научная статья по теме THE DEVELOPMENT OF BURIED OBJECTS WITH THE PRIVATE PARTNERS INVOLVEMENT Экономика и экономические науки


The development of buried objects with the private partners involvement

P.E. Chestnov,

аспирант кафедры управления промышленными предприятиями, Иркутский национальный исследовательский технический университет (664074, Россия, г. Иркутск, ул. Лермонтова, 83; e-mail: evgpavel@yandex.ru)

Аннотация. В данной статье детализируется создание негосударственного кладбища с улучшенными условиями содержания мест захоронения. В основе реализации лежит совместное сотрудничество, как государства, так и частных инвесторов. В данной статье автор предлагает формулу для расчета стоимости могильного участка на негосударственном кладбище, что позволяет оценить положительные стороны содержания частных захоронений в разный период времени. Также показаны затраты как для одного, так и для родовых мест захоронений.

Abstract. This article details the creation of non-public cemetery to improve the conditions of burial sites. The implementation is based on mutual cooperation both the state and private investors. In this article, the author suggests a formula for calculating the cost of a burial plot in the non-state cemetery, which allows to assess the positive aspects of the content of private graves in different periods of time. Also it shows the costs for one and for tribal burial sites.

Ключевые слова: государственное - частное партнерство, частное кладбище, родовое захоронение, сфера услуг, инвестиции, рынок.

Keywords: public - private partnerships, private cemetery, tribal burial sites, services, investment, market.


The modern decline of the Russian economy, against the backdrop of the global crisis, there were some negative trends, such as such as a significant reduction in the social sector, lowering the standard of living, lack of state regulation and funding in the area of socially important services, including ritual.

The funeral industry, as one of the most critical and sensitive for many years deprived of adequate participation of the state. Law of the Russian Federation of 12.01.1996 № 8 - FZ "On the burial and funeral business ," to date , is outdated and does not meet the realities of the market, does not allow for the organization of events formed the practice of funeral and burial facilities operating purposes, the rapid growth of manufacturing and service technologies.

In Russia , at the present moment , no state policy of development of the sphere of ritual funeral service of the population , have not been established basic requirements for funeral services and staff , is not clearly defined conceptual apparatus that does not allow to solve a wide range of issues in this area.

With the development of the legislative framework on local government and the transfer of the possibility of organizing funeral services and burial places of detention to the authority of the municipal authorities, the state in fact distanced itself from the problems in the sphere of ritual - the funeral of the complex and the development of this service. At the federal level is not defined governing authority responsible for the development of the funeral business. Cancellation of licensing in the

funeral industry has resulted in a significant drop in the level of service and unfair work of many ceremonial centers.

In the context of the inability of municipalities to fund the appointment of funeral objects and control the strict fulfillment of all procedures in the organization of the funeral, and the lack of guarantees for potential private investors, the industry was in dire straits. Everywhere there are violations of the rights of consumers of funeral services, the imposition of goods and extortion, violation of antitrust laws, unfair competition, shortage of cemetery land, the lack of funding for maintenance of cemeteries, funeral improper behavior of employees and medical services.

Countless people claim related to the fact that the price of funeral services do not meet the quality and graves are often provided in exchange for bribes. Information about the death of people actually becoming a commodity in high demand from competing funeral organizations. Eventually, all the "black" costs are compensated from the funds of the consumer. Competing private funeral companies with local government agencies are often criminal in nature.

To date, analysis of the demand for services on preparing burial sites shows the need to revise the rules of the cemetery management.

It is necessary to fix the gaps in land legislation that does not take into account the interests of the funeral business. Ultimately, the price for the construction of new cemeteries exceed hundreds of millions of rubles, which is a huge amount of local budgets.

Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, Vol. 9, Nom. 10-1

Today it became clear that without proper regulation and involvement of both public and market opportunities, the normal functioning of ritual and funeral industry is not feasible .

Formation of a fruitful partnership between business organizations and public authorities to improve funeral service will allow to give an incentive to improve the infrastructure of the funeral and the introduction of modern forms of service with the use of extra-budgetary funds.

3. Non-State cemetery

The author believes that one of the main prerequisites for the need to introduce new legal and management schemes in the modern Russian graveyard housekeeping are two related provisions:

1) The construction and maintenance of municipal cemeteries is uneconomical (unprofitable) activities are extremely burdensome for local self-governments on the background of the deficit of local budgets and the lack of legal regulation;

2) The need to implement social guarantees in terms of disposal, the Law on the burial, but does not ensure adequate funding and regulatory framework, the administration forced municipalities to go to various violations and crimes that lead to monopolization and criminalization of the industry.

Adjustment of all citizens, as consumers with different income levels within the guaranteed range of services for burial, eliminates the freedom of choice of burial sites in accordance with the subjective needs and preferences of citizens (families) the opportunity to officially receive the desired service on a fee basis, as well as provoking mass violations and abuse by the municipal funeral (specialized) services , illegally authorized to manage on-site burial.

The practice of the funeral industry clearly confirms that the company is ready to take a long time as the funeral service of the service area, where, along with the guarantees on free burial there should be alternatives within the commercial sector .

This is confirmed by examples of implementation services to provide comfortable burial sites of different types, so-called "service" sections in the cemeteries of Moscow, and then in other cities. The population shows a willingness to pay for the provision of equipped areas (with a package of care) for "reservation" areas for future disposal for areas of increased size (for example, to create a family and tribal graves), for the construction of crypts and tombs of various types, and so on.

The introduction of market mechanisms in the organization, provision and maintenance of burial places, including the establishment of private cemeteries, according to the author, would resolve these problems and will give impetus to the development of new types of cemeteries (buildings, cemeteries or cemeteries family ancestral graves) with

the involvement of the powerful resources of the private sector of the market: financial, human, technological, information.

Obviously, the cost of land acquisition, construction of cemeteries and summarizing the necessary communication can vary significantly depending on the region and the specifics of the project.

From the standpoint of investment activity can be considered two types of situations:

1) financing the design and construction of the cemetery on land owned by municipalities;

2) the purchase of land, followed by financing the design and construction of the cemetery.

In the second case, the cost of construction includes the cost of the land and the cost of compensation for losses in case of change of purpose of land. You must also remember that the repurchase can be carried out of municipal land (for example, in the neighboring villages) and the state (federal property). The procedures will be different.

Theoretically, given the prevailing international practice, the classification can be regarded cemeteries:

- state (federal);

- regional (oblast);

- municipalities;

- leased;

- private;

- joint (mixed);

The latter two fall under the definition of nonstate. It is not strictly the responsibility of state authorities and local self-governments .

The law allows the burial, at the moment, only the existence of municipal and state burial places, but employers are increasingly paying attention to private and joint cooperation in the field of ritual .

Many investors are ready to invest in the development of private projects, but the shortcomings of the law does not allow fully enter the market of ritual.

Increasingly, raises the issue of private property, and the current period, work began on the possibility of establishing non-state cemeteries and various buildings belonging to the ritual sphere.

Proposals for the introduction of non-public cemeteries included in the bill, FAS Russia to change the law on burial.

When creating a regulatory - legal framework taking into account the interests of both the state and business can be an effective organization of non-state facilities funeral activities.

Funeral services market has layers defined demand.

No one knows that the standard funeral service may not always meet the needs of the family to keep the memory of a loved one, and in this situation there is a demand for the funeral of an elite class so-called "special client." In organizing such

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