, Шубинский пер., 6.

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