
Примерное сообщение:

Die erste elektronische Rechenmaschine baute der deutsche Ingenieur Konrad Zuse im Jahre 1937. 1941 baute er den ersten Rechner. Die ersten Rechner waren groß und jetzt ist der Computer leicht und bequem bei der Arbeit.

Der beste Computer der Welt ist...

IV.,Дискуссия по теме. Учащиеся делятся на две группы. Каждая группа приводит свои аргументы «за» и «против» использования компьютера.

Ведущий группы подводит итоги.

Pro-Argumente Contra-Argumente Der Computer ist eine Die Menschen werkluge Maschine. den vom Computer Er kann alles machen, was abhängig. man ihm befiehlt. Der lange Mann kann den Text tippen Zeitvertreib vor dem und ihn auf dem Bildschirm Computer schadet lesen. der Gesundheit. Der Computer kann gram- Wenn irgendwo ein matische Fehler korrigieren. Fehler auftritt, ist das Man kann einen Brief auf ganze System in dem Computer schreiben. Gefahr. Man kann den Text mit dem Drucker auf das Papier drucken.

Man kann verschiedene Spiele spielen, Fremdsprachen lernen. Der Computer erklärt die Korrekturen, gibt Zensuren.

Man gebraucht Computer in den Schulen, in den Firmen, in der Industrie, überall um die Arbeit zu erleichtern.

Lehrer: Mit dem Computer beginnt wirklich ein neues Zeitalter. Er befreit den Menschen von schwerer Routinearbeit. Behörden und Fabriken, Klein- und Großunternehmen können sich auf die Schnelligkeit und Sicherheit der elektronischen Rechner verlassen. Rechenoperationen für die ein menschliches Gehirn Tage oder gar Wochen braucht, erledigt der Computer in wenigen Minuten.

V. Окончание урока. Подведение итогов. Задание на дом.

Н.М. Желтухина,

школа № 17, г. Черногорск, Республика Хакассия



Для того чтобы младшему школьнику было интересно учиться, я в своей профессиональной деятельности стремлюсь использовать различные методы и приемы


Коллективные формы деятельности -один из способов сделать урок ярким и запоминающимся. Наиболее полно данный вид работы представлен на завершающем этапе изучения темы, когда необходимо систематизировать весь пройденный материал, выявить уровень владения страноведческой информацией, определить степень сформированности навыков, умений и желания у детей осуществлять иноязычную коммуникацию. На помощь учителю приходит интерес младших школьников к конкурсам, соревнованиям и викторинам.

Так, в III классе в конце изучения темы «The English Year» (УМК Верещагиной И.Н., Притыкиной Т.А. English - III) я провожу занятие в форме конкурсов между командами.

Данный урок призван развивать умение третьеклассников работать в коллективе; совершенствовать их интеллектуальные способности (логический и ассоциативный вид мышления, память); обобщить и расширить страноведческие знания школьников.

Подбор конкурсной программы сделан таким образом, чтобы ребенок мог продемонстрировать свои способности во всех видах речевой деятельности. На занятии можно провести опосредованный контроль умения воспринимать иноязычное высказывание на слух и адекватно на него реагировать; умения высказываться в форме монолога, как на уровне реплики


развернутого характера, так и на уровне минимальной коммуникативной ситуации общения; навыков и умений письменной речи в форме подготовленных рефератов.

Одну из самых важных задач предлагаемого урока вижу в том, что дети приобретают эмоциональный положительный опыт успешности учения.

Предварительная работа к данному мероприятию включает в себя:

- изучение страноведческого материала на уроках английского языка, предусмотренного школьной программой;

- составление индивидуальных проектов по предложенным темам ("Seasons and Weather in Great Britain", "British Holidays") в соответствии с интересами самих авторов проектов;

- оформление данных проектов в виде рефератов.

Ход урока

I. Вступительная часть.

Boys and girls, today we are going to talk about the English year.

We are to revise everything about English weather and seasons, British holidays.

You've got some reports on this occasion to present in class.

But the main goal is to have fun. It means that today we are going to work in groups or teams. Each team has a captain or a leader to help the members of the group.

During our work we can get points. Those who score more points will be our stars and all the others will have medals.

Why not start following the star way right now? Let's count from 1 to 3. Here is the first task to complete.

II. Основная часть.

1) Warming up Activity.

Teacher: Listen to the riddles and try to solve them. Every correct answer is a point for your team.

"The sky is blue. The air is clean. Everything is green", Children like it to sing.


It's cold or cool The wind is away

The leaves are falling down And trees are grey.


There is no snow The flowers are seen. This isn't summer, I know it is ...

(Spring) We dance and sing Father Christmas

is coming in With the bag of toys For girls and boys.

( Winter)

T: Well done! But can you recite poems? "To recite" means to repeat the poem aloud from memory.

2) The Young Poets' Contest.

T: Your task is to recite the poems about the seasons. But you should listen to the other team carefully. Don't repeat the poems!

You have 2 minutes to think over and remember all the rhymes you know. The group that answers the last wins.

3) Quiz.

T: This task is done brilliantly. To finish our work on "The British Weather and Seasons" you have to solve the quiz. Take one card with an exercise for you and the coloured pencils. You should match the sentences using these pencils.

As you see there are two columns on the card. The first column contains the beginning of the sentences and the second one has their endings. You should read all the parts of these sentences and try to match the first and the second columns with the help of four coloured pencils. The blue pencil means winter. The green pencil is for spring. The red colour stands for summer and the yellow one means autumn.

So if you match the beginning and the ending of the sentences you'll have the answers to the questions about British weather in different seasons. Some facts from the card may be new for you.

You've got 5 minutes to do the task. After that the captains will have to present the results of the group work. With the help of the card they'll speak about the weather. The more right sentences you have the more points your team will win.

Well, let's begin the working.


Карточки для квиза


The Task: Read the first part of the sentence (in the first column) and understand it. Find the correct ending for that beginning (in the second column). Match both (обе) parts with the help of the right pencil. After that you'll be able to read the information about the weather in Great Britain. Don't confuse it with Russian weather. Present your answer in front of the class.

Begin your answer like this: We think that the first sentence is ... (read the first sentence you have matched). This season has ... months. They are ... And we know that in ... (name the season or the month) it can . (rain, snow, be windy/hot/wet etc.). British people say this season is ... (the best, the brightest, the hottest etc.)

Оборотная сторона карточки

It is cold in summer.

It is fine in spring.

It is often changeable in winter.

It is dry in autumn.

It is sometimes cool

It can rain and snow

Use the following pencils: Blue = winter,

green = spring, red = summer, yellow =


Ключи к карточке-квизу.

- We think that the first sentence is "It is cold in winter". This season has 4 months. They are November, December, January and February. And we know that in winter it can be very cold in January. British people say this season is the coldest.

- We think that the second sentence is "It can rain and snow in winter". This season has 4 months. They are November, December, January and February. And we know that in winter it can sometimes rain and snow. British people say this season is dull.

- We think that the third sentence is "It's fine in summer". This season has 4 months. They are May, June, July, and August. And we know that in summer it can be warm and hot. British people like to go to the beach in summer. They say this season is the hottest.

- We think that the fourth sentence is "It's often changeable in summer". This season has 4 months. They are May, June, July, and August. And we know that in summer it can be warm and hot but sometimes it can be windy. British people say this season is the most changeable and brightest.

- We think that the fifth sentence is "It's dry in autumn". This season has 2 months. They are September and October. And we know that the weather can be bad and wet but it's usually warm in autumn. British people say this season is the best to visit the country.

- We think that the sixth sentence is "It's sometimes cool in spring". This season has 2 months. They are March and April. And we know that British weather can be windy, wet.

4) Questions.

T: It's time to show how clever you are. You should listen to the questions and answer as quickly as you can. If your response is right your team will get a point. If you are wrong the other team will have a chance to answer and get one more point.

1. How do people decorate their houses on December 25th? (They decorate them with toys. They've got a Christmas tree.)

2. What holiday is on March 17th? (It's St. Patrick's Day.)

3. Where do Londoners go on New Year's Eve? (They go to a party or to Trafalgar Square.)

4. Where can you go first footing? (You can do it in Scotland.)

5. Who can bring luck on January 1st in Scotland? (A man or a boy with dark hair can.)

6. Where do people celebrate Thanksgiving Day? (They do it in America.)

7. What do the Americans do on Thanksgiving Day? (They gather together, go to church and have dinner.)

8. What is the national emblem of Ireland? (It's a shamrock.)

9. What is the symbol of Easter? (It's a chocolate egg or a

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