научная статья по теме THE REGULATION OF INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY IN AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC Экономика и экономические науки


The regulation of innovative activity in Azerbaijan Republic

Ilham Aliji oqli Aslanzadeh,

канд. экон. наук, доц., декан факультета Инженерный бизнес и менеджмент, Азербайджанский технический университет (AZ 1073, Азербайджанская Республика, г. Баку, пр. Г. Джавида, 25; e-mail: e_mamedzade@mail.ru)

Аннотация. В статье рассматривается состояние инновационной деятельности в стране, его нормативно-правовая база, изучается зарубежный опыт. Отмечается, что формирование национальной инновационной системы должно осуществляться из собственных научно-технических, интеллектуальных и финансовых возможностей. В работе даны предложения по совершенствованию инновационной деятельности в Азербайджане.

Abstract. In the article the state of innovative activity is examined in a country, his normatively-legal base, foreign experience is studied. It is marked that forming of the national innovative system must come true from own scientific and technical, intellectual and financial possibilities. Suggestions are in-process given on perfection of innovative activity in Azerbaijan.

Ключевые слова: инновации, инновационная деятельность, национальная инновационная система.

Keywords: innovations, innovative activity, national innovative system.

The innovative activity is the main indicator of society development in every country. In developed countries the innovation policy gives opportunities to solve the problem of updating the technical base of production and thereby the production of competitive products. At the same time, carrying out innovation processes is the link between science and production.

In Azerbaijan, strengthening of innovative activity identified as a priority in achieving socioeconomic goals. At present time, therefore the main socio-economic objective is to improve scientific investigation and their application in production. It should be noted that the financial, economic, material and technical conditions in administrations are not conducive to the development of innovative processes.

The realization of innovation policy provides the creation of system that promotes the development of SP and carrying them from scientific research promotion into the real economic sector.

It should be noted that the characteristics of our country is that here we have strong scientific and technical capacities, as well as achievement of science and technology in various fields. However, the orientation of these potentials on implementation of scientific and technological developments are extremely weak in the production. The reasons of these conditions in most executives could be lack of knowledge of management, and a lack of equity in organizations and underdeveloped financial system.

There innovation is in its infancy. Changes have occurred in recent years in the country's economy require solutions at the state level. In the GDP of the research intensity is at - 0.2%, while in developed countries this figure is 2 - 3%. There is such situation that the scientific and technical sphere of economy was not ready to work in new economic conditions. The level of many preparations do not allow them to become product to be ready for production and sale. To prevent folding downturn tendencies, there is necessary to prepare National innovation strategy, which should be based on long-

term prognosis that identify promising the perspectives of market niches and to assess the intellectual and industrial resources for their execution. Government intervention plays an important role in the sphere of innovative activity, the role which seems as a key factor for guarantee of long-term national competitiveness and sustainable population well-being in developed.

In the area of innovation policy of the country the main tasks are: financial support of innovative activity, the creation of conditions for the preservation and increasing of innovation capacity, the formation of the legal framework of innovative activity, creation and promotion of development of innovation infrastructure, training of regular personnel directed to innovative activity. Significant place in realization of innovation policy occupies the solution of such problems as the creation of innovation infrastructure, privatization and separation of premises and transfer of misallocation equipment.

In this case, the state provides maximum support to initiative of establishing innovation centers, science and technology parks, the centers of technology transfer, business incubators (subjects of innovation infrastructure.)

The main part in local governments are given the right to participate as founders, with bringing collective investment fund of ground area, structures in the creation of subjects of innovation infrastructure.

Welcomes the creation of innovative organizations representing them on favorable terms facilities and equipment, given the challenges in front of scientific - research institutions.

Particular importance under the new economic conditions the organizations in the country for personnel training has well-working system. Not having the appropriate knowledge and experience in a competitive environment under the hard competition to score a success in the innovation business is extremely difficult.

In the continuous improvement, there is necessary normative legal base, regulating the innova-

Journal of Economy and entrepreneurship, Vol. 7, Nom. 6

Ilham Aliji oqli Aslanzadeh The regulation of innovative activity ii

tive activity. In this case, in 2009, on the base of the Order of the President of Azerbaijan Republic approved the "National Strategy for the Development of Science in the Republic of Azerbaijan during 2009-2015 years" and the "State program of realization of the national strategy for development of science in the Republic of Azerbaijan during 20092015 years".

It should be noted that the scientific innovative activity and its effective application is most closely associated with the participation of producers in various international information networks and organizations. To resolve this problem, without government support is impossible. With the purpose of realization of governmental innovation policy there is necessary the preparation of complex measures of organizational, legal, social and economic, and informational characters. The formation of the innovation system of Azerbaijan, as opposed to innovation systems of highly industrialized countries are taking place at the weakness of private capital, which could be directed at developing and pioneering the latest techniques and technologies. Regional relations provide the equal rights of subjects within the giving of greater autonomy to the region in solving the socio-economic problems.

In the socio-economic development of regions decrease differentiation is one of the areas of government policy. The national innovation system as shows foreign experience are effective tools for regional development [4]. Considering the conditions of each region requires to prepare the individual approaches to solving development problems.

Thus, in each regions should be established the national innovation systems, providing the rate of economic development. Having regard to the conditions of each regions demands the preparation of individual approach to solution of development problem.

In this case, there must be create the national innovation system, providing the rate of economic development, considering the economic features in every regions of the country, also there is necessary to create innovation system in the level of state to be based on macroeconomic policy.

The above will allow to determine the national innovation system as a regional economic system, which presents a number of entrepreneur-ship subjects being in mutual relations in innovation process, in the direction of which is determined in conformity with the present state economic policy of the country. Thus, the main goal of creation of national innovation system must be directed to ensuring of conditions for sustainable and stable development of economy of the country on the base of improving of efficiency of intellectual capacity.

For achievement of these goals should be prepared the regional innovation policies, providing the priority development of scientific-technical complexes of the country, on the basis of increasing the competitiveness of manufactured products. At the same time the special role should be given to increasing of intellectual potential, as well as in solution of personnel issues of the country.

Under the formation of the National Innovation System, let's give attention to the following circumstances.

Azerbaijan Republic

- The experience of the last decade showed that it is impossible to count upon foreign investment in volume industry that allows essentially affect on the economic development of the country. Thus, according to the State Statistics Committee of Azerbaijan, the volume of foreign investment attracted to the Azerbaijan economy in 2006 was 5052.8 million USD, including:

- portfolio - 57.8 million USD;

- Other - 203.8 million USD.

- Noteworthy is the fact that the field of science and technology in generally is not the object of direct investment.

- Manufactured products in most cases cannot compose on international markets.

- Where it is possible, developed countries cannot resist intervention on the access of goods to their domestic markets.

- Domestic market, usually cannot resist the intervention of foreign goods.

Thus, the formation of national innovation system first of all, must be based on our own scientific and technological, intellectual and financial capabilities.

The difficult situation in the innovation sector of Azerbaijan is a consequence of a number of objective and subjective negative factors preventing the development of innovative processes.

The main of them is the lack of scientific and methodological basis of formation of the innovation system of Azerbaijan.


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