научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 2 (530), FEBRUARY 2014 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 2 (530), FEBRUARY 2014»

USA * Canada


Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,


MONTHLY JOURNAL Acting Editor-in-Chief Vladimir A. Spichkin

CONTENTS No. 2 (530), February 2014


Parkansky A.B. U.S. Economic Relations with Asian-Pacific Region.................. 3

The paper is devoted to the rise of importance of technological factors in the U.S. economic interaction with Asia Pacific. Keywords: integration, trade in high-technology products and knowledge-intensive services, direct investment, technological leadership.

Korsakov G.B. Problems of Nuclear Disarmament............................................... 25

The author analyses various aspects of nuclear disarmament and the impact of this process on the strategic stability in the 21s1 century. Significance of nuclear arms and missile defence in the strategic "system of values" is considered and assessed. Keywords: missile defence, nuclear disarmament, U.S.-Russia relations, extended deterrence.

Khoroshilov E.E. Credit Unions in Canada............................................................ 43

The article is devoted to development of co-operatives in Canada's banking services sector. The articles analyses the structure of the credit union system, regulatory framework, credit union's positions on the domestic financial services market and current trends. Keywords: Canadian financial system, credit unions, financial cooperatives.

Notes, Comments

Petrovskaya N.E. Unemployment: B. Obama's Key Problem................................. 57

The article examines main unemployment indicators in the years of the Obama administration, with focus on racial-ethnic, age, gender composition of unemployed, as well as supporting programs. Keywords: unemployment in U.S., racial-ethnic, age, gender composition of unemployed, education.

Book Review

The Alejandro CASTRO ESPIN's book Seguridadtrancional

antiterrorismo y crisis global en el tercer Milenio in which

the author analyses U.S. ideology and foreign policy during two centuries

history, is reviewed by Dr. A.I. Sizonenko............................................................ 67


Korotkikh A.A. Modern Trends in Soybean Production

of the USA and Russia........................................................................................ 71

Worldwide, soybeans are valued as a source of high-quality feed and food protein, vegetable oil. The lack of own resources of soybeans put many countries, including Russia, in dependence on the United States, which have monopolized the world soybean market. The active revival of soybean production in Russia, which began in the 21st century has brought our country to the world's top ten producers and processors of this culture. Keywords: soybean production, concentration of production, regional specialization, soybean processing industry.

World of Business

Arkhangeiskyi.Yu. Delaware as a Haven of Trusts .............................................. 89

The state of Delaware permits founders of trusts to create inter vivos local trust even without coming to the state's territory. Nonresident trusts are exempt from any charge for registration and pay no local income tax when receive intangible assets. Delaware's business environment is so friendly to trusts that the only setting up trusts brings much to local economy when creates new jobs for banks and trusts companies serving as the trustees. Keywords: generation-skipping tax, estate tax, asset protection trust.

Background Material

Konopatov S.N. Using Commercial off-the-Shelf Concept

for the Development of Federal Defense Programs.......................................... 105

Significance and methods of application of the «commercial off-the-shelf» concept for the development of governmental programs and technologies of the USA, as well as possible strategic implications of this concept are evaluated. Special focus is placed on military space programs. Keywords: «Commercial off-the-shelf» and dual-use products, life cycle cost, the pace of development, the renewal cycle, requirements compromise, developing systems, Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program.

U.S. States

Massachusetts (MA)............................................................................................115

Технический редактор O.H. Никитина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, H.A. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.12.2013. Подписано к печати 06.01.2014. Дата выхода в свет 21.02.2014. Формат 70x100 1/16. Печать цифровая. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 2,4 тыс.

Уч.-изд. л. 12,4._Бум, л. 4,0. Тираж 244 экз._Заказ 1987. Цена свободная.

Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады Журнал издаётся под руководством

_Отделения глобальных проблем и международных отношений РАЛ_

Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

117997, Москва, Профсоюзная, 90 Адрес редакции: 121814, ГСП-2 Москва, Хлебный пер., 2/3. S (495) 691-20-56. E-mail: USA-Canada®mail.ru Отпечатано в «Типография "Наука"», 121099, Москва, Шубинский пер., 6.

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