научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 12 (528), DECEMBER 2013 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 12 (528), DECEMBER 2013»

USA ♦ ECONOMICS - Canada POLITICS - CULTURE Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia, 121814

MONTHLY JOURNAL Acting Editor-in-Chief Vladimir A. Spichkin

CONTENTS No. 12 (528), December 2013


Porokhovsky A.A. Debt Phenomenon of American Economy .......................... 3

The article deals with American debt phenomenon as a consequence of the 2007-2009 economic crisis. It is shown that American leadership in the world economy helps the USA to resolve their own problems. But Americans are concerned about fast growth of national debt and strengthening of the world competition in different spheres. Keywords: economic crisis, national debt, private debt, reproduction, national interests, American Dream, consumption society.

Vasiliev V.S. Economic Crises and the Cycles of Solar Activity

(Historic Precedents and Contemporary Views) ............................................. 15

Theoretical concepts of the American economists D. Cass and K. Shell of stationary sunspot equilibrium applied to studying economic cycles and fluctuations are analyzed. The contemporary forecasting models of interconnection between the solar and economic cycles are analyzed with main emphasis on the correlation of the sunspots number maximums and recessions of 1980, 1990-91 and 2001. Keywords: the phases of economic cycle, the periodicity of economic fluctuations, maximums and minimums of solar activity, stationary sunspot equilibria, recessions of 1980, 1990-91 and 2001.

Bagryantseva A.S., Sokolov V.I. Regional Development in Canada:

The Role of Federal Government.................................................................... 35

The article is devoted to the issues of regional development and equalization of economic situation of the regions in Canada. It covers the main stages of history and modern mechanisms of regions' financial support. The article also contains the characteristics of the institutional frameworks of Canadian regional development policy. Keywords: regional policies, regional development, federal-provincial relations, federal transfers, equalization payments, federal agencies for regional development.

Economic Survey

Rogovsky Eu.A., \Fedorovich V.A.| Defense Contract System Audit ................. 53

The annual U.S. spending on weapons and military equipment totals to hundreds billion dollars. Every little saving in this area would provide great economic benefit. This fact forced the U.S. Congress to create the Defense Contract Audit Agency which target is to carry out audits of all military contracts. The DCAA activities are analyzed in this article. Keywords: U.S. Military spending, the Defense Contract Audit Agency, audit of military contracts..

Notes, Comments

Batuk V.I. Africa in the U.S. Strategy of Local War.......................................... 71

In the last years the interest of Washington to Africa is growing, and the creation of Africa Command proves that. AFRICOM will test a new Pentagon concept - that is regionally aligned brigades. Keywords: The Africa Command, National security strategy, regional brigade concept, peacekeeping capacity in Africa.


Nosov M.G. The USA and the Beginning of Japanese Aggression

against China: Prelude of WW II...................................................................... 81

The period from 1931 to 1937 in the U.S. foreign policy is determined by unsuccessful attempts of Washington to prevent the collapse of U.S. - Japanese relations system developed in the 1920s. The crisis in relations between the two countries grew in the context of Japanese aggression against Manchuria, militarization of Japan and its withdrawal from the League of Nations and several important international agreements. This period ended in July 1937 when the so-called "incident at the Marco Polo Bridge" had escalated to the full-scaled war with China and then into Pacific war. Keywords: U.S. - Japanese relations, Pacific war . Japanese aggression. The Leage of Nations.


Syrtlanova M. V. Artforum: the Art of Criticism ................................................. 97

The article is devoted to history, formation and policy of the famous American art magazine in the U.S. historical and cultural context. It explores factors affecting critical thought in culture and art. Keywords: Artforum magazine, art critisim, contemporary art, C. Greenberg, R. Krauss, M. Fried, Ph. Leider, T. Griffin, J. Coplans.

Background Material

Tenyakov I.M. Economic Publications in American Journals:

Main Trends.....................................................................................................113

The author systematized the main trends of publications in the U.S. leading scientific journals on economics for the past 50 years. The analysis reveals changes in the demographic characteristics of publications as well as in subject and methods of economic research. Techno-economic, social and institutional factors that have led to these changes are identified. Keywords: publications on economics, the demographics of authorship and co-authorship, methodology of publishing articles, editorial policy.

Технический редактор О.Н. Никитина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.10.2013. Подписано к печати 06.11.2013. Дата выхода в свет 21.12.2013. Формат 70х100 1/16. Печать цифровая. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 2,4 тыс.

_Уч.-изд. л. 12,4. Бум. л. 4,0. Тираж 231 экз. Заказ 1797. Цена свободная._

Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады Журнал издаётся под руководством

_Отделения глобальных проблем и международных отношений РАН_

Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

117997, Москва, Профсоюзная, 90 Адрес редакции: 121814, ГСП-2 Москва, Хлебный пер., 2/3. Ш (495) 691-20-56. E-mail: USA-Canada@mail.ru Отпечатано в «Типография "Наука"», 121099, Москва, Шубинский пер., 6.

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