научная статья по теме Theoretical aspects of definitions «Innovation» and «Innovation activity» Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Theoretical aspects of definitions «Innovation» and «Innovation activity»»


DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.1-1 UDC 330



Chabanuk O.V.

Conception essence of definitions «innovation» and «innovation activity» are researched. Requirements of a base conception «innovation» are marked. Author's definitions of conceptions «innovation» and «innovation activity» are offered.

Keywords: innovation; novelty; novation; competition ability; innovation activity.


Чабанюк О.В.

Исследованы сущности понятий «инновация» и «инновационная деятельность». Обозначены требования, которым должно отвечать базовое понятие «инновация».

Предложены авторские трактовки понятий «инновация» и «инновационная деятельность.

Ключевые слова: инновация, новшество, новация, конкурентоспособность, инновационная деятельность.

An orientation towards the basis conceptions, that characterize an essence of any conception, is an initial moment for formulation of purposes, structure and volume of further researches. Therefore we should pay special attention on researching of an essence of the basic conception «innovation».

Today a conception of «innovation» we can refer to one of the most used word in a political, scientifical and businessman language. But there is not only one definition or conception about the innovation, although the most is considered that innovations have to become an integral part of any organization, like school, university, hospital and business. As for the business, it can't survive without innovations in the conditions of erasing of economical verges and an appearance of competition on the global level.

Among non-specialists a comprehension of a main point of innovation has got quietly limited character. If an employer is offered to answer the question about «What an innovation is?», then, probably, he will call different technical devices or services, that appeared on a market last years.

The most reckon that innovation enterprises use nanotechnology or «up-in-date» information technology only, realize or inculcate discoveries in medicine, Biology, Chemistry etc. All that for an employer, which «invents» a new way for his goods or services to reach

a consumer, will hardly consider that he is an innovator and will be really amazed if his business-model will be called innovate.

Appeal to the definitions. There was no task to develop a whole analysis of all definitions of innovation and innovation activity when an article had been preparing. It is expedient to take for the basis some researches, with a certain fate of a caution of course, of topicalization and analysis that, how a famous specialist in an area of management Peter Drucker treated this conception. He published his worked called «business and innovations» in 1985. After 27 years since then many things have changed in business, in innovations, but his conclusions deserve our attention for beginning of analysis by this problematic theme.

Peter Drucker offered to examine the innovations as a tool, with the help of that an employer transforms the changes into opportunities for his business [3]. He considered that innovations consist in systematical study about the changes are happening around and about an analysis of those opportunities, that these changes present.

It is very important to underline the difference between innovation and inventions. The difference of principles consists in that an innovation means compulsory successful application of any idea, while an invention can stay «on a piece of paper», by a level of idea. Austrian economist Iosef Shoumpeter wrote in his work «theory of economical development» that an innovation will become such a successful thing only after its inculcation, after it has started to bring a benefit [4]. By his point of view a peculiarity of innovation consists in that it lets to create an extra value, but this value appears only after its inculcation. In this period the most of innovations were arosen in big companies, that had scientifical working departments or in university centers. To-

day we can see another tendency in the world: people, who aspire to innovations, more often leave big companies and start with their own business. They call a capital from different sources from venchour funds to bank credits for a pledge of their own habitation. Such people ready to risk on the sake of embodiment of their dream. Not without reason a term «lifestyle entrepreneurship» has appeared last time, and employment has started to be as a lifestyle.

From the moment of publishment of Drucker's work many examples have appeared there, that proved, that innovations are not always the result of systematical search, but they often appear by chance. Such innovate for their time products as cellofan, nilon, penetsillin and many others were discovered by chance. It might be said the same and for the internet.

One more extraordinary kind of innovations is «explosived» innovation that leads to improvement of a product or service, but they are unexpected for a market. As if they explode a market, they create a new market and a new chain of values. For example, an appearance of wikipedia starts on strong competition for traditional encyclopedias and dictionaries and led to an appearance of a new niche on this kind of market. Such innovations mean an appearance of a new competitor for leaders of market but there, where nobody could expect it [5].

The most still consider that innovations require considerable tense and financial resources, but it shouldn't be forgotten, that today the clients very often step forward like a main source of innovations (especially in an area of services). They can be not satisfied with a product or can point to a certain problem of using of a product or a service. With a help of that clients create the ground for innovations. The small business interacts more close with customers, can flexibly reacts

on their tunes and makes changes to their strategy. Many ideas were ruined because of plenty of time, money and people.

Every employer has an opportunity to inculcate innovations to his enterprise, meanwhile changing a traditional sight on traditional processes and bringing in elements of novelty to them, that will let to conquer new clients, to increase a market fate and, perhaps, to become a leader on this market. In such a way, an innovation, according to a generally accepted definition, is a process of working out, mastering, exploration and using up production-economical and social-organized potential, that is laying in a basis of novation. It is understood like something new and it's close to the definition of invention (but not identity as it was said above). Together with that, there is considerable, but sometimes is not considerable at all, temporary lag, that is between a declaration of novation and transformation in to innovation.

A base definition of «innovation» has to reply to a row of requirements. Firstly, it's expedient to demarcate the definitions of «novelty» and «innovation». Novelty is a formed result of fundamental applied researches, workings out or experimental works in any area of promotion of activity efficacy. novelties may be formed in a form of: discovering, inventions, patents, goods-marks, rational offers, documentations on a new or improved product (service), technologies, managing or production process, organization (production or another) structure, noy-hay, conceptions, scientific approaches or principles, document (standard, method etc.) etc. deposition of investments is the only one from the tasks in novelty working out. The main problem is to inculcate a novelty, to transform novelty to a form of innovation, it means to complete innovation activity and to get a positive result, and then to continue an innovation diffusion.

An innovation - as a final result of novelty inculcation with a purpose to change an object of management and to get economical, social, ecological, scientific-technological or another kind of efficacy [2].

It is expedient to classify the innovations with a purpose of providing a high level of innovation diffusion by following criterions:

1) complexion of an enlistment of considerable classifying features for an analysis;

2) an opportunity of quantitative (qualitative) definition of criterion;

3) scientific novelty and practical value of proposed feature of classification.

Secondly, novelties might be worked out for proper necessities (of inculcation in a proper manufacture or for accumulation), and for sale. Novelties of its sailers as systems will be «by the entrance» of a firm. These novelties might be inculcated at once, «crossing to a form of innovations or just might be accumulated for expecting of an hour of its inculcation. «By the exit» of a firm will be only novelties as goods (services).

Thirdly, it's not authorized to include a working out of innovation, its creation, inculcation and diffusion to a conception of «innovation». These stages refer to innovation activity as for to a process, a result of that might be novelties of innovations. Novelties might be purchasing or from a proper working out, destined to an accumulation, sale or inculcation into a firm produced production (realized service), by other words-transformation to a form of innovations.

Novelties might be worked out with any problem and in any stage of vivid cycle of a good.

We definite an innovation by following way. Innovation - is a new phenomenon, novelty, change, that got an embodiment in a creation of new or modified product or service, any process, technology, that bring in as a subject of management in proper activity with the purpose of promotion its competition ability.

On a modern stage of Russian joining to the WTO, firms aspire to increase a specific weight of novelties, that realized in innovations. It lets them to promote a level of monopolism in this a

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