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Боевые Лазеры одна из основных проблем в вооруженной промышленности. Весьма перспективная и фантастическая идея, но труднореализуемая. Казалось бы, что может быть проще ведь лазер фактически это направленный луч мощного излучения способного резать металл. Сама собой возникает идея лучевых ружей или пистолетов, дающих преимущество солдату перед техникой и пехотой противника. Но вся трудность реализации данной идеи заключается в самом устройстве любой лазерной установки.


Laser Battle is one of the major problems in the armed industry. A very promising and a fantastic idea, but difficult to fulfill. It would seem that it may be easier because the laser is actually a directed beam of intense radiation capable of cutting metal. Itself arises the idea of ray guns or pistols, giving precedence to the soldier of the enemy infantry and vehicles. But the whole difficulty of the implementation of this idea lies in the device of any laser installation.

The basis of the laser is a special environment, which actually will transmit a laser beam, it may be a special gas, a crystal or diode. Then you need to download this Wednesday the energy from the outside - with electricity, radio waves, light or chemical reactions. The sudden influx of energy excites the atoms of the medium, causing the electrons to absorb energy and jump to a high-energy outer electron shells.

In this excited state, an inflated state, the medium becomes unstable. If you then send a beam of light through it, the photon beam, colliding with the atoms to cause sudden stalling of electrons at a lower orbit and thus the release of additional photons. These photons, in turn, will make an even greater number of electrons emit photons - and soon will start a chain reaction of "collapse" of atoms to the ground state with an almost simultaneous release of the vast number of photons - trillions and trillions of them - all in the same beam. The principal feature of this process lies in the fact that some substances in the avalanche-like release of all photons vibrate in unison, that is coherent.

The laser can operate only a few materials, which means that only specific substances in the collision of a photon with an excited atom emits a photon coherent first. This property of matter leads to the fact that all photons in a nascent stream vibrate in unison, creating a laser beam.

Regular training is that the laser in the lab is a tube with a mixture of helium and neon. When electricity is passed through the tube, the atoms absorb energy and excited. Then, if there is a sudden release of stored gas, all energy, the beam of coherent light is born. This beam is amplified by means of two mirrors mounted on both ends of the tube, so that the beam is reflected from them by turns, and rushes through the tube from side to side. One of the mirrors is quite opaque, but misses another small fraction of light falling on it, thus releasing the beam out.

Types of lasers and their characteristics.

The new lasers are now open almost every day, as a rule, we are talking about the discovery of new materials capable of operating in a laser, or the invention of a new method of injection of energy in the body of work.

The question is whether these technologies are suitable for a laser rifle? To date, there are many lasers that can be classified according to material and method of working fluid injection of energy (electricity it can be a powerful beam of light, even the chemical explosion). Here are several types of lasers.

A. Gas lasers. This category includes a very common helium-neon lasers, which give a very familiar red light. Pumped them with radio waves or electricity. Helium-neon lasers have low power. But the gas carbon dioxide lasers can be used in demolition work, cutting and melting of metals in heavy industry, and they are able to provide an extremely powerful and completely invisible beam.

B. Two. Chemical lasers. These high-power lasers are charged from the chemical reaction - for example, the combustion of ethylene and nitrogen trifluoride. These lasers are powerful enough to be used in the military field. In the U.S., the chemical principle of the pump is used in aerial and ground combat lasers capable of producing a beam power of millions of watts and designed to shoot down a flight of short-range missiles. Three. Excimer lasers. These lasers also get energy from chemical reactions, which typically involve an inert gas (eg argon, krypton or xenon), and some fluoride or chloride. They provide ultraviolet light and can be used in the electronics industry for etching blood hotnyh transistors on semiconductor chips, as well as in eye surgery for the finest technology operations Lasik.

4. Semiconductor lasers. Diodes, which we so commonly use in various electronic devices, can provide powerful laser beams, which are used in industry for cutting and welding. These semiconductor lasers work poop and cash registers by reading bar codes on goods.Five. Dye lasers. In these lasers as the working fluid used organic dyes. They are extremely useful in obtaining ultrashort light pulses, which often have a duration of about one-trillionth of a second.

1) Taking into account the wide variety of commercial lasers and laser power of the military, it is hard not to wonder why we do not have laser rifles, suitable for use on the battlefield? The simple answer to this question is that we lack a portable power source with sufficient power. For beam weapons would require a miniature battery-sized rifle shop, but with the appropriate power of a nuclear power plant. And the smallest military unit capable of provide a receptacle for such energy -the hydrogen bomb that could destroy not only the goal, but the arrow.

2) There is a second problem - the stability of the emitting material, or working fluid. Theoretically, the amount of energy that can be pumped into the laser, is unlimited. But the problem is that the working medium of the laser hand gun would have been unstable. The crystal lasers, for example, overheat and burst when pumped into them too much power. Therefore, to create an extremely powerful laser may be necessary to use the energy of the explosion. In this case, the laser will be a one-off. Problems with the creation of portable energy sources and sustainable materials make the existence of emitting laser rifles impossible at the present level of technology. Generally, a laser gun can only take it if the cable from the power source. Perhaps with the use of nanotechnology, we can one day create a miniature battery that can store or generate energy required for manual laser weapons. But that does not mean that you can not use the lasers on military equipment, or in the alternative to war.

Let us turn to history:

A. The "Star Wars"

It is possible to construct a laser cannon on the basis of today's technology - with the help of the hydrogen bomb. Battery X-ray lasers, curb and focusing power of nuclear weapons could provide enough energy to operate a device capable of hitting multiple targets.

Nuclear reactions release about 100 million times more energy per unit mass than chemical. Piece of enriched uranium the size of a tennis ball would be enough to hit a target the size of a city, despite the fact that the energy is converted only 1% of the mass of uranium. As we have said, there are many ways of injection of energy in the laser working medium, and hence the laser beam. The most powerful of these methods - much more powerful than all the others - is to use the energy of the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

X-ray lasers are of great importance, both military and scientific. A very small wavelength of the X-ray radiation allows the use of such lasers for probing at atomic distances, and deciphering the atomic structure of complex molecules that are extremely difficult to make by conventional methods.

The H-bomb emits a large amount of energy in the form of X-rays, so X-ray lasers can pump up the energy of a nuclear explosion.

In principle, X-ray laser is a small nuclear bomb, surrounded by brass rods. The explosion of a nuclear weapon produces a spherical shock wave of intense X-rays. These high-energy rays pass through the copper rods, which serve as the working medium of the laser energy and focus into powerful X-ray beams. The resulting X-rays can then be sent to the target. Of course, such a device can be used only once, as a nuclear explosion will lead to self-destruction of the laser.

The first test of the X-ray laser, called "test Cabra» (Cabra), was held in 1983 in an underground mine was exploded a hydrogen bomb, and then the chaotic X-ray flux from it was turned into a focused and coherent x-ray laser beam. Initially, tests were found to be successful, in fact it was this success in 1983, President Reagan inspired the creation of the "Star Wars". Thus was launched the construction of network devices such as X-ray lasers with nuclear pumping, to shoot down enemy ballistic missiles. Work on this program continues today. (Later it turned out that the sensor is designed for recording and measuring the radiation during the historic trial, was destroyed, so that his testimony could not be trusted.)

Is it possible to actually neutralize the target with such a device? It is not excluded. But we should not forget that the enemy could use a lot of simple and inexpensive ways to neutralize such weapons (for example, could deceive the radar, releasing millions of cheap decoys, or to give the rotation warhead to disperse so X-rays, or come up with a chemical coating that would protect the warhead from the X-ray beam). In the end, the enemy could simply mass-produce nuclear warheads, which would have struck the shield of "Star Wars" simply by its number.

For the energy released in the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, there are no physical limitations. The H-bomb is manufactured in several stages. By combining the right amount of steps in pr

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