Support for making personnel management decisions based on analysis of individual characteristics of the staff

Y.E. Prokushev,

канд. экон. наук, доц., доцент кафедры организации и технологии защиты информации, Белгородский университет кооперации, экономики и права (308023 г. Белгород ул. Садовая д. 116-А; e-mail: 1985nk@list.ru) V.A. Lomazov,

д-р физ.-мат. наук, проф., профессор кафедры информатики и информационных технологий, Белгородский государственный аграрный университет им. В.Я. Горина (308503 п. Майский, ул. Вавилова, 1, Белгородский р-н, Белгородская обл.; e-mail: vlomazov@yandex.ru)

Аннотация. Работа посвящена исследованию теоретических и прикладных проблем управления персоналом. Рассматривается проблема разработки процедур поддержки принятия кадровых управленческих решений. Обосновано применение многокритериальной иерархической процедуры определения числовых и вербальных оценочных показателей сотрудников при принятии управленческих решений. Личностные характеристики сотрудников предложено оценивать на основе экспертных суждений с использованием специальных измерительных шкал. Применение предложенного в работе подхода позволяет повысить уровень научной обоснованности решений в сфере кадровой политики организации.

Abstract. The work is devoted to research of theoretical and applied issues of personnel management. The problem of the development of procedures to support making personnel management decisions is considered. Using of multicriteria hierarchical procedure for determining the numerical and verbal estimated indicators of employees in management decisions making is justified. Personal characteristics of employees are proposed to estimate on the basis of expert judgments using the special measuring scales. Application of the proposed approach can help to improve the level of scientific validity of the decisions in the field of personnel policy of the organization.

Ключевые слова: свойства личности, поддержка принятия управленческих решений, экспертные технологии, многокритериальные иерархические системы, управление персоналом.

Keywords: properties of the personality, support management decision-making, expert technology, multicriteria hierarchical procedure, personnel management.

1. Introduction

The effective system of personnel assessment should be based on achievements of the modern theories in the field of human resource management using integrated consideration of employees' personal properties and application of the information technologies.

Difficulties of the application of such approach are caused by qualitative character of the description of social and psychological indicators, while modern information technologies are generally focused on processing of quantitative information. The approach suggested in the paper is based on the application of the methodology of expert assessment. This methodology assumes the possibility of transformation of expert estimations in the form of ranking and pair comparisons to quantitative values with the use of special measuring scales (Saati's or Osgud's scale).It allows to construct the information and analytical system of the performance appraisal taking into account personal characteristics.

2. The evolution of management theories

To understand personnel management peculiarities we should consider the evolution of its theories and concepts from the point of view of the consideration of the employees' personal properties impact on the efficiency of organization' activity. Understanding of various personnel management schools peculiarities would help understand the validity of the principles, on which the effective system of employees' assessment should be based.

The viewpoints on the methods and the principles of people management at the state or organizational levels have been changing throughout the history of human society development.

But the early scientific research in this sphere was carried out only at the turn of the XIX and the XX centuries. F. Taylor is considered the father of personnel management. He was the first to start scientific research in the field of people management in social and economic systems. Scientific papers of F. Taylor and his followers created the concept of "scientific management" [17]. The main idea of his concept is the rationalization of labor process in the organization based on the scientific organization of work at a separate workplace.

The second stream in the classical approach is administrative management. The main idea of this concept was the improvement of the overall performance of the enterprise due to the application of the universal principles of management in the scales of the whole firm and the improvement of the organizational structure [5]. This was the main difference of the "administrative school of management" from the "scientific management school". The most famous representatives of the concept of the personnel management are M. Weber, G. Ford, A. Fayol. The followers of the administrative school of personnel management considered the employees of the organization through the prism of their functional duties performance.

The common feature of these two concepts of personnel management was the attitude to employees. The improvement of the organization's

functioning efficiency was supposed generally due to the improvement of the production technology of goods or services. Control of employees was exercised within the application of administrative methods of influence. An employee was considered as a set of knowledge and labor skills. Their role in the organization was described through formal functions and authority. Social and psychological aspects in the process of personnel selection and assessment played a supporting role and often were not considered.

Such consideration of the role of employees in the organization's activity from the point of view of modern theories of human resource management is one sided. It was proved by the crisis of classical management theories application in the 30-s of the XX century. Application of social and psychological methods of management helped to overcome it.

The founders of the behavioral direction in management are E. Mayo, and M. P. Follett rightly considered that the staff is the most important organizational resource [10]. A big contribution to the development of behaviorist theories was made by researches in the field of personnel motivation. The theories of motivation created by A. Maslow, D. Mac-Gregor, D. Mac-Cleland, V. Vrum, and F. Gertsberg recognized the necessity of the application of social and psychological methods for human resource management [2]. The emergence of behavioral theories was characterized by the migration of theoretical and practical research in management from "production problems" to the "properties of the identity of the employees". One of the areas of research was the study of the structure of human personality.

In our opinion, a very good description of the personality structure was made in the research of a Russian scientist K. K. Platonov. He proposed to consider the personality as a combination of inborn and acquired qualities. They describe the social dimension, the level of preparedness and experience, the peculiarities of mental processes and the inborn properties of the individual [12]:

- social qualities are moral qualities, ideology, ideals, desires, interests etc.;

- the level of preparedness is characterized by knowledge, skills, abilities, and skills possessed by the employee;

- mental processes and traits are memory, emotional stability, impulsivity, emptiest, will etc.;

- inborn properties can be described in such terms as temperament, introversion or extraversion, type of higher nervous activity, etc.

From the point of view of behavioral theories in management the assessment system should be based on the following principles:

- application of methods of social management: social planning, regulation, moral stimulation, etc.;

- consideration of formal and informal relations in collectives;

- consideration of the style of leadership used by managers;

- analysis of social and psychological properties of the personality of employees;

- application of principles of social and psychological compatibility and motivation of employees.

However, both behavioral approach, and classical theory of management had certain disad-

vantages. They strived to improve the management system through the application of psychological and social methods only.

The development of theories of personnel management was characterized by the appearance of the approaches based on a comprehensive, integrated consideration of capabilities and abilities of employees while exercising their labor activities in organizations. The understanding of the role of employees in the organization has also changed [16]. At present the staff is considered as a factor in the activities of the organization, the driving force of the process of production of goods and services [14].

According to modern views on the processes in the field of personnel management it is necessary to consider the whole range of parameters describing the employee in making personnel decisions [9]:

- the results of his/her work in the organization;

- education and qualifications;

- social and psychological characteristics of the personality;

- personal data.

This method of staff assessment provides comprehensive information about the assessed employee or selected candidate. However, comprehensive consideration of employees' or applicants performance evaluation has its problems. The most significant of them are the following:

1. How to select the indicators that will be used during the appraisal?

2. The staff assessment is carried out using a large number of diverse indicators. How to compare the indicators with different sense and meaning?

3. What to do if the applicant A is preferable than the applicant B by the indicator X, but at the same

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