

Задачи урока


- активизация лексического материала по теме «Изучение английского языка»;

- совершенствование навыков чтения с извлечением запрашиваемой информации;

- формирование навыков монологической речи по теме.


- развитие логического мышления;

- совершенствование навыков устного и письменного восприятия иноязычных текстов;

- формирование умения выражать свою точку зрения.


- поддержание у учащихся интереса к изучению английского языка через подбор содержания языкового и речевого материала по теме урока;

- формирование навыков сотрудничества в ходе работы.

Развитие универсальных учебных действий в рамках обозначенной темы:

- личностные УУД: самоопределение (внутренняя позиция школьника, самооценка);

- регулятивные УУД: инициативность и самостоятельность;

- познавательные УУД: работа с информацией, выполнение сравнения, анализа;

- коммуникативные УУД: речевая деятельность, навыки сотрудничества.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, компьютерная презентация урока; раздаточный материал.

Ключевые слова: урок-дискуссия, изучение английского языка.


I. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие.

Hello, boys and girls! I'm glad to see you here. I hope you are fine.

2. Речевая зарядка.

I would like you to learn a jazz chant. Let's read it. Look into the cards and repeat after me:

- You speak English very well.

- Oh, no, not really.

- Yes, you do, you really do. You really do speak English quite fluently.

- Thank you. You are very kind.

- No, I mean it. I really mean it. I mean it. I mean it. I really mean it.

- Thanks a lot. You're very kind. You really are very kind.

3. Постановка темы и задач урока

Учитель: Every day a lot of students

come to our gymnasium. They come here to learn English. Our school is very popular among schoolchildren because it gives students practical skills in English, it widens their outlook and gives really profound knowledge of the subject. Today we are going to speak about learning English. We will discuss ideas how to study English effectively.

II. Основная часть. Речевая деятельность учащихся на английском языке.

1. Развитие умений монологической речи. Обсуждение: Роль английского языка.

Учитель: Why do a lot of people in different countries learn English?

Примерный ответ учащихся:

Nowadays more and more people learn English because it is used everywhere. It has become the language of international communication. We can say that it is becoming a global language.

Учитель: You said that English is used everywhere. What spheres of life and work require people to have good knowledge of English? People of what professions need the knowledge of English?

Ответы учащихся: English language is used in:

• politics, (politicians, diplomats)



• trade, business (businessmen)

• science (scientists)

• sport (sportsmen)

• tourism (tourist guides)

• Internet (computer programmers)

Учитель: And why do you study

English? Where are you going to use it?

Примерные ответы учащихся:

1. I learn English because I need it for my future work. I am going to be a translator.

2. I need the knowledge of English for my education because I am going to study abroad.

3. I learn English because I like travelling. The knowledge of English will help me to communicate with people in different countries.

2. Развитие навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.

Учитель: We say that we learn English. But the English language consists of different areas. What areas of English are there?

Ответ учащихся:

• Reading

• Grammar

• Speaking

• Writing

• Listening

• Vocabulary

• Pronunciation

Учитель: So, when we learn English we read, speak, write, listen and learn new words. Which activity is more important? We can't say for certain. Every student has his own list of priorities. I would like you to listen to two dialogues with Gilberto and Rosa and put the areas of English in order of importance for them.


Task: Which areas of English are important to study and practice? Listen to the interview with Gilberto and Rosa.

Script 1

Teacher: Right, Gilberto. What areas of English do you think are important to study and practice? Can you put the areas in order of importance?

Gilberto: Well, the most important thing for me is speaking. Second is listening. I think it's very important to communicate in English with other people. After listening, I think, the third thing is pronunciation. Pronunciation is important so that people

understand you. English pronunciation is very difficult for me.

Teacher. What about grammar, Gilberto? Gilberto: I don't think that it's important. I think studying grammar is boring. I think grammar is number seven for me. Before that comes vocabulary. Vocabulary is number four. It is important to study new words and to try and learn important ones. After that comes reading. I like reading comics in English like Garfield. Then writing is number six. I don't like writing very much.

Script 2

Teacher. Rosa, what areas of English do you think are important to study and practice? Can you put these areas in order of importance?

Rosa. I think that grammar is the most important thing? Grammar is definitely number one for me. I think it is important to understand grammar to speak correctly and to understand what people say. After grammar, I think, vocabulary is number two. I always write down important new words in my vocabulary book. I study all the new words when I'm on the school bus. Teacher. What about speaking? Rosa. Well, I think speaking is important too. I think speaking is number three. And listening is number four. It is important to speak English in class and practise listening to cassettes at home. Then pronunciation is next, number five. I think English pronunciation is very important and I find it very difficult too. Number six is reading and number seven is writing. I don't like reading or writing very much.

Учитель: Now tell me the order of activities that Gilberto told us about.

Ответ учащихся: 1. Speaking;

2. Listening; 3. Pronunciation; 4. Vocabulary;

5. Reading; 6. Writing; 7. Grammar. Учитель: Let's make the list of the most

important activities for Rosa.

Ответ учащихся: 1. Grammar; 2. Vocabulary;

3. Speaking; 4. Listening; 5. Pronunciation;

6. Reading; 7. Writing.

3. Развитие умений монологической речи. Работа в группах.

Учитель. We've listened to Gilberto and Rosa. Now I'd like to listen to your opinion.

What is the order of importance for you? (Ответы учащихся.)

Учитель: And now let's make a list of priorities for our group. (Учащиеся определяют порядок для своей группы.)

4. Развитие умений монологической речи.

Учитель: You are all learning English. For some students it is easy, for others it is difficult. We are going to speak about things that can help you in learning English. Firstly, let's find out what kind of memory you have. Do you know that people have auditory, visual and kines-thetic memory?

Here is a questionnaire "What kind of learner are you?" (Приложение 1). I would like you to read the questions and choose the answer that suits you best.

Now look at your answers and tell me what letter you mostly chose. If you chose mostly letter 'a', you have a visual memory. If you chose letter 'b', your memory is auditory. If it is letter 'c', you have kinesthetic memory. And if you have a mixture of two letters, you have two kinds of memory.

Now let's read the text about some English students studying different languages and find out what kind of memory they have (Приложение 2).

Учитель: So, you have read the text. What kind of memory do these students have?

Ответ учащихся: Sharon has auditory memory because she likes listening to people speaking and songs. Alan has visual memory because he likes looking at the words. Marie has kinesthetic memory because she likes moving around the classroom and touching objects.

Учитель: Which ideas can you suggest to help students with different kinds of memory to learn English better?

Примерные ответы:

1. Students who have visual memory should read books, write down the new words in the vocabulary, and watch educational TV programs or videocassettes.

2. Students who have auditory memory should listen to the cassettes, to English radio programs.

3. Students who have kinesthetic memory should use different objects to remember the words better or should move when they memorize something.

5. Развитие умений монологической речи с опорой на прочитанный текст.

Учитель: Now we know some ideas which can help us to learn English with less difficulty. And what are the best ways of learning English nowadays? Let's read the text which will give us some ideas how to improve English (Приложение 3).

Примерные ответы:

Student 1: I don't have much free time so I think the best way to improve English for me is to buy cassettes or CDs and learn English at home. It will help me to improve my pronunciation and learn a lot of useful words and phrases.

Student 2: I think the best way of learning English is going to Great Britain and studying English at a language school. You have to speak English all the time living in Britain. And if you go to a language school it will help to improve your vocabulary, grammar and speaking. But, unfortunately, this way of learning English is very expensive.

Student 3: That's why I think that the best way to learn English is with the help of the Internet. You can log on to an English website and practise your grammar, read articles and even chat with teenagers from the English-speaking countries. It is very convenient and I'm sure that lots of people will be learning like this soon.

III. Заключительный этап.

1. Подведение итогов урока.

Our discussion is coming to an end. I hope you've got a lot of useful information how to learn English. I'm sure that it will make learning English easier for yo

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