научная статья по теме Россия и турция: от войн до Союза Государство и право. Юридические науки

Текст научной статьи на тему «Россия и турция: от войн до Союза»

История вопроса

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Shahidov A.Sh.


This article is discusses of brief history of the mutual relations between Russia and Turkey. Russia and Turkey have been competitors during some centuries. This rivalry was resulting in long wars in some cases. Ambitions of these states were growing on the ideology of national hegemony. But ideas and stereotypes in the past change its place with rational schemes and pragmatic moves, arisen in the period of political realism, in the result the level of mutual relations rises and it changes tactical unity into the strategically partnership.

Key words: Russia and Turkey relations, foreign policy, strategically interests.

Шахидов А.Ш.

россия и турция: от войн до СОЮЗА

В статье излагается краткая история взаимоотношений между Россией и Турцией. Россия и Турция были конкурентами

в течение нескольких столетий. Эта конкуренция в некоторых случаях заканчивалась длинными войнами. Амбиции этих государств росли на идеологии национальной гегемонии. Но стереотипы остались в прошлом, и в результате политических изменений эти государства стали стратегическими партнерами.

Ключевые слова: взаимоотношение между Россией и Турцией, внешняя политика, стратегические интересы.

Шахидов А.Ш.

History of the mutual relations between Russia and Turkey is very long and complicated. This history includes wars, mutual withdrawals and hot relations. Being Moslem and Christian country these two forces appoint the contours of their foreign policy basing on the regional strategically interests rather than religious ones. That's why the interests of these two states both intersect and join in some points. History of the relations between Turkey and Russia leans against the ancient times. Christianity was lying from Byzantium up to the ancient Russian lands. In order to get the exit to sea at times wars had happened between Russia and Turkey. The first Russian migrant wave has begun to settle in Turkey within some years. These peculiarities connect these two countries closely.

Study Turkish in Russia was necessity arising from political requirement

In reality Turkish languages were known in Russia long ago. Some Turkish words have entered the Russian language before Tatar periods in our history (for example, let us remember Turkish elements in the lexicon of "Epos of Igor's regiment").

It's possible to find number of information about peaceful and hostility relations between the Russians and Turks in the Russian written sources. In the XI century in Russia occurred Turkish speaking kins. Primary reliable sources about the Turkish settlement in the Russian lands belong to the 10801097th years.

As a result of the Russians' centuries-old and direct intercourses with the Turks the Russians have acquainted with languages, habits, morals and cultures of Turkish people in detail. Afterwards teaching of the Turkish language was begun in Moscow. In the XVII century in Moscow in Posol region Tatar and Turkish translators carried out activities. Holding of the first state ceremonies on preparing of turkologist specialists is connected namely with Peter I.

Turkey-Russia wars were a demonstration of the strongest state in the region in reality

Russia has always considered Turkey a competitor and she has pursued politics of weakening the competitor as soon as possible, occupying more lands and increasing influence in the region. So Azov

Евразиискии юридическим


№ 7 (14) 2009

marches of the 1695-1696th years are considered to be tsar Peter's first steps in foreign policy. It was a new direction of the fight with The Ottoman Empire and it became a foundation of tense struggles.

In summer, 1695 Russian troops move forward to the Azov surroundings under guidance of Golovin, Lefort and Gordon. But they failed to capture Turkish lands. Next year Azov is surrounded by russian troops and on July 18, 1696 the garrison of fortress surrenders. In 1697 russia, austria and Venice create a unity against The Ottoman Empire.

rivalry and strength were demonstrated not only by russia, but by The Ottoman Empire also. In turn the Turks did not conceal their plans to occupy more lands, to get the exit to sea and to create hegemonic state in the region. In 1735 next russia-Turkey war begins with the purpose to get the exit to the Black Sea. The main cause of the war was crimean-tatar troops' of 20 thousands men breaking russian borders in the Transcaucasus. Military operations between russia and The Ottoman Empire began in autumn, 1735 and troop of 40 thousands men moved forward to Perecope. This war came to an end with signing of Belgrade peace treaty in September, 1739. But russia could not get the exit to the Black sea after this bloody four-year war.

russia-Turkey war of the 1768-1774th years was remembered with number of losses. As russia refused taking out her troops from Poland, The Ottoman empire declared war against her. On the 10th of July, 1774 peace treaty was signed with The Ottoman empire in the village of Kichik-Kaynarjan. According to this treaty, the Crimean, Cuban and boudgak Tatars went out from Turkish subordination, kerch and Yenikale in the Crimea, kinburn in the shore of the Black Sea went to russian subordination. russia achieved success to strengthen Azov. Turkey allowed the russian ship to pass strait without any obstacles and paid dues of 4.5 million roubles. russia patronized Valakhiya and Moldavia.

Turkey did not want to agree with the lost of her lands. So intensive preparations of the new war were carried out. At last the new war was founded. The new russia-Turkey war began in 1787. Turkey founded military operations with the purpose to return the Crimea and other territories back. russia was taking part in this war like an ally with Austria. Peace treaty was signed in yassakh in 1791. according to this treaty russia moved off along the shores of the Black Sea from southern Bug up to Dniester.

russia-Turkey war began again in 1806. Turkey made a start to the new military operations in order to own territories in Caucasus and in northern shores of the Black Sea again. Turkey got political and military support from Napoleon who was act-

ing like a mediator between these sides. Napoleon helped Turkey in fighting against russia. according to the treaty signed in Bucharest in 1812 borders were appointed from Prut up to the Danube, russia gained the right of keeping trade ship in the Danube, Serbia was given an autonomy.

In 1828 one-year russia-Turkey war began. Military operations started around the Danube in spring, 1828, russian troops of 95 thousand men had gathered here. at the end peace treaty was signed on the 14th of September, 1829. russia got islands in the Danube delta, shores of the Black Sea, castles of akhalchikh and akhalkalaky and 33 million golden rubles. according to the treaty russian and foreign merchants gained the right of moving in the Black Sea without any obstacles. Besides, independence of Greece, autonomy of Moldavia, Valakhiya and Serbia were declared in the very treaty.

The 1853-1856th years reminds the Crimean war. As Turkey failed to fight against russia decently, england and France were helping them. russia separated the Balkan Peninsula from Turkey. The cause of the war was a conflict arisen between Catholic and Orthodox churches on belonging of holy places in Palestine, especially Vifleem church. although, solution of this problem belonged to The sultan, Napoleon I and Nikolay I were looking for an excuse to influence Turkey. That's why they got into argument: the first was on the Catholic church side, the second was on the Orthodox church side. religious argument turned to the hard diplomatic conflict. Peace treaty was signed on the 30th of March, 1856 in Paris. according to the treaty occupied territories in the war time have been changed. russia lost the right of keeping her Military Fleet and offshore military-sea armory in the Black Sea, lands along the Danube and southern Bessarabia.

russia, gradually sacrificing her interests in the region, did not want to agree with a range of these failures. So it was high time to return back lost territories and to gain previous authority in the region. russia-Turkey war flamed again in 1877. In order to increase authority in the Balkans the war was started by russia. In 1875 Slavic provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina began to rebel against the Ottoman empire's influence. at last, on the 19th of February, 1878 peace treaty was signed in San-Stefano. according to this treaty Turkey recognized whole independence of Chernogoria, Serbia and romania. New state named knightage of Bulgaria arose. Bosnia and Herzegovina gained autonomy. Some territorial part of Bessarabia was returned back to russia. ardaghan, Batumi, kare, Bayazet in the Caucasus were taken under the russian control. Turkey paid indemnity of 310 million rubles.

LUaxugoB A.L.

The Russians' migration to Turkey was a join of two civilizations too

The result of civil war was 150,000 Russians' run via Bosporus: 27,000 women, more than 100,000 soldiers, 6 thousand ill and injured men were obliged to live like a migrant. The witness of these events, writer Ilya Surguchev described refugees' moving in 1920: "65 Russian hospital ship with yellow flags had stood on the shores of Constantinople, number of people in these ship were eating American cookies and red unboiled English potatoes. It was long ago that they were in need of simple water".

In the result of serious discipline, soldiers and officers living in tent and huts not only had kept the numbers of the military units, but they had turned the settlement they lived to the original military camp. Row trainings, company and battalion practices, parade and reviews were held here. The main objects of the discussions in officers' assembles were plans of establishing of theatres, founding of journals and organizing of exhibitions. Knight Dolgorukov was writi

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