Sustainable development of the food market under the condition of globalization: in case of Tajikistan

A.G. Bobokhonov,

аспирант, ассистент кафедры «Мировая Экономика», Таджикский государственный университет коммерции — Республики Таджикистан (734055, Республика Таджикистан, г. Душанбе, ул. Дехоти 1/2; e-mail: rais0102@mail.ru; e-mail: rais201@hotmail.com)

Аннотация. Развитие процесса глобализации имеет ускоряющее направление к интеграции и обмену коммерческой, промышленной, научно- технической информацией, которая изменяет характер и направление производства продуктов питания и потребления на продовольственном рынке. Основными целями и задачами устойчивого развития продовольственного рынка в условиях глобализации являются: обеспечение населения высококачественными продуктами и обеспечение продовольственной безопасности; формирование современной рыночной инфраструктуры в рамках принципов логистики и повышения конкурентоспособности продукции; создание прозрачных инструментов для стабилизации конъюнктуры рынка; оптимизация межрегионального товарооборота продовольственных продуктов; предупреждение и страхование рисков на основе прогнозирования стабильности рынка; повышение уровня жизни населения. В статье мы рассматриваем направления и динамические изменения процесса глобализации, и ее влияние на развитие устойчивости продовольственного рынка, а также на некоторые специфические характеристики инновационного процесса и технологического развития в пищевой промышленности, становления и развития продовольственного рынка Таджикистана в рамках региональной экономической интеграции и его нынешнее состояние в условиях глобализации.

Abstract. Development of globalization process has an accelerating direction to the integration and an exchange of the commercial, industrial, scientific-technological information which changes the character and direction of the food production and consumption in the food market. The main purpose and tasks of sustainable development of the food market under the condition of globalization is providing of population with high- quality products and ensure the food security; formation of the modern market infrastructure within principles of logistics and improving local product competitiveness; creating transparent instruments for stabilization of market conjuncture; optimization of inter-regional trade turnover of the food products; preemption and insurance risks, threats on the basis of prediction the market stability; and improving living standards of the population. In this research paper we consider direction and dynamic changes of the globalization process and its impact on the development and sustainability of the food market, as well as some specific characteristics of innovations process and technological development in the food industry, formation and development of the food market within the framework of regional economic integration and present condition of the food market of Tajikistan in the condition of globalization.

Ключевые слова: глобализация, продовольственный рынок, устойчивое развитие, продовольственная безопасность, экономическое развитие, технологическое и инновационное развитие, региональная интеграция продовольственного рынка, производство и потребления продуктов питания.

Keywords: globalization, food market, sustainable development, food security, economic development, technological and innovation development, regional integration of the food market, food production and consumption.


Globalization is a process in which the international socio-economic, political and environmental interactions required the solutions in local, national, regional and international levels. But, interconnected of these processes can formulate social-economic injustices in the global economy, in particular, to economy of Tajikistan, with a weak government structures and institutions, low level of socio-economic development. In this case, have to consider and develop the clearly further national policies and development strategies, also have to create a modern conditions for the development of internal and external markets and an equitable business environment. From a modern scientific point of view under the sustainable development during the globalization process, should be understand a globally controlled development of the entire international community on the basis of the technological progress and innovation development, in purpose preserve the environment, effective exploi-

tation of natural resources and human existence, for its continued further social- economic development. In process of globalization, the technological development and innovation process recognized as a key driver of economic growth in the food system and food market, such as evidently contributes to the economic efficiency, mainly through an implementation of the modern intensive method of production, increasing the quality of products and reduction in product costs, contemporary trade products and adaptation of the products to consumer criteria. Therefore, in case of Tajikistan the implications of innovations process and technology development in the food market have to be considered through a sustainability perspective.

Sustainable development and globalization:

The process of global integration of the economic relations promotes the aggregate flows of the global market with specific branches, the level of development and nature of the products trading on

Экономика и предпринимательство, № 4 (ч.2), 2014 г.


them. Thus, contribute to the development of the global economy, while maintaining economic-financial stability, economic growth, employment and a rising standard of living, it is necessary to develop the local markets for strengthening integration into the national and global markets. This circumstance is fully applicable to the sustainable development of the local food market in the modern condition of Tajikistan under the process of globalization, which are focused on the satisfaction of social needs with high quality products and provides a priority solution to ensure food security. The food market is impacted by powerful competitive forces under the globalization process, including low barriers to entry for small food producers and traders, the selling strength of large food manufacturers supplying to global markets and channels to consumers that 'narrow' at retail. Therefore, globalization is defined as a process rooted in the creation of a liberalized market of products, services and factors of productions in the world, creating a single global market and its infrastructure as a whole. Besides, globalization leads to accelerated unification of prices and quality of products in the food market and creates perfect competition in regional and global level. Creation of perfectly competitive environment in the regional food market allows into sustainable development of the food production and stability of food prices. Deepening globalization of the world market with active influence on the agricultural industry, scientific- technological progress and dissemination of these processes on the food market, strengthens the trend of regional integration of the markets.

But, however, undevelopment of economic integration, politic-economic isolation, protectionism of trade, tensions in regional trade and politic-economic relations and shadow market in the Tajikistan -Central Asia countries, directly impacted on the development of regional food market and its competitive environment, created the disconnection between activities of the regional agro-industrial complex and food processing companies, distorts the optimization of distribution and use of a country's resources and decreases rates of economic growth in region. Therefore, in order to relieve the current tensions in regional trade, as well to protect the commercial interests, develop the local markets and economic relations in the regional level through international mechanisms is extreme necessity the membership of Tajikistan (Central Asia countries) into the WTO and Economic Union of EurAsia-(Eurasian Costumes Union). The Central Asian Countries are all relatively small economies with rich of natural recourses. Therefore, they need to promote trade and closely integrate into the international trading system to achieve sustainable economic development on basis of regional cooperation within the framework of regional economic organizations.

During globalization process, the membership of Tajikistan and others Central Asia countries in the Eurasian Costumes Union and WTO is attractive in terms of participation in international production specialization, in transit projects for free movements of goods and as well development regional agro-industrial complex due to the region's prime

location between Russia, Caucasus, China and Iran, in purpose sustainable regional food market and food security as whole. In particular, reciprocal trade liberalization under the regional trade agreements, Eurasian Costumes Union and WTO can help Tajikistan and others Central Asian countries, to liberalize trade policy at relatively low costs, reduce the risks of protectionist measures by trading partners, stimulate investment projects and create new trade, provides guaranteed transit through the territory for free movement of goods and service, formation all types of markets especially -regional food market, also increase the region's share in the global trade, which have a positive impact on the economic development of the region as a whole improve social welfare.

In order to facilitate the advantageous process of international production specialization, the autonomous processes of globalization have to be promoted by market liberalization, per country, region and also worldwide through the WTO. It should also be noted that the positive effects underlying the concept of the WTO appear only when the national economy has an optimal level of prepared

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