научная статья по теме CONTENTS NO. 9 (501), SEPTEMBER 2011 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов

Текст научной статьи на тему «CONTENTS NO. 9 (501), SEPTEMBER 2011»

Published by the Institute of USA and Canada Studies Russian Academy of Sciences 2/3 Khlebny per., Moscow, Russia,


USA * Canada

MONTHLY JOURNAL Editor-in-Chief Edward A. Ivanian

CONTENTS No. 9 (501), September 2011


Parkansky A.B. Recent Trends in U.S.-Chinese Investment Interaction.............. 3

Investment interaction became recently an important part of integration processes in the economies of the USA and socialist China. Despite alarming forecasts of investment risks attributed to possible social, ecological and other consequences of Chinese impressive economic growth, American corporations are expanding their investment projects in the People's Republic of China. Keywords: economic relations, direct private investments, integration, protectionism, world market, social problems, investment risks.

Terebov O.V. The U.S. Arctic Policy: Origins, Goals and Prospects................... 19

The article deals with the main principles of U.S. policy with regard to the Arctic and its resources, as well as with U.S. military activities in the region. It is noted that the USA object both to other Arctic states' "excessive claims" and to the establishment of a special international legal regime for the Arctic because they desire to maintain maximum freedom of action there. Keywords: The Arctic, U.S. policy, natural resources, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, military activities, international cooperation.

Bocharov I.F. Growing of Major Strategic Role of U.S. Navy............................ 37

The article reviews a new U.S. Navy's mission to deploy a global sea-based missile defense and its impact on USA/NATO - Russia relations, as well as possible transition to "dyad" (the U.S. sea and ground nuclear deterrence). Keywords: sea-based missile defense (BMD), Trident, Polaris X, Navy Aegis, Non-Nuclear Prompt-Strike Plan.

Economic Survey

Shakirov A.R. The Current State and Prospects of Trade Preference

Programs System in the USA............................................................................. 51

The author analyzes the U.S. Trade Preference Programs which became one of the key tools of the U.S. trade policy over the past thirty years. The author provides sys-temization of these programs, examines U.S. experience in its use to achieve foreign economic and political goals, evaluates its efficiency, studies its influence on the U.S.-Russia relations and on the national interests of the Russian Federation. Keywords; U.S. trade policy, tariff import regulations, trade preferences, Generalized system of preferences, U.S.-Russia relations.


Pereverzeva M.V. Philosophy of American Composers' Aleatory Music.............. 71

Creation of musical works, individualized in sound material and its development aspects was one of the general aesthetic principles of American composers-experimentalists. The search for original methods of composition resulted, among other things, in aleatory — compositional technique admitting musical material and structure indeterminacy. The aleatory method is studied in the article using as an example musical compositions by J. Cage, M. Feldman, E. Brown and C. Wolff. Keywords: experimental music, action painting, mobile, alea, aleatory, indeterminacy, improvisation, modular form.

Book Review

Tom FLANAGAN. Harper's Team: Behind the Scenes in the Conservative

Rise to Power (by V.A. Zberia) .............................................................................. 85

The author reviews the recent book by Professor of University of Calgary T. Flanagan devoted to electoral victory of the unified Conservative Party of Canada under S. Harper's leadership. Keywords: S. Harper, Reform Party, Canadian Alliance, Conservative Party of Canada, election campaigns.

Books in Brief.......................................................................................................92

Science and Technologies

Zhiganova L.P. USA in R&D of International Human Genome Project ...............93

The article describes role of the USA in the development and realization of the Human Genome Project and analyses the participation of government and private sectors in the research process. The perspectives of genomics are considered. Keywords: genome, sequencing, genomics, chromosomes, genes.

Background Material

Popova A.O., Supyan V.B. U.S. Research and Development Laboratories...........109

The article deals with role and place of Federal research laboratories in the system of research and development in the USA. It describes general state of the Federal sector of science, analyses scale and dynamics of its funding, considers activities of leading laboratories which relate to key Federal departments and other governmental bodies of the USA research and development. Keywords: Federal research laboratories, financing of science. Federal budget, Federal departments and other U.S. governmental bodies, directions of research.


Технический редактор Л.И. Глинкина Компьютерная вёрстка: Т.В. Лунёва, Н.А. Счётчикова Сдано в набор 16.07.2011. Подписано к печати 06.08.2011. Формат бумаги 70x100 1/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 10,4. Усл. кр.-отт. 4,1 тыс. Уч.-изд. л. 12,4 Бум. л. 4,0.

Тираж 390 экз. Заказ 1595 Учредители: Российская академия наук, Институт США и Канады Журнал издаётся под руководством

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Издатель: Российская академия наук. Издательство «Наука»

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