научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 6 (498), JUNE 2011 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 6 (498), JUNE 2011»

USA * Canada


Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,


MONTHLY JOURNAL Editor-in-Chief Edward A. Ivanian

CONTENTS No. 6 (498), June 2011


Kremenyuk V.A. President B.Obama's Foreign Policy:

A Search for Crisis Resolution ........................................................................... 3

The article is focused on the process of U.S. President B. Obama's foreign policy making in the conditions of a double crisis: on the one hand it is the domestic crisis connected with both financial matters and relevant policy problems; on the other - a global crisis associated with both financial difficulties and far reaching changes in global roles of China, Russia, India and some other nations. Keywords: foreign policy making, crisis management, soft power, post-American world, relations with allies, Russia, nations belonging to other cultures and civilizations.

Issraelyan Ye.V. Values in Canadian Foreign Policy............................................. 21

National values frame Canadian foreign and domestic policy. Canadian national values are similar to those of other advanced democracies having the same status, economic potential, political and cultural context. There are differences in values of the Canadians and Americans but they are getting smaller today. Keywords: national values, national interests, Canada, Canada - USA relations, Canadian foreign policy, public opinion.

Lebedeva L.F. B. Obama's Social Innovations ...................................................... 35

B. Obama's social innovations are examined as a part of U.S. strategic response to the global crisis with an aim at strengthening national competitiveness. The article focuses on temporary recovery measures as well as medium and long term initiatives, particularly fostering social innovation through promoting new education and health projects, investing in smart infrastructure, "green" technologies, upgrading the skills of workers, encouraging socially oriented R&D. Keywords: B. Obama's social innovations, health reform, education, socially oriented R&D, strategic response to the crisis.


Pechurov S.L. USA — Great Britain: from Wars to Alliance ............................... 49

History and evolution of U.S. - British relations during the last three centuries (1607-1902) are analyzed. Keywords: Civil war, Empire, imperialism, Senate, Congress, Parliament, great powers. Independence, Boers, Anglo-Saxons, monarchy, colonists, war alliance.

Russian Americans

Khisamutdinov A.A. Russian Old Believers in Oregon and Alaska....................... 67

This article provides a short history of activities of this grouping in the regions from Turkey and China (Kharbintsy and Sinzhiantsy) to the American Northwestern Pacific coast. It describes how these communities originated in Oregon (Woodburn) and Alaska, their occupations (agricultural and fishing), family life, education and culture, and their faithfulness to their language and religion. Keywords: Russian Americans, bespopovtsy, pop-ovtsy, Russian communities.


Tedgetova N.G. Unipolar World of G.W. Bush and Latin American Realities......79

U.S. President George W. Bush's (2001-2009) policy towards Latin America had negative consequences for their relations which are reviewed by the author. Keywords: USA, Latin America, G.W. Bush, economic relations, migration, left regimes.

Book Review

USA in Search of Responses to the XXI Century Challenges.

Social and Economic Dimensions (by L.F. Lebedeva).............................................. 89

Collection of papers in which are examined the most crucial issues that determine U.S. global position both in the long-run perspective and in the aftermath of the 2008-2009 global crisis. Keywords: U.S. global position, federal government, banks, new financial institutions, corporate sector, global crisis.

American Members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences (by V.G. Smirnov) ........... 97

The review gives an analysis of a collection of papers of American members of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and their connections with Russian scientists. Keywords: USA, Russia, Imperial Academy of Sciences, Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Terentieva A.S. Modern Trends in U.S. Livestock Economy................................ 99

Today's U.S. livestock production is shifting to large industrial operations. Four elements distinguish the transformation of the livestock sector — increased farm size, change in production technologies, increased enterprise specialization, and tighter vertical coordination and integration between the stages of production. Keywords: livestock, economy, dairy and beef industry, hog production, broiler production, concentration, specialization, vertical integration.

Background Material

. Major Canadian Cities.................................................................115

The author describes Toronto, several other cities of Ontario and the capital of Québec — Montreal.

People and Politics

John K. Sloan — a New Canadian Ambassador to the Russian Federation..............126

A.I. Cherkasov

Технический редактор Л.И. Глинкина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.04.2011. Подписано к печати 06.05.2011. Формат бумаги 70x100 1/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 4,1 тыс. Уч.-изд. л. 12,4 Бум. л. 4,0.

_Тираж 390 экз. Заказ 1339_

Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады Журнал издаётся под руководством

_Отделения глобальных проблем и международных отношений РАН_

Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

_117997, Москва, Профсоюзная, 90_

Адрес редакции: 121814, ГСП-2 Москва, Хлебный пер., 2/3. в 691-20-56. E-mail: USA-Canada@mail.ru Отпечатано в «Типография "Наука"», 121099, Москва, Шубинский пер., 6.

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