научная статья по теме SUMMARY Народное образование. Педагогика

Текст научной статьи на тему «SUMMARY»

Одним из самых величественных сооружений Санкт-Петербурга был дворец Менши-кова на Васильевском острове.

За трехэтажным каменным дворцом с пристанью на Неве был огромный сад с фонтаном и оранжереями, где зрели апельсины. Если Меншикову надоедал каменный дворец, он садился в шлюпку и плыл по каналу внутри усадьбы до своего деревянного дворца, около которого стояла каменная церковь с высокой колокольней. Даже дом дворецкого Меншикова, его главного слуги, считали одним из самых лучших в городе.

Не верилось, что еще недавно по улицам Петербурга зимой бегали голодные волки и что они нападали на людей. В те времена иностранные жители по утрам рассказывали друг другу, что волки загрызли то двух караульных, то служанку самого Меншикова, то солдата, который шел в казарму.

Скоро появились дворцы вдоль Невы от Летнего сада в сторону Адмиралтейства, царь тоже приказал построить себе зимний дворец. До этого у него был только летний. (171 сл.) @По В о с к о б о й н и к о в у).

Дополнительные задания

1. Выпишите сложноподчиненные предложения с несколькими придаточными, укажите их вид и составьте схемы.

I вариант — из первого и третьего абзацев;

II вариант — из четвертого абзаца.

2. Сделайте морфемный и словообразовательный разбор выделенного слова из третьего абзаца:

I вариант— первого;

II вариант — второго.

(Окончание см. в следующем номере.)


Vinogradova E.M. Single State Exam 2011 in Russian in Moscow: Results and Directions for Optimization.

The article draws the results of the Single State Exam, describes the correlation of mistakes in different parts of the work observed by experts and defines weak points in senior pupils' readiness for the exam.

Key words: logic mistakes; syntactic analysis; orthoepic standards; morphologic standards; speech mistakes.

Novikova T.F. A Lesson of One Word: the Road from Meaning to Sense.

The article raises the issue of the necessity to make a transit from standard methods of language material to new forms of mastering the language as a sense bearing phenomenon within native language studies and describes on of such integration methodology: creation, presentation and defense of linguo-cultural projects "One word".

Key words: meaning; sense; dictionary work; conceptual analysis; linguo-cultural project.


Discuss and dispute...

Novikova L.I. The Voice of a Screaming in a Desert or the Issue of the Categorial Base of the C Part of the Single State Exam.

The author dwells on how to correct drawbacks in the criteria base of the Single State Exam.

Key words: Single State Exam; communicative mistakes; pupil's comment; differentiation; ethical mistake.


Grischenko A.I. The Specifics of Pedagogical Communication at Russian Lessons within Distance Training Process.

The article analyses new possibilities for realization of pedagogical communication functions within the distance training process and presents a distance lesson summary.

Key words: distance training; communication; lesson; i-class; e-class.

Eltsova V.S. The Poem by A.S. Pushkin "19 October" at the Lesson of Preparation for the Final State Assessment.

Gorpinko N.I. A Lesson on the Topic "Preparation for a Contracted Summary" (the 8th Grade).


Popova N.V, Sviridova A.V. Raisa Borisovna Ivakhnenko.


GrigorievA.V. On the Results of the Final Stage of the All-Russian School Olympics in Russian 2011.

The article summarizes the results of the All-Russian school Olympics in Russian 2011. The author analyses different types of tasks set for 9-, 10- and 11-grade pupils focusing on difficulties related to the fulfillment thereof.

Key words: linguistic intuition; argumentation; phonetics; pronouncing standards; graphics; word building analysis; terminology.


Nikultseva V.V. A Cry of Despair or an Indignant Protest? (the Poem by N.A. Nekrasov "In Memory of Asenkova").

N.A. Nekrasov's poem, where lyrical intonation is side by side with civil pathos, is composed in the genre of reminiscence. Lexical, phonetic and syntactical text peculiarities are analyzed and its structure is considered.

Key words: elegy motives; correlation; antithesis; melodics; phonics.

Vinogradova E.M. "This is a Purely Artistic Reflection of My Inner World": Use of Quotations in V.P. Kataev's Prose.

Employment of quotations as a means of building a literary text unveils the essence of V.P. Kataev's attitude to the literary word. "Borrowed" texts in his pieces serve as the means of connection of the artistic world with the national speech culture space, determine the style dominant of his texts, the composition principle and logic of a piece's plot.

Key words: quotations; precedent texts; culture concepts; plot-forming composition; style dominant.

Secrets of texts

Sokolova N.V. Imagery Fields in E.I. Zamyatin's Narrative "North".

The analysis of the lexical and grammar composition of E.I. Zamyatin's narrative "North" employs the notion of the imagery field. The article considers the variation and convertibility of the means representing the key imaginary parallels.

Key words: ornamental prose; theme tune; imagery field; lexical and semantic language means.


Rodionova I.G. Analytical Verb-Noun Link "Verb + Noun vid (sort)" in Modern Russian.

The article focuses on analytical links including a verb and the noun sort. Special attention is paid to verb component of the links which were grammaticalized and desemantized. Actually existing, emerging and vanishing relations between the object and the feature expressed by analytical links are distinguished.

Key words: analytism; link; nominal predicate; grammar meaning; material component.

Selyunina O. A. The Word However as the Mark of Link in a Text or a Sentence.

The article attempts to qualify the word however as a text clip. Special attention is paid to cases of the functioning of however in poly-predicate constructions as the text linking means.

Key words: modal word; conjunction; text clip; a construction with a secondary link.

Yakovleva I.V. Use of the Prepositions About and Of with the Verb To Speak and Its Synonyms in Modern Russian.

The article analyses the use of the prepositions about and of with the verb to speak and its synonyms in modern Russian basing on the understanding of grammar constructions as special linguistic units with their own semantics and which a native speaker uses as a whole.

Key words: quasi-synonymous constructions; semantic roles; verbs on speech and thinking activity.

Language and culture

Sadova T.S. Russian Folklore Dream Book: the Omens of Disaster.

The material of Russian folklore dream books of the 19th-20th centuries is the basis for the analysis of general lexical and structural peculiarities of the textual form of dream-telling - dream omens.

Key words: folklore dream book; folklore; dream-telling; small text; text structure; semantic field.


Pischalnikova V.A. Sergey Ignatievich Bernstein - the Man and the Scientist (Dedicated to the 120th Anniversary).

The article presents some aspects of S.I. Bernstein's social and scientific life devoted to recording of outstanding poets' voices, phonetics, speech culture including the language of the radio and well as library science, lexicography and history of linguistics.

Key words: history of linguistics; phonetics; the language of the radio; intonation; speech culture; library science.



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