научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 8 (500), AUGUST 2011 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 8 (500), AUGUST 2011»


USA * Canada

Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,



Editor-in-Chief Edward A. Ivanian


No. 8 (500), August 2011


Bratersky M.V. World Finances in U.S. — Russia Relations


Russian-American relations have been increasingly shaped by issues driven by Russia's exposition to the domination of U.S. dollar in the world financial system. The world crisis of 2008 marked the moment when Russia formulated her interests in regard to the reform of the world financial architecture. Today Russia is one of the large countries challenging the domination of dollar and pursuing a coherent policy in order to increase the zone of her national currency circulation. Keywords: world financial system, currency zone, USA, Russia.

Leksutina Ya.V. Major Contradictions of USA and China

in the Region of South China Sea...................................................................... 16

The article discusses recently intensified tensions in the U.S.-China relations over South China Sea — the issues that comprise both the problem of freedom of navigation and ever-increasing activity of Washington to foster multilateral approach to resolving South China Sea territorial disputes. Keywords: U.S.-China relations, South China Sea, freedom of navigation, Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands.

Demchuk A.L., Sokolov V.I. Political Results of Recent

General Elections in Canada................................................................................ 31

The article analyzes main results and outcomes of the extraordinary general election of 2011 in Canada. Special attention is given to the understanding of political goals and respective campaigning of different political parties. The political landscape of the country for the observable future is outlined. Keywords: S. Harper, Canadian elections-2011, Conservative party of Canada, 'majority government'.

Low Federal Reserve rates introduced in 2001 nourished domestic financial and real estate bubbles. When both bubbles exploded the American economy sank into a deep recession. Steps taken by the White House to facilitate revival of the domestic real estate market haven't yet produced significant results. Accordingly, the broader economy is still far from «recovery». Keywords: real estate bubble, financial bubble, loan financing, economic crisis, the USA.

Economic Survey

Daffner Eu.V. Current Crisis at the U.S. Real Estate Market


Pechurov S.L. USA — Great Britain: from Wars to Alliance (conclusion) ............ 63

History and evolution of U.S.-British relations during the last three centuries (16071902) are considered. Keywords: Civil war, Empire, Imperialism, Senate, Congress, Parliament, great powers. independence, Boers, Anglo-Saxons, monarchy, colonists.

Time and People

Sokolov V.A. Two from the Cohort of Prominent Diplomats...............................75

The author analyzes the heritage of two distinguished Russian diplomats — A.A. Troyanovsky and O.A. Troyanovsky — using as a source the book of O.A. Troyanovsky as well as his memoirs, and other relevant material. Keywords: questions of hereditary (nepotism) profession in diplomacy, importance of expert interpretation (translation), restraint and flexibility in foreign policy.

Scanning the Press

So/yanova M.V. Debate in the U.S. on a World Order

in the 21st Century...............................................................................................92

Two trends of discussion about the future world order are currently the most obvious in the USA: the collapse of American dominance or U.S. leadership renewal. The article reviews the most clearly expressed position of political scientists regarding the U.S. place and role in the emerging international system. Keywords: «nonpolarity», U.S. power, leadership, monocentrism, world order.

Book Review

Anichkina T.B. How American Public Opinion Reacted

to Use of U.S. Military Force..............................................................................104

The article reviews two recently published books by D.V. Kuznetsov, PhD, Associate Professor, the author's strong arguments and his contribution to the research of the topic, as well as a few debatable points. Keywords: U.S. public opinion, U.S. military policy, U.S. foreign policy, President Clinton administration, President Bush Jr. administration.

Facts and Statistics

Rey A.I. American Firms at the End of the Recession ........................................114

U.S. official economic statistics fails to provide sufficient insight into the changes in corporate financial variables of top American firms. Analysis of a sample of 232 leading companies has shown that the data for the first half of 2010 did not exhibit signs of a secondary downturn. Keywords: financial reporting, recession, mi-croeconomic analysis.

Технический редактор Л.И. Глинкина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова

Сдано в набор 16.06.2011. Подписано к печати 06.07.2011. Формат бумаги 70x100 1/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 4,1 тыс. Уч.-изд. л. 12,4 Бум. л. 4,0.

_Тираж 390 экз. Заказ 1502_

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Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

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