


Задачи урока:

- Расширить кругозор учащихся.

- Вызвать у учащихся интерес к жизни и увлечениям сверстников в англоговорящих странах.

- Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по данной теме по всем видам речевой деятельности: аудированию, говорению, чтению и письму.

- Обобщить лексический материал по указанной теме. Углубить и расширить знания по теме.

Ход урока

I. Сообщение темы и задачей урока.

Teacher (T): Today we are going to talk about the leisure activities of teenagers in Russia and in the USA. We will also talk about the TV viewing habits existing in these two countries.

II. Чтение текста о том, как американские подростки проводят свое свободное время.

T: Now we are going to read a text about three American teenagers and how they spend their free time. While reading try to find answers to the following questions:

1) Name the leisure activities of these teenagers.

2) Why do they work?

3) What do they need money for?

Many American teenagers don't spend their

free time just sitting around doing nothing.

Jared Johnson, 15, of Skowhegan works because he wants to have money to spend when he's not working.

' Обобщающий урок в IX классе. Учебник: Ку-зовлев В.П., Лапа Н.М., Перегудова Э.Ш. и др. Английский язык. 9 класс. 6-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2002.

Johnson doesn't just work at one job doing construction in Bangor, he also works on weekends at Hannaford. On top of that he has ice hockey games every Sunday, and lifts weights for football on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.

"Mostly I'm working to save money just to have it in case, "Johnson said." And college is coming up and I need my own vehicle."

When he comes home around 6 p.m. during the week he's pretty tired, but still has enough hours of daylight left to go to the movies with friends or lift weights.

But most days he comes home with just enough time left to sit and relax before eating dinner and going to bed and to do it all again tomorrow.

But Johnson thinks all his hard work will pay off.

"My construction work and just working a lot shows that I'm not afraid of hard work, and I think that will look good on my resume," he said.

Lydia Proulx, 14, from Texas uses her job to try to save money for a car. So she splits her time between hanging out with friends and working eight hours a day at the veterans' home.

Chris Caron, 16, from Skowhegan, USA works four days a week at Burger King, plays in a summer ice hockey league, races cars with the Sports Car Club of America, and plays PlayStation games.

T: Do you work during the school year or during your summer holidays?

Sample answers:

1) No, unfortunately, not. I would like to but most firms don't like to employ children and teenagers.

2) Yes, I worked this summer. I helped our neighbors with their child.

3) Yes, I helped my mother in the shop.

III. Выполнение упражнений на развитие и закрепление лексического материала по теме «Телевидение».

В зависимости от времени и от уровня подготовки класса/группы эти задания можно выполнять устно или письменно. (Объяснение слов и выражений на английском языке дается на усмотрение учителя.)

Turn off the TV


a commercial - N. an advertisement on TV



a couch potato - N. a lazy person who sits around all day watching TV

a documentary - N. an educational TV program or movie usually describing nature or history

a drama - N. a serious TV program, movie or play that involves all the emotions

to kick back - V. to sit in a big comfortable chair or lie on a couch and relax

nope - this is an informal way of saying "no" prime-time - Adj. between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM every night

primetime - N. the time between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM every night (The most popular shows are shown during prime time.)

a sitcom - N. a half-hour comedy show trials and tribulations - N. the problems and difficulties of life

trivia - N. unimportant or useless information Упражнение 1. Fill in the gaps in the dialogue.

commercials; couch potato; documentary; drama; kick back; Nope; prime-time; sitcom; trials and tribulations; trivia

Janet: Let's do something! Why don't we go out for dinner or go dancing.

Jack: I'm watching TV.

Janet: You're always watching TV. Stop being such a (1) ... ! Get up and let's do something.

Jack: I am doing something. I'm watching TV.

Janet: You're always watching some stupid (2) ... . It's a waste of time, and a waste of brain power.

Jack: Sometimes it's nice just to (3) ..., relax and laugh a little. There is nothing wrong with a little comedy in one's life. In fact, that's why I married you.

Janet: Ha, ha! VERY FUNNY!

Jack: Besides, I am watching something serious.

Janet: What? I bet it's some ridiculous (4) ... with perfect looking people complaining about the (5) ... of daily life.

Jack: (6) ... wrong again.

Janet: Then it must be a (7) ... news program describing how some woman went crazy and killed her husband.

Jack: No, I watched that last night. You had better guess quickly - the (8) ... are almost over.

Janet: Is it a murder mystery? Or some science fiction show like Star Trek?

Jack: No.

Janet: A game show where they test your knowledge of useless (9) ... ?

Jack: No, it's a (10) ... on dolphins in the Caribbean.

Janet: Hey, that sounds interesting!

Jack: Why don't we make some popcorn, and then watch the rest of it together.

Упражнение 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box of ex.1.

1) Tonight we are going to order a pizza, and then ... and watch an old movie on TV.

2) Senara is in East Africa helping to make a ... on the Maasai tribe for the BBC.

3) Research shows that humor is a very effective marketing tool. That's why you see so many funny . on TV.

4) When they asked me if I wanted to help them move, I replied, "...". I hate packing boxes and carrying furniture.

5) Larry is the king of ... . He knows millions of useless facts!

6) I need to start getting out more and exercising so I don't turn into a . .

7) Soap operas are usually inexpensive television programs shown during the day. They are made quickly and cheaply and lack the production quality seen in . dramas.

8) Although I like stand-up comedy and comic films, I don't really care for . . The stories always seem the same to me.

9) I love that . on Thursday nights about the difficulties of working in an inner-city hospital.

10) Her novel describes in detail the ... of being a pioneer in 19th century America.


Упражнение 1: 1) couch potato; 2) sitcom; 3) kick back; 4) drama; 5) trials and tribulations; 6) Nope; 7) prime-time; 8) commercials; 9) trivia; 10) documentary.

Упражнение 2: 1) kick back; 2) documentary; 3) commercials; 4) Nope; 5) trivia; 6) couch potato; 7) prime-time; 8) sitcoms; 9) drama; 10) trials and tribulations.

IV. Ответы на вопросы анкеты.

Учитель раздает всем учащимся листочки с вопросами анкеты:


1) What is your favourite leisure activity?

a) watching TV



b) reading

c) listening to music

d) going out with friends

e) surfing the Internet

f) playing computer games

g) shopping

2) How many hours do you watch TV daily?

a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) more than 6

3) What are your favourite TV programs?

a) talk shows

b) documentaries

c) feature films

d) news

e) educational programs

f) cartoons

g) concerts

4) Why do you watch TV?

a) in order to relax

b) it helps you to escape from the problems of school life

c) it gives you information about the world

d) it helps you to study better

e) it teaches you about relationships with other people

5) Do you like watching TV alone or with friends?

После заполнения анкеты учитель выбирает двух учеников. Они просматривают анкеты и затем на английском языке сообщают результаты классу. Например:

Pupil1: In our class the activities most popular with boys are playing computer games and watching TV.

Pupil2: As for girls, they like going out with their friends and listening to music.

V. Беседа о любимой телепередаче.

Пока два ученика занимаются подсчетом результатов, учитель предлагает одно-му-двум ученикам рассказать о его/их любимой телевизионной передаче.

После анкетирования учитель задает классу вопрос:

Why do you think most of you like to watch (soap operas, talk shows, reality shows, feature films, etc.)?

Sample answers:

a) I like "Big Races" on Channel 1 because there I can see my favourite TV, pop and movie stars in unusual situations. It helps me to understand what persons they are in real life.

b) My favourite TV program is "The Most Intelligent" on STS. Pupils from all regions of Russia can take part in this program and it is very interesting to watch how they compete against each other. It also helps me to check my own knowledge of different subjects.

c) As for me I like talk shows most because I learn a lot of useful information about, relationships and social and health matters.

d) My favourite program is "Star Factory". I like to watch young people from different backgrounds, learn about their relationships with each other, and how they learn to sing and to dance. I always try to guess who will be the winner.

e) My favourite program is "Animal World". I am interested in biology, so it expands my outlook and gives me a lot of additional information.

f) As for me, I like to watch feature films because they just help me to relax and to escape from the problems in my life.

VI. Чтение текста о телевизионных пристрастиях американских подростков. (Чтение на основное понимание прочитанного.)

T: And now we are going to read a text about the TV viewing habits of American teenagers and about their favourite leisure activities.

The activity most popular with girls is hanging out with friends. This increases from 20 percent in Grade 3 (8 year olds) to 38 percent in Grade 10 (15 year olds). Social activities -friends and shopping become girls' clear priorities as they grow older. TV viewing, reading

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