научная статья по теме Main directions of the Russian scientific historiographic research in military and political history of the USSR at the beginning of the twenty-first century Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Main directions of the Russian scientific historiographic research in military and political history of the USSR at the beginning of the twenty-first century»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9.3-9 UDC 930.2


Melisheva E.P.

Objective: statement of research results of the main scientific directions in military historiography of separate political and ideological aspects of the history of the USSR, presented to the world in the early twenty-first century. Methodology and materials research: Body of scientific publications, presented in the national information-analytical system, is exposed to subject-semantic analysis to identify key positions in the areas of scientific interest of modern military historiographers. Results: the scientific research results in the field of subject-semantic analysis of publications on the development of housing historiographical sources, covering various aspects of political education of military personnel in the USSR using the Scientific Electronic Library (http://elibrary.ru), are presented. Application scope of results: general and special historio-graphic researches in military history.

Keywords: historiography of the USSR, subject-semantic analysis, military personnel of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and Soviet Army, military historiography.


In modern conditions of development of information technologies and the ongoing information war, Russia is constantly faced with the attempts of outside influence on the cultural identity of the nation, which actually affects

the combat capability of the armed forces. It is necessary to oppose these attempts to patriotism and political education of military personnel. Hence, because the problem of increasing the defense of Russian Armed Forces is closely linked to the political education of personnel [1], these issues deserve attention of researchers, especially when they are presented in format of Topical historiography.

Development of the concept of organizational learning with regard to the political education of personnel, forming, so to speak, "corporate culture" of the Russian Army, naturally must be based on the experience of previous years, in particular, the experience of political education of personnel in the USSR in the first half of the XX century. Thus, redefining the historical heritage of the USSR, experience of political education of personnel become relevant and meaningful after decades of neglect and silence.

Main part

Domestic and foreign history shows that the development of many areas of science related to the activities of scientific schools. They are such a social phenomenon that allows us to solve complex problems of scientific activity on some direction in their unity and interdependence. In theory of science concept of "scientific school" has many meanings and has different connotations. Theory of science is the scientific school as one of the types of the scientific community, a special form of cooperative research activities. Scientific school is a special phenomenon, coupled with other social science associations and institutions of science, such as a scientific discipline, scientific direction, organization (institute, laboratory, sector, department), etc. Materially, it is an effective model of education, such as broadcasting, in addition to purely objective content, cultural norms and values (in this case, the scientific community) from the older generation to the younger [2]. Unlike scientific school where the key term is "scientific community" scientific direction can be developed by one scientist. Scientific direction is the backbone element of scientific activity that transforms the organization of science in various scale and influences dynamics of scientific potential.

The first large-scale mentions in the information scientific space about development of the scientific directions of military historiography, devoted to research of dynamics of an increment of knowledge of military-political and ideological aspects of work with personnel of the Army and Navy of the national information-analytical system, are dated 2006: 82 publications, including two dissertation researches. Up to this point there is a fragmentary presence of scientific activity (average 5.10 publications per year). In 2007 there is an increment of scientific knowledge: from 133 publications three are qualified scientific works, and two are monographic studies. In 2008 also there is the positive dynamics (180 publications, including one patent), but since 2009, the development becomes mixed. The results of subject-semantic analysis of publication activity in the chronological framework 2006-2013 are presented in fig. 1.

Fig. 1. The results of subject-semantic analysis of the military-historiographical publications on the researched topic in the chronological framework 2006-2013.

Blue area in the figure shows the kind of publication "memoir", their number in the figure denotes a purple marker, green area is the final number of publications for the period (yellow marker), and red marker indicates the number of monographic studies and dissertations available in the national information-analytical system on January 31, 2014.

Distribution of scientific interests of researchers in these chronological frameworks is shown in fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Distribution of research in military historiography on scientific publications, presented in national information-analytical system on January 31, 2014.

Purple (6%) are designated historiographic researches on the problems of strengthening the morale of the army, red (8%) - in the field of ideological and legal education of the military personnel, black (12%) - in the field of legal education of the army and navy, the methodological problems of the development of historiographic research in military historiography devoted 25% (blue), the patriotic education - 11% (orange). The greatest group of works is made by researches in historiography of political education of soldiers of the Soviet Army and Navy during the Soviet era.

Thus, we can assume that in 2014 the following research directions for the study subjects successfully built and developed:

- military historiography of ideological education, covering the entire historical period of the Army and Navy of the USSR [3,4];

- historiographic researches of military and ideological aspects of educational work in the Army of the USSR some key historical periods [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11].

The research results

Subject-semantic analysis of publications on the topic of political education of military personnel in the USSR using the Scientific Electronic Library

(http://elibrary.ru) allocated the next cluster of sources, which is conventionally stratified by the following domains:

- research methodology of historical research on the problems of military historiography [12, 1, 13, 14];

- historiographical study of the development process of construction and development of military-ideological paradigms in time [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11];

- analysis paradigms [3, 4, 12-14];

- formalization of accumulated knowledge in research monographs and dissertations [15, 3-9].

Called strata go well into the concept of ba, proposed by the Japanese philosopher Kitaro Nishida and adapted by I. Nonaka and N. Konno for the model of knowledge creation [16].

"Unwinding" above the spiral model of knowledge development, in essence equivalent to the use of Deming's P-D-C-A cycle identified and demonstrated on the basis of the analysis, indicates the presence of systemic approach to the research of political education of military personnel in the USSR in domestic historical science.


Thus, the history of the study of problems of political education of personnel of the Red Army continues to evolve today by the efforts of individual enthusiasts and researchers. This is a natural process of learning a number of progressive, but not all, aspects in such a complex area as the Soviet military construction, a large part of which was a party political work in the Army and Navy and the political education of the personnel is within it. It looks so natural that historiographic understanding of the problem takes place mainly in the research of historiography and historical sources relevant to the problems of party political work, undertaken by the power structures of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army in the chronological framework mentioned above.

Development of historiography of the topic is determined by immediate concrete historical situation. Historiography and historical sources, in which

it is reflected, are vast and varied. They became affiliation Soviet historiography, when it developed in single scientific space of the Soviet Union and in Russia's post-Soviet scientific space.

However, in this connection, it is sure to emphasize the fundamentally important fact: the scientific problem of political education of personnel of the Red Army was the subject of a separate complex historiographie research in domestic historical science.


1. Bobkova E.Yu. Cliodescripting analysis of reflection of historiographic sources on the problem of political education of the military personnel of Soviet Army in national information and analytical system. Modern Research of Social Problems. 2014. No. 1. http://journal-s.org/index.php/sisp/article/ view/120149. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12731/2218-7405-2014-1-9

2. Krivoruchenko V.K. Nauchnye shkoly [Scientific Schools]. Humanitarian Information Portal «Knowledge. Understanding. Ability». 2011. № 2 (March -April). http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2011/2/Krivoruchenko_Scholar_Schools

3. Azarova A.V. Patrioticheskoye vospitaniye sovetskikh voyennosluzhashchikh v 1918 - 1991 gg. (istoriograficheskoye issledovaniye). [Patriotic Education of the Soviet Military Men in 1918 - 1991 (Historiographic Research)]: Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Historical Sciences: Moscow, 2011. 583 p.

4. Yefremov V. Ya.

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