научная статья по теме STAR SIGNS Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «STAR SIGNS»


Star Signs

There are 12 star signs, and people who belong to a definite sign have their own character, habits and manners.

T Aries 21st March -20th April

Aries is a fire sign and those born under this element are regarded as adventurous, active and outgoing. You like jokes, parties and loud music. You are good at sport. You know what you want. You don't ask for advice. You don't listen to other people. Sometimes you are a bit selfish.

S Cancer 22nd June -22nd July

Your element is water. You seem strong and selfish. But really you are soft and sensitive. One minute you are happy, the next minute you feel sad. Your family is very important. You like collecting things.

^ Libra 23 d September -23 d October

Your element is air. If you're Libra people like you because you always say nice things. You hate fights. You want everyone to be happy so you agree with everyone. You always look good. You're a bit lazy.

Taurus 21st April -21st May

A sign of earth. You work hard. You are very practical and helpful. You are good at making money. Neighbours often pay you to babysit or clean their car. You don't like change. You like food!

$ Leo 23d July -23d August

Your element is fire. You are a leader. You want to be rich and important one day. You love expensive things. You like buying presents for your friends. You are kind and helpful to smaller kids.

HL Scorpio 24th October -22nd November A sign of water. You are a very strong person. You always get what you want. You are a very good friend. You get jealous when your best friend spends time with other people.

H Gemini 22nd May -21st June

Your element is air. If you're Gemini you love surprises. You like chatting with your friends. You know a little bit about everything. You do a lot of things at once.

^ Virgo 24th August - 22nd September

Your element is earth. You work hard. You are very tidy. You choose your friends carefully because they have to be perfect! Untidy people annoy you.

& Sagittarius 23 d

November - 21st December A sign of fire. If you are Sagittarius you are friendly. You spend money like water. You always tell the truth. Sometimes this can hurt your friends' feelings. You love travel and adventure.

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^ Capricorn 22nd December - 20th January Your element is earth. Capricorns are quiet and serious. You work hard. Your friends like you because you never do stupid things. You always save your pocket money. Exams are very important to you. You want to have a good job one day. Aquarius 21st January -18th February A sign of air. So if you were born under the sign of Aquarius you like to be free. You have original ideas. Some of your ideas are crazy! Little kids and animals love you. You love arguments but you never change your mind. X Pisces 19th February -20th March You are friendly and kind. You are good at art and you love music. You often lose things and forget the time. You dream a lot.

Task 1. Examine the description and check your partner's star sign. Do you think it's true or false? Copy and complete the chart below.

Name Sign True False

Alla Pisces You are friendly and kind. You often lose things.

Task 2. Complete the following after the model:

Model: Capricorns are economical because they always save their pocket money.

1. ... are absent-minded because they ...

2. ... are active and ambitious because they ...

3. ... make friends easily because they ...

4. ... are honest and frank because they ...

5. ... are hard-working because they ...

Task 3. Use a dictionary to look up of the following jobs and occupations: экономист, шофер, инженер, фермер, врач, строитель, учитель. What star signs are the best for them?

С.Ю. Дмитриева

Сведения об авторе: Дмитриева Светлана Юрьевна, зав кафедрой «Иностранные языки», Пензенская ГСХА, г. Пенза.

E-mail: dmitrieva-penza@yandex.ru

Ключевые слова: star signs, character, habits, manners.

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