научная статья по теме МЕЖДУНАРОДНАЯ ЗАЩИТА ПРАВ ЧЕЛОВЕКА В КИБЕРПРОСТРАНСТВЕ Государство и право. Юридические науки



Салыкина А. М.


Настоящая статья посвящена проблематике реализации прав человека в киберпространстве. В данной статье рассматриваются основные международно-правовые акты в области прав человека и масштаб их применения в глобальной сети Интернет. Автор пытается доказать актуальность защиты прав человека онлайн, в частности права на свободу слова, интеллектуальную собственность и права на неприкосновенность частной жизни. В статье также рассматриваются проблемы относительно дискриминационных действий в киберпространстве против таких уязвимых групп, как женщины и дети.

В свете быстрого развития информационных технологий и распространения правонарушений в цифровом пространстве автор уделяет внимание выработке международных регулятивных инструментов. Раскрываются потенциальные вопросы создания международного трибунала по киберпространству, а также подчеркивается необходимость формирования юридически обязательного документа, регулирующего правоотношения в Интернете.

Публикуемая научная работа заняла первое место в конкурсе работ по международному праву среди студентов и аспирантов в рамках «Студенческого симпозиума 2015», проведенного факультетом международного права Дипломатической академии МИД России и кафедрой международного права юридического института российского университета дружбы народов (РУДН). В состав судей конкурса входил и главный редактор «Евразийского юридического журнала» д.ю.н. И. 3. Фархутдинов. Для участия в Симпозиуме было зарегистрировано более 200 участников из 9 государств и 24 городов. Тематика «Студенческого симпозиума 2015» была посвящена значению и роли международного права в дипломатии, международных отношениях и мировой экономике, а тема эссе - вызовам XXI века и международному праву. Как победитель в конкурсе студенческих работ, автор настоящей статьи была награждена дипломом на пленарном заседании XIII Международного конгресса «Блищенковские чтения», состоявшемся 11 апреля 2015 г.

Ключевые слова: права человека, киберпространство, интернет, международное право, вызовы, международная защита прав человека.

Salykina A. М.


Present article is devoted to the problematic issue of human rights existence in cyberspace. The author examines core international documents which guarantee protection of human rights and freedoms in the scope of their applicability in the digital environment. The article proves the importance of human rights protection not only offline but also online, in particular such rights as the right to freedom of expression, intellectual property rights and the right to privacy. The article also addresses issues regarding discriminatory practices in cyberspace against such vulnerable groups as women and children.

In light of the rapid development of information technology and the spread of crime in the digital space, the author pays attention to the development of international regulatory instruments. Potential questions of creation of an international tribunal on the cyberspace are disclosed, as well as the need to create a legally binding instrument to regulate legal relations on the Internet is stressed.

This scientific work won first place in the competition of works on international law among the undergraduate and graduate students under the "Student Symposium 2015", held by the International Law Faculty of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and the sub-faculty of International Law of the Law Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (PFUR). Among the judges of the competition was the editor-in-chief of the Eurasian Law Journal PH.D. I. Z. Farkhutdinov. More than 200 participants from 9 countries and 24 cities have registered to participate in the symposium. The topics of the "Student Symposium 2015" was devoted to the significance and role of international law in diplomacy, international relations and the world economy, and the subject of the essay is the challenges of the XXI century and international law.

As the winner of the students' works competition, the author of this article was awarded a diploma at the plenary session of the XIII International Congress "Blischenko readings", held on April 11, 2015.

Keywords: human rights, cyberspace, Internet, international law, challenges, international protection of human rights.

Салыкина А. М.

New technologies have always been challenging for the traditionally existed social rules and have also caused the adoption of new legal rules to deal with these changes. Information technologies are a very good example of such an effect. We live in a world today where extensive flows of information have become natural and indisputable features of modern life. Rapidly increasing number of online services, from social media to e-commerce and virtual collaboration, has come to define our day-to-day lives in ways that could not be imagined just a decade ago.

It is a well-known fact that knowledge and the ability to disseminate information can be a very powerful tool. Thus, it cannot be denied that communication technologies may determine social relations and shape society itself. Radio and TV have made

the point even more evident, and many governments have both exploited new media to manipulate public opinion and attempted to prevent private actors from doing the same.

Creation of the Internet had a revolutionary effect. Due to the appearance of information and computing technologies, it became possible to live and act in the alternative reality without actually being physically present. Virtual world is rapidly converting into the matrix of human life and simultaneously it offers an ideal platform for committing various kinds of human rights and freedoms violations.

The traditional concept of human rights as a discourse has got multiplicity of meanings and it has been rapidly evolving over the past sixty years to serve different needs and stand for altering val-

Евразийский юридический журнал

№ 7 (86) 2015

ues1. However, this evolution has never been enrolling as quickly as over the last decade. It is most certainly because of the global phenomenon named Internet why such a concept as human rights gained a whole new dimension and urge for a new, international consensus to be properly protected on the cyber-arena.

In order to speak competently of the existence of human rights online and the necessity of its protection, it is important to define the very concept of cyberspace. Cyberspace is considered to be a borderless virtual public space created by the means of digital technologies in which citizens, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, citizenship, political and religious orientation, gender or whatever ground communicate and interact. With the help of new technologies, cyberspace offers a digital environment where participants have the ability to affect and influence each other.

Cyberspace is frequently referred to a virtual space which may not be located spatially. Naturally this space is transparent and neutral but it can be defined, broadened, limited and censored by its users. Therefore communication via the World Web is often anonymous and yet used and shared with a worldwide public, which mostly remains personally unknown for the individual Internet user. This worldwide public counts today around 3 billion Internet users, so called netizens2. If cyberspace were a country, it would be the largest and most populated country in the world, but still without any government, legislative bodies, law enforcement, protection mechanisms, or rules for participation, not to mention anything that is similar to a special constitution for all netizens.

While cyberspace might describe a phenomenon of information being routed through various jurisdictions, it still does not constitute some new form of 'outer space' where no State could, as a matter of international law, exercise its jurisdiction3. On the contrary, it is more a question of technical feasibility of a State or an international organization to regulate conduct in the digital environment, and also an issue of the willingness of States to agree on more specific rules which specifically may regulate such behaviour. In other words, although communication in cyberspace is de jure subject to one or more States' jurisdiction, communication via the Net nevertheless, given its specific technical characteristics, does represent new challenges for the international law.

Human rights form the value basis of all normative and factual acts of human agency4. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) makes its starting point from the inherent dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all human beings. Just as regarding to the cyberspace, human rights are global, or according to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action of 1993, "universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated". Unlike code, which can be changed at will, human rights are a value basis for all governance, including Internet Governance and, more importantly, a legally binding reference system that is binding upon the States and other subjects of international law on the basis of ratification of the relevant human rights conventions and of customary law. In addition, the UDHR commits not only States, but every individual and every organ of society to secure the universal recognition and observance of human rights and freedoms.

1 Абашидзе А. Х., Конева А. Е. Договорные органы по правам человека. -М., 2015. - С. 12.

2 Internet Live Stats (elaboration of data by International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Population Division), Available at: http://www.internetlivestats.com (accessed 7 November, 2014).

3 Zekoll J. Jurisdiction in cyberspace, Günther Handl, Peer Zumbansen, Beyond territoriality - transnational legal authority in an age of globalization, 2012, pp. 341-369.

4 Карташкин В. А. Пр

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