научная статья по теме Process of forming future teacher ability to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity by means of teaching situations Биология

Текст научной статьи на тему «Process of forming future teacher ability to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity by means of teaching situations»

DOI: 10.12731/wsd-2014-9-10 UDC 378.121


Sinenko T.N.

In the article the process of forming future teacher ability to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity is described. Stages of the process of forming future teacher ability to the interpersonal interaction in the pedagogical activity are given.

The results of diagnostics offormed future teachers' ability to interpersonal interaction are given. The results have been achieved by means of various teaching situations (i.e. teaching situation «initiation»; teaching situation «integration»; teaching situation «self-actualization»).

Hypothetical assumption that future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity can be formed by means of teaching situations has been proved.

This article is of great interest for specialists working in sphere of education (teachers, postgraduate students, students of pedagogical institutions, etc).

Keywords: ability of future teacher to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity; stages; teaching situation;

teaching situation «initiation»; teaching situation «integration»; teaching situation «self-realization»; motivational stage; activity stage; self-actualization stage.


Синенко Т.Н.

Статья посвящена описанию процесса формирования способности будущего педагога к межличностному взаимодействию в профессиональной деятельности. Описаны этапы процесса процесса формирования способности будущего педагога к межличностному взаимодействию.

Приведены результаты диагностики уровня сформиро-ванности способности будущего педагога к межличностному взаимодействию. Данные были получены в процессе применения разнообразных учебных ситуаций (учебной ситуации «инициация», учебной ситуации «интеграция» и учебной ситуации «самореализация»).

Подтверждено гипотетическое положение о том, что способность будущего педагога к межличностному взаимодействию в профессиональной деятельности может быть сформирована посредством специально созданных учебных ситуаций.

Статья предназначена специалистам сферы образования (педагогам, аспирантам, студентам педагогических вузов).

Ключевые слова: способность будущего педагога к межличностному взаимодействию в профессиональной деятельности; этапы; учебная ситуация; учебная ситуация «инициация»; учебная ситуация «интеграция»; учебная ситуация «самореализация»; мотивационный этап; деятельностный этап; этап самоактуализации.


Today one of the main tasks of higher pedagogical education in the Russian Federation is a competitive future teachers training for labor market. The personal competence of a teacher and involving abilities are considered to be of great importance. One of the teacher's basic abilities considered to be ability to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity. It is very important to work out system of teaching situations for forming future teacher ability to the interpersonal interaction in professional activity.

Aim: To give scientifically based proof of teaching situations influence on forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity. To approve system of teaching situations for forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity by means of experiment.

Tasks: 1. To reveal main features and functions of teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity.

2. To specify teaching situation potential as a medium of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity.

3. To work out model of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity by means of teaching situations.

4. To reveal conditions necessary for effective realization teaching situations system for forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity.


Scientific research on forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity had been held in 2007-2014. In 2007-2010 works on philosophy, psychology and pedagogy devoted to various aspects of interpersonal interaction in education were studied [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20]. In 2010-2013 main features and functions of future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity were revealed [9,10], teaching situation potential was specified [7, 8, 17]. The model of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity was worked out [11]. In 2010 we started experimental work on forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity by means of teaching situations. In this experiment students of Volgograd State Social Pedagogic University and Moscow Institute of Economy and Humanities (Volgograd branch) took part. There were 92 students in experimental group and 36 students in control group. In 2012-2013 academic year the experiment was completed. The results of this long-term experiment (2010-2011, 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years) are given below.

Initially level of the students' ability to interpersonal interaction had been checked before experimental work. The process of forming

future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction included 3 stages: motivational stage, activity stage and self-realization stage.

The motivational stage. Teaching situation «initiation» was used on the motivational stage of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity. Students were offered to read the texts on their future profession. Future teachers were to find metaphors, think over the sense of the text, answer the questions and discuss various points of view on childhood, careful attention to children, importance of empathy, role of teacher, adults in life of children. Teaching situation «initiation» was aimed to develop empathy equally with self-control, organizational skills, reflection, which are markers of future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction being investigated.

On the activity stage of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity we used teaching situation «integration» to develop self-control and organizational skills equally with empathy and reflection. Students were to read the text about their future profession and working together in groups of 3-4 do lexical exercises and discuss listed below questions (examples given for future teachers of Arts):

1) Is it necessary for children to study art at school?

2) How can parents encourage their children to take up art?

3) Should parents take their children to art galleries, theatres?

4) Have you ever gone to an Arts Educational School?

5) What subject did you like most of all there? Why?

6) What is the sequence of development of drawing a human being?

7) Do you remember your first picture? What would you like to become?

8) Who is your favorite designer (artist)? etc.

After discussing the questions, the students were to choose theme of the project on future profession and prepare it in small groups of 3-4 persons. Working together in small groups students learnt to work in group, they enriched their knowledge about self-control and organizational skills, got opportunity to play roles of «teacher», «student», «administrator», etc. They were involved into interpersonal interaction of different vector directions.

On the self-actualization stage of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity we used teaching situation «self-realization». It was aimed to develop reflection (equally with empathy, self-control, organizational skills). Every student was to choose one of the listed themes (given themes are for future teachers of Arts) and prepare his/her own presentation.

1) My favourite artist/ designer / sculptor.

2) Are all children talented?

3) My favourite teacher of arts.

4) Great artists of the Renaissance (Baroque, Romantism, Realism, Impressionism, Postimpressionism).

5) Moscow monuments.

6) London museums.

7) I wish I were a world-famous designer / artist / sculptor, etc.

Working out theme of his/her presentation student reflected his/ her own professional experience, points of view and wishes connected with his future profession and career. Student had an opportunity to

share his own experience with students of his/her group and to enrich his/her knowledge reflecting their own experience too while other students were showing their presentations.

On every stage of the process of forming future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity the diagnostics of its markers was held. Every marker of the future teacher ability (empathy, self-control, organizational skills and reflection) had been measured in both control and experimental groups.

Measuring level of empathy we used I.M. Jusupov's «Empathy level diagnostics». Level of self-control was evaluated with «Can you control yourself?» inventory. Level of organizational skills was determined with «Communicative and organizational skills-2» (COS-2) inventory. Level of refection was evaluated with Karpov's inventory. Results of the diagnostics are given in the table 1.

Table 1

Diagnostics of markers of future teacher ability to interpersonal interaction in professional activity

Marker Group 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage

Control group (2010-2011 ac.year) 5,8 5,4 4,6

Experimental group (2010-2011 ac.year) 5,9 5,6 5,6

-g C3 Control group (2011-2012 ac.year) 10 7,9 9,6

a a Experimental group (2011-2012 ac.year) 8,2 7,7 8

w Control group (2012-2013 ac.year) 4,8 5 4,7

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