научная статья по теме The concept of process approach to management Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «The concept of process approach to management»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.1-8 UDC 330.46


Putkina L.V.

The article analyzes the concept of Business Process Management and its development within the process approach to management and looks at the problems of increasing management efficiency. The study is conducted through comparing TQM, BPR, BPM and BPMS management concepts. As the result the author draws the conclusion about rapid development of information technology in business process management during the evolution of BPM concept.

Keywords: total quality management, business process reengineering, information technology, business process management.

концепция процессного подхода в управлении

путькина л.в.

В статье приводится анализ развития концепции Business Process Management в рамках процессного подхода в управлении, а также рассмотрены актуальные про-

блемы повышения эффективности управления. Методом проведения работы является сравнение концепций управления TQM, BPR, BPM и BPMS. В результате отметим, что развитие информационных технологий в управлении бизнес-процессами значительно возросло в ходе эволюции развития концепции BPM.

Ключевые слова: всеобщее управление качеством, реинжиниринг бизнес-процессов, информационные технологии, управление бизнес-процессами.

Presently many Russian corporations are studying and adopting process management for accomplishing their analytical and practical tasks. This is necessary in order to increase economic efficiency of IT implementation.

At the moment the main problem is the lack of a uniform functional approach to business processes management.

The concept of Business Process Management (BPM) allows efficient interaction between business process management and IT [1].

While corporations welcome IT, economic processes become the main factor of BPM development as companies have to increase the speed of data flows in the rapidly changing competitive environment.

BPM plays the leading role in the world practice and its study is important for understanding the main tendencies of business process management during the corporation's development. It is first necessary to identify the present stage of the corporation's BPM and create the right strategy of BPM implementation in order to successfully reach goals and accomplish tasks [2].

The main peculiarity of BPM concept is that it requires simultaneous processes both in business and in innovative information technology.

TQM (Total Quality Management) is the first stage of BPM development, BPR (Business Process Reengineering) is the second and Business Process Management proper is actually the third stage.

In information technology independent applications are usually designed, then work flows are automated and BPMS are created [3].

TQM (Total Quality Management) is the interrelation between the corporation's management system and quality principles and stands for:

• Total - all employees and all company's core groups have to participate in the management.

• Quality - here means that all the consumer's requirements have to be met.

• Management - here means that the process is being continuously perfected and its quality is managed.

TQM based on eight principles, which are important constituent elements of any corporate strategy, is an important step in BPM development. [4]

Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the main component of BPM concept. It includes reframing and redesigning of business processes in order to achieve maximum efficiency after the introduction of IT into the company's production and financial activity [5].

The main principles of TQM, which were later introduced to BPR


• The leading role of the consumer.

• Adoption of process-oriented approach.

• Developing and supporting relations between customers and suppliers.

• Increasing work efficiency through the division of labour.

If we look at various managerial approaches we can see that TQM is focused on the improvement of existing business processes. In TQM the existing business processes are viewed as correct, but needing improvement. IT does not play the leading role in TQM approach, the most important is processes automation. In BPR all business processes are either designed from the very beginning or redesigned. The main BPR's assumption is that the existing process is faulty and needs redesigning, which would lead to business process management improvement. In BPR approach IT is used as the basis for changing the processes [6].

The evolution of BPM concept lead to the development of IT in business process management (see pic. 1).






Transformation of Business Models

Pic. 1. Evolution of BPM Concept after the Introduction of IT

At present IT-based BPMS plays the leading role in business process management. The system's main functions are used for simulation and monitoring of business processes. This data helps the corporation to detect its bottlenecks and improve business processes [7]. In BPMS systems various scenarios can be simulated and the result is provided in graphs and tables.

In BPM model:

• several steps are grouped into one;

• the manager delegates some tasks to reduce their work load;

• outsourcing is used;

• no economically unfeasible or groundless control;

• operational model and organizational processes are redesigned;

• customer's requirements are considered;

• time expenditures at the initial and the final stages of the processes are reduced.

Therefore, we can draw the conclusion that BPM concept is a uniform model of business process management. The model is in high demand because it is IT-based, which makes it the most promising [8].

The main feature of business process management concept is its dualism. This means both its theoretical base and its instruments and technology are developed. The introduction of IT has improved business process management.

Theoretical development of BPM, constant improvement in business process quality and introduction of IT allows more efficient use of resources, satisfying the customers and increasing the efficiency of business processes.


1. An Introduction to Workflow Management Systems - Center for Technology in Government University at Albany. http:// www. ctg.albany.edu (accessed: November 01, 2010).

2. Cox III F. Theory of constrains, McGraw-Hill. - New York, 2010. P. 1175.

3. David W. McCoy Business Process Management (BPM) Key Initiative Overview: Published: 22 July 2011 ID: G00214478. http:// www.gartner.com/id=1746423 (accessed: September 19, 2007).

4. Evolution of the workflow management systems Krasimira P. Stoilova and Todor A. Stoilov. http://sai.infotel.bg/PROJECTS/ VispBG/files/publications/ICEST06_12.pdf (accessed: November 17, 2010).

5. Fischer L. Delivering BPM Excellence, Future Strategies INC, USA, 2011. P. 186.

6. Makarchuk T.A., Minakov V.F., Artemev A.V. Mobile learning based on cloud services // Modern problems of science and education. 2013. No 2. P. 319.

7. Putkina L.V. Development of innovative strategies activity of the commercial enterprise on the virtual market // Modern problems of science and education. 2013. № 2. P. 365.

8. Putkina L.V. Methodology of management of business-processes at the enterprises of the socio-cultural sphere // Collection of scientific works Sworld. 2012. T. 32. №4. Pp. 3-7.

Список литературы

1. An Introduction to Workflow Management Systems - Center for Technology in Government University at Albany URL: http:// www.ctg.albany.edu (дата обращения: 01.11.2010).

2. Cox III F. Theory of constrains, McGraw-Hill. - New York, 2010. P. 1175.

3. David W. McCoy Business Process Management (BPM) Key Initiative Overview: Published: 22 July 2011 ID: G00214478. URL: http://www.gartner.com/id=1746423 (дата обращения: 19.09.2007).

4. Evolution of the workflow management systems Krasimira P. Stoilova and Todor A. Stoilov URL: http://sai.infotel.bg/ PR0JECTS/VispBG/files/publications/ICEST06_12.pdf (дата обращения: 17.11.2010).

5. Fischer L. Delivering BPM Excellence, Future Strategies INC, USA, 2011. P. 186.

6. Макарчук Т.А., Минаков В.Ф., Артемьев А.В. Мобильное обучение на базе облачных сервисов // Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2013. № 2. С. 319.

7. Путькина Л.В. Методика управления бизнес-процессами на предприятиях социально-культурной сферы // Сборник научных трудов Sworld. 2012. Т. 32. №4. С. 3-7.

8. Путькина Л.В. Разработка инновационной стратегии деятельности коммерческого предприятия на виртуальном рынке // Современные проблемы науки и образования. 2013. № 2. С.365.


Putkina Lidia Vladimirovna, Professor of Department of Informatics and mathematics, Ph.D. in Technical Science

Saint-Petersburg Humanitarian University of trade unions 15, Fuchika street, Saint-Petersburg, 192238, Russia e-mail: PutkinaLV@gmail.com


Путькина Лидия Владимировна, профессор кафедры информатики и математики, кандидат технических наук, доцент

Санкт-Петербургский Гуманитарный университет профсоюзов

ул. Фучика, д. 15, г. Санкт-Петербург, 192238, Россия e-mail: PutkinaLV@gmail.com SPIN-код в SCIENCE INDEX: 6000-0617

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