научная статья по теме Information technologies, pedagogical design and risks in the teachers’ work in institutions of higher education and high schools Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Information technologies, pedagogical design and risks in the teachers’ work in institutions of higher education and high schools»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9-8 UDC 371.3


Gretsova A.P., Isaykina M.A., Nedogreeva N.G.

Nowadays the educational system suffers from the changes at all levels of education in connection with the necessity of educational surroundings reconstruction taking into account age peculiarities and requirements of the contemporary learners. The teachers realize the pedagogical planning at all stages of the pedagogical activity exercising information technologies, developing their own pedagogical design and considering negative subsequences of computer educational means active usage. The pedagogical design being the sphere of implementing definite pedagogical actions is directed to the reaching of the wishful pedagogical results in the educational activity. The working out of the pedagogical design involves the pedagogical risks connected with the need of coordination of pedagogical actions of the participants of the educational process as well as making the pedagogical decision in the situation of regulation of interactions with learners. The main tasks are the use of the effective means and methods of education for expansion of learners ' cognitive capabilities in order to ensure the quality and the effectiveness of education alongside with providing the

psychological advantage of the information technologies usage for all activities including the working out and implementing of the pedagogical design.

Keywords: information technologies in education; pedagogical design; pedagogical risks; psychological advantage.


Грецова А.П., Исайкина М.А., Недогреева Н.Г.

В настоящее время система образования переживает изменения на всех уровнях обучения в связи с необходимостью реконструировать образовательную среду с учетом возрастных особенностей и потребностей современных обучающихся. Педагоги осуществляют педагогическое проектирование на всех этапах педагогической деятельности, используя современные информационные технологии, разрабатывая свой собственный педагогический дизайн и учитывая негативные последствия активного использования компьютерных средств обучения.

Педагогический дизайн, являясь областью осуществления определенных педагогических действий, направлен на достижение желаемых педагогических результатов в учебной деятельности. Разработка педагогического дизайна влечет за собой педагогические риски, связанные

с необходимостью согласованности педагогических действий участников образовательного процесса, а также принятия педагогического решения в ситуации необходимости регулирования взаимоотношений с обучающимися.

Основными задачами являются использование эффективных методов и средств обучения для расширения когнитивных способностей обучающихся с целью обеспечения качества и эффективности обучения, а также обеспечения психологической комфортности в использовании информационных технологий для всех видов деятельности, в том числе и разработке и реализации педагогического дизайна.

Ключевые слова: информационные технологии в обучении; педагогический дизайн; педагогические риски; психологическая комфортность.

Nowadays under the conditions of the educational system modernization connected with the introduction of new educational standards at all levels of the learning process teachers face the necessity to plan and design the developing educational surroundings, to provide the active cognitive work, to create the educational process in accordance with individual age peculiarities of learners using all contemporary information technologies.

To raise the effect of the learning process and the development of learners' cognitive capabilities the teacher should think over the matters and plan his work thoroughly. So every teacher realizes pedagogical projection, works out his own work technology and pedagogical design.

In the article the authors suggest the theoretical understanding and the analysis of the material with the basis of three important and actual aspects of the contemporary education. Firstly, it's the wide use of the contemporary information technologies; secondly, the term «peda-gogical design», that has been often met lately; thirdly, negative consequences and their removing.

In the contemporary education the pedagogical design is considered as the sphere of concrete pedagogical activity directed to the wanted pedagogical results as well as the process of making decisions on the best teaching methods for reaching objectives of the knowledge and skills taking into account the learning course and the peculiarity of the audience.

In the view of A. Uvarov the pedagogical design is the systematic approach in the principles of effective learning usage during the planning, working out and evaluating of learning materials [1]. As for M. Mouseeva, she says that the pedagogical design is the purposeful process of creating of learning systems, conditions and means [2, ^ 42-43]. H. Tikhomirova considers the pedagogical design as the systematic approach to the creation of pedagogical process. Due to the pedagogical design it's possible to create the unified system of the learning objectives, materials and tools available for knowledge transmission. The pedagogical design deals with the substantial part of the education and pays little attention to technologies. At its heart there is the importance of the course content, style, subsequence and method of the presentation of material [3].

In their works the researchers of the pedagogical design problem M. Krasnyansky and I. Radchenko [4, c. 8] start with the term «design» that is the science itself and means the plan of actions made with

the definite aim. I. Kuznetsova [5, a 5] discusses the term «the pedagogical design» from different points of view as the sphere of science directed to reaching the pedagogical results; as the working out some theories on the basis of the pedagogical educational surroundings for providing the effect and the quality of education; as the reality put in the pedagogical situation; as the discipline in the framework of which the theory of educational strategies are learnt alongside with working out and realization of these strategies in the education. K. Krechet-nikov [6] defines the pedagogical design as the sphere of science and practice that are based on theoretical issues of psychology, pedagogics and ergonomics. The pedagogical design deals with the issues of fitting of learning material that should provide the more reasonable, effective and comfort educational process and it is based on the principles of scientific character, use of visual effects, simplicity, steadiness, and succession.

The analysis of the term «the pedagogical design» allows to make the following conclusions. First of all, the pedagogical design is the technology or the projecting and planning including the well-known and checked strategies as the method of reaching the complicated objective, the plan for a long period of time, the skill of planning and supervising in accordance with the right educational forecasts. In the second place «the pedagogical designer» (the teacher) elaborates the most effective methods and means of education, the increase of the volume and the quality of assimilated information while the learning process is becoming much more systematically planned. In the third, the main aim of the pedagogical design is the drawing up of the succession of learning material and arrangements to reach the educational objectives through the working out of the materials, the analysis of

the educational results, estimates and improvements. In the fourth place the contemporary educational means, digital and e-educational resources are used to provide the pedagogical design with the quality and the effectiveness of education.

The introduction of computer and information technologies to the educational practice, the objective need of the search of new cognitive means make the research of theoretical and applied aspects of the learning risk in pedagogics very actual. This learning risk is connected with pedagogical design in our opinion.

The term «risk» has the interdisciplinary character being the general scientific term going out of the framework of the single discipline. The concept of risk is used by different sciences while each of them specifies the peculiarities in the concrete sphere of knowledge. It should be noted the not many teachers of secondary and higher schools think over the problem of pedagogical risks connected with information technologies usage.

The concept «the pedagogical risk» is connected with the need of teachers' readiness to the risk in their innovative activity. It demands the information technologies usage being the specific form of the professional activity and the teacher's attitude to reality. I. Abramova thinks the pedagogical risk to be the necessary issue in the choice of means, methods and actions during setting and solving the pedagogical problem [7, c. 15]. The characteristics of risk are connected with some groups of components. The first component group defines the extent of teacher's responsibility in implementing his own pedagogical intention in relation to every learner or the whole group. The second component group characterizes the pedagogical risk as the teacher's activity in overcoming indefinite situations of making pedagogical de-

cisions; the third component group in connected with regulations of the relationships between the participants of the educational process; the fourth component group reflects the coordination of pedagogical actions made be the individuals.

The socio-pedagogical aspect of the risk is bound with the ideas of the individual socialization, the pedagogical activity optimization, creativity, innovations and coordination of teachers and learner

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