научная статья по теме STATION GAME Языкознание

Текст научной статьи на тему «STATION GAME»

T: Мы хорошо провели время! Нам пора двигаться дальше. Мы отправляемся на другую планету. Мы прилетели на планету Have. Жители этой планеты рассказывают всем и всегда, что у них есть. Давайте мы расскажем им о наших близких и родных людях.

P1: I have a sister.

P2: I have father.

P3: I have grandfather.

P4: I have grandmother.

P • I have a brother.


P6: I have a friend.

P7: I have mother.

T: Ребята, вы рассказали, кто у вас есть, но я полагаю, что все согласятся со мной, самый дорогой нам человек - это мама. Время путешествия заканчивается, мы возвращаемся, а пока мы летим домой - на планету Земля, давайте споем песню для наших любимых мам.

Учащиеся исполняют песню My Dear, Dear Mummy.

My dear, dear Mummy,

I love you very much

I want you to be happy

Today and always.

Be happy, be happy today and always. (2 times)

III. Заключительная часть урока.

T: Сегодня на уроке мы побывали на разных планетах: английского алфавита, чисел, животных, глаголов. Вы играли, пели, соревновались. Обе команды показали хорошие результаты. I give you "fives".

Your home task is a project: сделать мини-книжку «Мое путешествие в космос».

The lesson is over. I am pleased with your work. Thank you. Good bye!


Сведения об авторе: Спиридонова Татьяна Ивановна, учитель английского языка МОУ «Таврическая гимназия», Омская область.

E-mail: tgimnaziya@mail.ru


Данная разработка может быть использована как заключительный урок по теме «Россия» и как внеклассное мероприятие.

Задания и тексты подобраны таким образом, чтобы они, с одной стороны, активизировали знания, полученные на уроках истории, географии и литературы, а с другой - показали учащимся, что английский язык служит не только средством общения, но и средством получения новой информации.

Для контроля понимания использованы разнообразные формы тестирования: multiple and open choice, filling gaps, true/ false и др.

Station 1: Geography


Put the names of the countries that share borders with Russia in the correct order, beginning in the North and going in counterclockwise direction (14 points). Mind the pronunciation (14 points).

a) Azerbaijan, b) Belarus, c) China, d) Estonia, e) Finland, f) Georgia, g) Japan, h) Kazakhstan, i) North Korea, j) Latvia, k) Lithuania, l) Mongolia, m) North Korea, n) Norway, o) Poland, p) Ukraine, q) USA.


Match the seas to the oceans (13 points). Mind the pronunciations (13 points).

a) The Sea of Azov, b) The Baltic Sea, c) The Barents Sea, d) The Black Sea, e) The Bering Sea, f) The Chukchi Sea, g) The East Siberian Sea, h) The Sea of Japan, i) The Laptev Sea, j) The Norwegian Sea,

Ключевые слова: социокультурная компетенция, язык как средство познания, межпредметные связи, внеклассное мероприятие, Россия.

k) The Kara Sea, 1) The Sea of Okhotsk, m) The White Sea. 1. The Atlantic ocean:

2. The Arctic ocean:

3. The Pacific ocean:


Match the names and the descriptions.

(5 points)

1. V. Bering, 2. S.I. Dezhnyov, 3. A.J. Kru-sernshtern, 4. N.M. Przhevalsky, 5. Yermak.

a) He was a naval officer who commanded the first Russian expedition to explore the Pacific Ocean and went around the Earth. After leaving Russia he rounded Cape Horn, crossed the Pacific and visited the Marquesas Islands. After that he stopped at Kamchatka and visited Sakhalin. Then he made his way through the Sunda Strait, circled Mongolia and the Cape of Good Hope and returned to Russia.

b) He was a Russian traveller who explored and collected plants and animals in Central Asia. In 1870, he set out from the region around Lake Baikal, travelled through India and Mongolia and crossed the Gobi Desert to reach China. He made some more journeys there. On his last trip he crossed the Gobi into Russian Turkistan and visited Issyk Kul, one of the largest mountain lakes in the world. He died on the shores of the lake, in a town that was later renamed in his honour. His natural history discoveries include the wild camel and the wild horse.

c) In 1720 Peter the Great planned an expedition to explore the geography of the Far East. After three years of travel and preparation, in the summer of 1728, this Danish officer in the Russian navy put to the sea from the east coast of Kamchatka. He sailed through the strait into the Chukchi Sea. He didn't see the Alaskan coast and wasn't sure that he had been in the Arctic Ocean.

d) In 1642, seven ships under this Cossack's command sailed east from the mouth of the Kolyma intending to go to the Anadyr basin, which was said to be rich in furs. Three of the ships reached the Cape, which later was renamed after him. One of the ships was wrecked there. Running south he got to the Cape Olyutorsky. After

that they made their way north overland to the Anadyr. Thus, he was the first European to sail through the Bering Strait.

e) In 1581-1582, this Cossack leader crossed the Urals and conquered the Tatar Khanate of Siberia, defeating its leader, Kuchum. In the summer of 1641, he reached the Pacific Ocean. After his eastern expedition, Russians used his route as a new passage round the Taymyr Peninsula for commercial purposes.


Fill in correct preposition if necessary. (10 points)

1. Russia covers ... almost twice as much territory as the United States or China.

2. Russia borders . Finland and Norway in the northwest.

3. ... the East, Russia has sea borders with Japan and the USA.

4. Russia displays a variety . landforms and environments.

5. With regard to geological structure and relief, Russia can be divided ... two main parts - western and eastern - roughly along the line of the Yenisey River.

6. The Russian Plain consists . a series of low, rolling uplands and broad river basins.

7. The northern half of the plain was formerly covered . glaciers.

8. The Central Siberian Plateau lies at heights of 1,000-2,300 feet (300-700 m) ... the Yenisey and Lena Rivers.

9. Russian climate is mainly continental, with cold winters and mild, warm summers depending . latitude.

10. The Russians speak ., a language belonging to the eastern branch of the Slavic language group.

Station 2: Culture

1. QUIZ:

True or False? (20 points)

1. Russia is the largest country in the world.

2. The first man to step on the Moon was Leonid Leonov.

3. Before Peter the Great, Russian people celebrated the New Year on the 1st of September.

4. A.S. Pushkin was born in 1799.

5. Little Red Riding Hood is a Russian folktale.

6. The great Russian artist Ilya Repin made paintings of marine battles.

7. The Tsar Cannon, located within the Kremlin, is the world's largest bombard by caliber.

8. The author of the patriotic opera A Life for the Tsar is Michael Glinka.

9. The oldest Russian university was founded in Moscow in 1655.

10. The XX Olympics were held in Moscow in 1980.

11. Ivan III was nicknamed Ivan the Terrible.

12. St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square was built to commemorate the Russian capture of the Tatar capital Kazan.

13. The Soviet Union fell in 1991.

14. The first president of Russia was Michael Gorbachev.

15. The first Russian space station was destroyed in 2003.

16. The Field of Mars in St. Petersburg was once called the Field of Amusement as it was used for festivals and fireworks.

17. One of the oldest Russian traditions is eating an apple pie during Maslenitsa.

18. In Russia it is considered bad luck to shake hands through a doorway.

19. Aleksandr Nickolayevich Ostrovsky is a great Russian poet.

20. The great Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was awarded the Noble Prize.

that the towns are museums in themselves. These man-made "stone records of the past" have been the sites of many of Russia's historical and heroic (2) ... .

Pereslavl, one of the most ancient towns of the "Golden Ring", was founded on the (3) ... river by Yuri Dolgoruky. Another town, Rostov Veliky (now Rostov Yaroslavsky), has stood on the shore of Lake Nero for (4) ... centures. In the minds of the Russians, Uglich is associated with (5) . tragedy Boris Godunov. The town of Yaroslavl on the Volga was founded on the spot known as the "Bear's Corner". The legend says that Prince Yaroslav once killed a bear here with (6) ... .

After Kiev fell to the Lithuanians, Suzdal became the religious center of (7) . Rus. Many of the oldest (8) . are located there. They are associated with the princes Boris and Gleb, with Alexandr Nevsky, Dmitry Pozharsky and tsars' wives who, when no longer in favour, were sent to Suzdal.

The pearl of the "Golden Ring" is Vladimir with its Assumption Cathedral, which is famous for (9) . made by Andrei Rublev.

(0) a Russian; b) Slavonic; c) Ukrainian; d) Soviet;

(1) a Kiev Rus; b) Russia; c) State of Muscovy d) the Russian Empire;

(2) a accidents; b) events; c) incidents; d) evidence;

(3) a Dnieper; b) Trubezh; c) Neva; d) Danube;

(4) a eleven; b) five; c) twenty; d) sixteen;

(5) a Lermontov's; b) Derzhavin's; c) Pushkin's; d) Turgenev's;

(6) a a gun; b) an axe; c) a revolver; d) a grenade;

(7) a medieval; b) prehistoric; c) modern; d) ancient;

(8) a fortresses; b) palaces; c) castles; d) monasteries;

(9) a sculptures; b) columns; c) icons; d) stained-glass



Choose the correct word. (9 points) The "Golden Ring" is the name of a tourist route popular with both Russian and foreign lovers of old (0) ... architecture. The route goes through the towns and villages in the north-eastern part of the former (1) . . The word "golden" means


Choose the correct answer. (12 points) 1. This icon portrays:

a) St. Nicolas;

b) St. George;

c) St. Peter.

2. Kizhi is:

a) a museum of modern sculptures;

b) a museum of wooden architecture;

c) a wooden fortress.

3. The "Bronze Horseman" monument is located in:

a) Senatskaya;

b) Petrovskaya;

c) Decembrists' square.

4. This picture was painted by:

a) V. V

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